点击率预估 特征工程
单纯靠OGD(online gradient-descent)+L1,并不能很好的产生稀疏模型,需要靠FOBOS and truncated gradient。参考文献: J. Duchi and Y. Singer. Efficient learning using forward-backward splitting. J. Duchi and Y. Singer. Efficient learning using forward-backward splitting.
Regularized Dual Averaging (RDA) 在准确率方面由于FOBOS。参考文献:[32] L. Xiao. Dual averaging method for regularized stochastic learning and online optimization. In NIPS, 2009. 但是在有的数据集上面gradient-descent方法会比RDA产生更好的准确率(accuracy)
Follow The (Prox- imally) Regularized Leader” algorithm, or FTRL-Proximal. Without regularization,不仅可以提供很好的稀疏性而且可以有较好的准确率
int main(args):
print helloword