

Passage 7(3.5min)
1 Among academics involved in the study of Northern Renaissance prints (reproducible graphic artworks), an orthodox position can be said to have emerged. 2 This position regards Renaissance prints as passive representations of their time—documents that reliably record contemporary events, opinions, and beliefs—and therefore as an important means of accessing the popular contemporary consciousness. 3 In contrast, pioneering studies such as those by Scribner and Moxey take a strikingly different approach, according to which Northern Renaissance prints were purposeful, active, and important shaping forces in the communities that produced them. Scribner, for example, contends that religious and political prints of the German Reformation (ca.1517–1555) functioned as popular propaganda: tools in a vigorous campaign aimed at altering people’s behavior, attitudes, and beliefs.

  • 三秒版本
    • 1、2正统观点:印刷品起到了忠诚的记录作用(客观)
    • 换对象:3、4新观点:洗脑(主观)
  • 观点句关键词
    describe/portray/depict/regard/concern/take/see/view A as B
  • 句间关系取反标志——换对象
    • 小明是好人,小红是坏人。
    • 结论:对象不同,属性不同。时间不同,状态不同。
    • 例外:若明确指出对象间关系如用also等词语,则已明确表示为准。
    • 标志:contrast/contrary/on the other hand/conversely
  • 单词题:
    • 字典可查
    • 熟词僻义
    • 上下文:改成填空、找搭配

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  1. The passage suggests that an adherent to the “orthodox position” would agree with which of the following statements?
    A. Northern Renaissance prints should be regarded as passive representations of their time.
    B. Northern Renaissance prints were part of a campaign aimed at altering contemporary thinking.
    C. Northern Renaissance prints provide reliable records of contemporary events, opinions, and beliefs.

  2. Replacement of the word “passive” which of the following words results in the least change in meaning for the passage?
    A. disinterested
    B. submissive
    C. flaccid
    D. supine
    E. unreceptive


Passage 6(3.5min)
Many cultural anthropologists have come to reject the scientific framework of empiricism that dominated the field until the 1970s and now regard all scientific knowledge as socially constructed. They argue that information about cultures during the empiricist era typically came from anthropologists who brought with them a prepackaged set of conscious and unconscious biases. Cultural anthropology, according to the post-1970s critique, is unavoidably subjective, and the anthropologist should be explicit in acknowledging that fact. Anthropology should stop striving to build a better database about cultural behavior and should turn to developing a more humanistic interpretation of cultures. The new framework holds that it may be more enlightening to investigate the biases of earlier texts than to continue with empirical methodologies.

  • 三秒版本:人类学是主观的
  1. The author implies which of the following about most cultural anthropologists working prior to the 1970s?
    A. They argued that scientific knowledge was socially constructed.
    B. They were explicit in acknowledging the biases inherent in scientific investigation.
    C. They regarded scientific knowledge as consisting of empirical truths.
    D. They shared the same conscious and unconscious biases.
    E. They acknowledged the need for a new scientific framework.

  2. According to the passage, “many cultural anthropologists” today would agree that anthropologists should
    A. build a better, less subjective database about cultural behavior
    B. strive to improve the empirical methodologies used until the 1970s
    C. reject the notion that scientific knowledge is socially constructed
    D. turn to examining older anthropological texts for unacknowledged biases
    E. integrate humanistic interpretations with empirical methodologies


Passage 8(3.5min)
1 Feminist scholars have tended to regard women in the nineteenth-century United States who elected to remain single as champions of women’s autonomy and as critics of marriage as an oppressive institution. 2 Indeed, many nineteenth-century American women who participated in reform movements or who distinguished themselves as writers and professionals were single. 3 Yet this view of single women tends to distort the meaning of their choices. 4 The nineteenth century saw the elevation of marriage for love as a spiritual ideal. 5 Consequently, it became socially acceptable for women not to marry if such an ideal marriage could not be realized with an available suitor. Thus, many women’s choice to remain single reflected not a negative view of marriage but a highly idealistic one.

  • 三秒版本
    • 1、2为了独立而单身
    • yet 3批判上面的观点
    • 4新观点:为了真爱而结婚
    • 5、6之所以单身是因为没有真爱,而不是为了独立
    • 全文3s:女性单身不是为了独立,而是为了真爱。
  1. The author of the passage implies that many nineteenth-century American women chose to remain single because they
    A. believed that marriage required them to give up much of their autonomy
    B. had attitudes toward marriage that were influenced by contemporary reform movements
    C. wanted to take advantage of increasing opportunities to distinguish themselves as professionals
    D. doubted that their own marriage would live up to their notion of what a marriage ought to be
    E. had a negative view of marriage fostered by a change in social attitudes during the nineteenth century
    For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  2. The author of the passage suggests that the feminist scholars mentioned in the first sentence distort the meaning of certain nineteenth-century American women’s choices by
    A. ascribing those choices to a particular attitude toward marriage
    B. ignoring evidence about single women’s motives for becoming writers or professionals
    C. overestimating the number of nineteenth-century American women who were single by choice.



  • disinterested 公正的
  • flaccid 松弛的
  • empiricism 实证主义
  • anthropologist 人类学家
  • criticize A as B 因为B而忽略A
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