于是起个大早,5点半后,坐上了学校安排的Coach(大巴),一路颠簸来到伦敦。更有意思的是下车前,负责的同学给每位都发了一张 ARREST CARD 逮捕卡,上面注明了如果你不幸被捕,你该如何运作,及你享有的权利!
In the event of an arrest…
n Do not resist
nTell a steward or fellow student your name, Students’ Union and the arresting officer’s shoulder number
At the police station…
n You have the right to demand that the police telephone the Duty Solicitor Scheme for you.
n Follow the advice of the Duty Solicitor and make a note of their name and telephone number.
n Ask the Duty Solicitor to telephone NUS on 07783 467167 with details of your name, Students’ Union and the Police Station at which you are being held.
Your rights if arrested…
n To receive free independent legal advice
n To know why you have been arrested
n To have someone told of your detention
n To speak to the custody officer
n To have your physical safety ensured and physical needs met
n To consult relevant published Codes of Practice governing police conduct
n You do not have to say anything to the police.BUTif you are later charged with a crime and you have not mentioned, when questioned, something that you later rely on in court, then this may be taken into account when deciding if you are guilty.
n If you areunder 17, “an appropriate adult”must be contacted and you cannot be interviewed unless s/he is present
In the event of arrest your coach stewards can be contacted on
Name: C…Tel No. 07877 xxxxxx