
01 前期回顾


1.The new meditators had increased neural connections between regions of the brain important for staying focused, ignoring distractions, and controlling impulses.

首先我们要分析一下,这句话的主要结构,The new meditators had increased neural connections, 然后,后面跟着的是由between引导的短语,核心成分是regions,这些regions有什么特点呢,important for staying focused, ignoring distractions, and controlling impulses。

2.Another study found that eight weeks of daily meditation practice led to increased self-awareness in everyday life, as well as increased gray matter in corresponding areas of the brain.

这句话的主要结构挺好找的,another study found..., 后面由that引导了宾语从句,这个从句的核心结构是meditation practice led to increased self-awareness as well as increased gray matter. 这里要注意 as well as相当于and ,是并列结构。


02.今天的故事— 锻炼身体,迎接自信的人生

Antonio, a fifty-four-year-old owner of two successful Italian restaurants, was in my class on doctor’s orders. He had high blood pressure and cholesterol, and his waist size crept up an inch every year. If he didn’t change his lifestyle, his doctor warned him, he was going to collapse of a heart attack over a plate of veal parmigiana.






Antonio had reluctantly gotten a treadmill for his home office, but it wasn’t seeing much use. Exercise seemed like a waste of time; it wasn’t fun and it wasn’t productive—not to mention the irritation of someone else telling him what he needed to do!




The idea that exercise could increase brain power and willpower intrigued Antonio, though. He was a competitive guy and did not want to slow down. He started to see exercise as a secret weapon, something that could keep him at the top of his game. It didn’t hurt that it would improve heart rate variability, which is a major predictor of mortality among people with cardiovascular disease. He turned his treadmill into a willpower generator by taping a “Willpower” label over the machine’s calorie tracker (since he didn’t really give a damn how many calories he burned—this was a guy who would throw an entire stick of butter in a pan without thinking twice). As he walked and burned more calories, the “Willpower” number ticked up and he felt stronger.






He started to use the treadmill each morning to fuel up with willpower for the day’s difficult meetings and long hours. Antonio’s willpower machine did improve his health—what his doctor wanted—but Antonio also got something  energized and in control throughout the day. He had assumed that exercise would take away from his energy and time, but found it gave him back far more than he spent.



他对于锻炼的偏见也烟消云散了,过去他曾经认为,锻炼会消耗他的能量和时间,现在,他完全改变了想法: 锻炼带给他的价值完全超出了当初付出的时间和精力。


03 语言点分析


cholesterol : 胆固醇(noun)

a substance that is found in the bodies of people and animals


* Did your doctor check your cholesterol?

creep up: 逐渐增长

If a rate or number creeps up to a higher level, it gradually reaches that level.


The inflation rate has been creeping up to 9.5 per cent.

collapse :崩塌,打塌(noun, verb)

to break apart and fall down suddenly

to fall down or become unconsciousbecause you are sick or exhausted

a situation or occurrence in whichsomething (such as a bridge, building, etc.) suddenly breaks apart and falls down

a situation or occurrence in whichsomeone suddenly falls down or becomesunconscious because of being sick or exhausted


* The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow.

* The chair he was sitting in collapsed.

* The structure is in danger of collapse.

* She was on the verge of collapse.

veal parmigiana:帕尔马干酪小牛肉

meat of a young cow made or covered with Parmesan cheese

reluctant :不情愿的,勉强的,(adjective)

feeling or showing doubt about doingsomething

not willing or eager to do something


* We were reluctant to get involved.

* He might agree but seems reluctant to admit it.

treadmill: 跑步机(noun)

* an exercise machine which has a large beltthat moves around while a person walks or runs on it 

* a boring or tiring activity, job, etc., in which you repeatedly do the same things


* the treadmill of exhausting familyschedules

* the treadmill of the morning commute to work


* to make (someone) impatient, angry, or annoyed

* : to make (part of your body) sore or painful


* It's his arrogance that really irritates me.

* The other passengers were irritated by the child's rudeness.


* the activity of making secret plans

* a secret plan


* a novel of intrigue and romance

* an administration characterized by intrigue and corruption

morality :道德,高尚行为(noun)

* beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior

* the degree to which something is rightand good

*  the moral goodness or badnessof something


* The group is calling for a return to traditional morality.

* The decision may be legally justified, but I question its morality.


of or relating to the heart and blood vessels


* to make the sound of a tick or a series of ticks

* to operate as a functioning mechanism

to mark with a written tick :


* I could hear the clock tick .

* His old heart is still ticking.

* Tick the box next to your choice.

