

Chapter 3 Forms

本章原书内容很多,我前后删除了不少。关于不同类型文章如何写作,作者举了很多例子,但仍然遵循Clarity、Humanity、Clear Thinking 等基本原则。

11.Nonfiction as literature

Motivation is at the heart of writing...The only important distinction is between good writing and bad writing. Good writing is good writing, whatever forms it takes and whatever we call it.


12.Writing about people(The interview)

Nothing animates writing as someone telling what he thinks or what he does -in his own words...As soon as a writer steps in, everyone else's experience becomes secondhand.


Take heart. You'll find the solution if you look for the human element.


If you find on page 5 of your notes a comment that perfectly amplifies a point on page 2 ---a point made earlier in the interview---you will do everyone a favor if you link the two thoughts, letting the second sentence follow and illustrate the first.


Don’t become the prisoner of your quotes---so lulled by how wonderful they sound that you don’t stop to analyze them. Never let anything go out into the world that you don’t understand.


13.Writing about places(The Travel Article)

He enjoyed his trip so much that he wants to tell us all about it---and “all” is what we don’t want to hear. We only want to hear some.


First, choose your words with unusual care. If a phrase comes to you easily, look at it with deep suspicion…Strive for fresh words and images.


Eliminate every such fact that is a known attribute: don’t tell us that the sea had waves and the sand was white. Find details that are significant…Make sure they do useful work.


But whatever place you write about, go there often enough to isolate the qualities that make it distinctive. Usually this will be some combination of the place and the people who inhabit it.


If travel is broadening, it should broaden more than just our knowledge of how a Gothic cathedral looks or how the French make wine. It should generate a whole constellation of ideas about how men and women work and play, raise their children, worship their gods, live and die.


Finally, however, what brings a place alive is human activity people doing the things that give a locale its character.


14.Writing About Yourself(The Memoir)

What we’re all looking for ---what we want to see pop out of your papers--- is individuality. We’re looking for whatever it is that makes you unique. Write about what you know and what you think.


Think narrow, then, when you try the form. Memoir isn’t the summary of  a life,; it’s a window into a life.


One secret of the art is detail. Any kind of detail will work---a sound or a smell or song title---as long as it played a shaping role in the portion of your life you have chosen to distill.


The best gift you have to offer when you write personal history is the gift of yourself. Give yourself permission to write about yourself, and have a good time doing it.


15. Science and Technology

Writing is thinking on paper. Anyone who thinks clearly can write clearly, about anything at all.


Describing how a process works is valuable for two reasons. It forces you to make sure you know how it works. Then it forces you to take the reader through the same sequence of ideas and deductions that made the process clear to you.


Imagine science writing as an upside-down pyramid. Start at the bottom with the one fact a reader must know before he can learn any more.


Another way to help your readers understand unfamiliar facts is to relate them to sights they are familiar with.


Another way of making science accessible is to write like a person and not like a scientist.


16.Business Writing(Writing in your job)

After I had read various good and bad examples, the principals began to hear the difference between their true selves and their educator selves…I recited my four articles of faith: clarity, simplicity, brevity and humanity.


Managers at every level are prisoners of the notion that a simple style reflects a simple mind. Actually a simple style is the result of hard work and hard thinking.


If you work for an institution , whatever your job, whatever your level, be yourself when you write. You will stand out as a real person among the robots.

如果你为一个机构工作,无论什么工作,什么级别,当你写作时一定要做自己。这样你才能在那些文字冰冷、毫无人情味儿就像机器 的人群中脱颖而出。


One new role for the sportswriter is to let us know what it feels like to actually perform a sport: to be a marathon runner or a soccer goalie, a skier or a golfer or a gymnast.


Those are the values to look for when you write about sport, people and places, time and transition.


18.Writing About the Arts(Critics and Columnists)

This is criticism at its best: stylish, allusive, disturbing.


Critics should be among the first to notify us when the truths we hold to be self-evident cease to be true.


What is crucial for you as the writer is to express your opinion firmly. Don’t cancel its strength with last minute evasions and escapes.


19. Humor

The writer must find some comic device----satire, parody, irony, lampoon, nonsense--- that he can use to disguise his serious point.


This heightening of some crazy truth--- to a level where it will  be seen as crazy--- is the essence of what serious humorists are trying to do.


Don’t make the same kind of joke two or three times--- readers will enjoy themselves more if you make it only once.


They aren’t writing about life that’s essentially ludicrous; they are writing about life that’s essentially serious, but their eye falls on areas where serious hopes are mocked by some ironic turn of fate.

(幽默并不是一个孤立 的存在,它是基于社会的迭代而不停地与时俱进,它是基于一种生活的真实。)那些伟大的幽默家并不是要描写那荒诞滑稽的生活,而是要描写那些真正严肃的东西,他们的目光着落于那些被命运玩弄、嘲笑、逆转但又无比严肃、认真的希望之所在。

Humorists operate on a deeper current than most people suspect. They must be willing to go against the grain, to say what the populace and the President may not want to hear.


To be continued...


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