Leon and Amy:
选择,choose, select, choice. 放弃,quit, abandon, give.
你必须要做出一个选择。You have to make a choice.
你刚刚做出了一个正确的选择。You just made the right choice. 刚刚,just. 正确,right.
你选择他还是我?Do you choose him or me?
放下武器。Drop your weapon. 武器,weapon. 这是电影里面经常出现的台词,警察对匪徒说的:Drop your weapon!
你已经被包围了,放弃抵抗吧。You have been surrounded, give up resistance. 包围,surrounded。 放弃,give up. 抵抗,resistance.
他们投降了。They surrendered. 投降,surrender.
这艘船在沉了,他们准备弃船了。The ship was sinking and they were ready to abandon the ship. 沉,sink. 弃船,abandon ship.
有时候我们总得放弃点什么。Sometimes we gotta give up something. 总得、要,gotta.
你不能拥有所有东西。You can't have everything.
舍小取大。输了一次战役,赢了一场战争。Lose the battle, win the war.
三思而后行。Think twice before your action. 两次,twice. 行动,action.