注意:英语学习中时常出现的一个难点就是动词和各种介词的搭配,比如 put off, put down, put up, put in, put on . 我建议大家千万不要死记硬背中文意思,因为经常会造成不必要的麻烦,更明智的方式是,结合动词本身,比如put,再加上介词指代的时间或空间指向加以理解。举个例子: put down, put 本身就是放置,down 在空间纬度上是下方,所以,put down 的意思就是与“放下”有关的,至于具体含义还需要上下文去仔细推敲,put off,off指的是什么方位呢,还记得物理中的电路图吧,on代表通电状态,on代表断路,所以,put off 就是指,某个东西放在了某处导致了断路。

回到我们的文中,As he walked and burned more calories, the “Willpower” number ticked up and he felt stronger.  Tick up 这个短语现在请你分析一下是什么意思?

tick的意思我已经给出来了,你需要根据上下文首先判断选取哪一个意思,然后结合up的向上,你看出来了吗,这里tick up就是指 increase的意思。

04 长难句分析

1.If he didn’t change his lifestyle, his doctor warned him, he was going to collapse of a heart attack over a plate of veal parmigiana.




这句话的用词精妙之处体现在后半句,collapse of a heart attack over a plate of veal parmigiana. over一词充分体现出了介词的活用,当我们提到over脑海里会闪现什么画面呢,game over 吗?少年,再认真点,collapse一词已经体现出game over的意思了,over还有空间上的指向,在。。。上方。想想看,如果一个人终日盘旋在高热量奶酪牛肉上,会出现什么结果,所以很显然,over这个词比一般的表示“吃”的表达高明了很多。

2.Exercise seemed like a waste of time; it wasn’t fun and it wasn’t productive—not to mention the irritation of someone else telling him what he needed to do!


这句话的重点是三个否定。a waste of time 已经奠定了整个句子的基调是消极的,所以,分号后面的句子仍然表达的是消极的思想,not to mention 值得拿出来讲一讲,这个表达是比较特殊的,因为它只能用于表达消极的信息,而且是消极信息的一种递进。


3.He turned his treadmill into a willpower generator by taping a “Willpower” label over the machine’s calorie tracker (since he didn’t really give a damn how many calories he burned—this was a guy who would throw an entire stick of butter in a pan without thinking twice)

他把跑步机当成了一台意志力生产机器,方法为:做一个意志力衡量标签,覆盖原本跑步机上的卡路里计数器。(这样做是因为他根本不在乎自己燃烧了多少卡路里— 别忘了,这家伙可是能够不管三七二十一直接在餐盘里添加一整勺黄油的)

这句话其实核心结构非常明显,he turned.....into....., by 引导了一组动词短语。


since在这句话中表示因为,当然,你可能在其他地方也见过since, 表示从什么时候以来,这两种情况下since从句使用的时态会有所区别。

4.He had assumed that exercise would take away from his energy and time, but found it gave him back far more than he spent.



你看这句话里面的所有动词形式: had assumed, would take, found, gave, spent,这些都是某种形式的过去时态,found, gave,spent是非常典型的简单过去时,had assumed 是过去完成时,代表过去的过去,是发生在他锻炼之前的故事,would take表示过去将来,指在过去的某个时间设想将来发生的事情。

举个简单的例子,在昨天以前,我还以为我面前这只小狗会无家可归,但是昨天发现它居然是我家楼下的一位老阿姨家的。 I had assumed that the dog would have no place to go, but found it belonged to ....


05 故事与你何干







06 延伸阅读— 健身的秘密(来点科普知识)

Exercise turns out to be the closest thing to a wonder drug that self-control scientists have discovered. For starters, the willpower benefits of exercise are immediate. Fifteen minutes on a treadmill reduces cravings, as seen when researchers try to tempt dieters with chocolate and smokers with cigarettes. The long-term effects of exercise are even more impressive. It not only relieves ordinary, everyday stress, but it’s as powerful an antidepressant as Prozac. Working out also enhances the biology of self-control by increasing baseline heart rate variability and training the brain. When neuroscientists have peered inside the brains of new exercisers, they have seen increases in both gray matter—brain cells—and white matter, the insulation on brain cells that helps them communicate quickly and efficiently with each other. Physical exercise—like meditation—makes your brain bigger and faster, and the prefrontal cortex shows the largest training effect.


1.Exercise turns out to be the closest thing to a wonder drug that self-control scientists have discovered.

2.Fifteen minutes on a treadmill reduces cravings, as seen when researchers try to tempt dieters with chocolate and smokers with cigarettes.

3.When neuroscientists have peered inside the brains of new exercisers, they have seen increases in both gray matter—brain cells—and white matter, the insulation on brain cells that helps them communicate quickly and efficiently with each other.

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