The Meaning of Design 设计的含义

What  is Design ? 什么是设计

Every company, every team, has their own understanding of what design is and what the role of designs should be. 


Within the user experience field, there are so many specializations within design roles —interaction designer, visual designer, information architect, motion designer, prototype—and these roles can have overlaps with other domains such as marketing, architecture, industrial design, or even sound design.


To add to the confusion, no matter what the mix of roles on a team, UX as a discipline itself can be at varying levels of maturity within organizations.


Some teams might be playing more of a service role and fighting for a seat at the strategy table. On the other hand, some companies might haveChief Design Officers and deeply embedded design team the contribute at the highest levels of business and product strategy.


The understanding of what design is, can really vary across companies, organizations, and teams.


The Evolution of Design 设计的演变

In spite of the varying interpretation of design roles,  we have universally seen a gradual maturing of the UX field over the years. At  the industry level, the understanding of design and what designers do has evolved.


Design is no longer seen as just crafting UI elements or even product experiences. There is a broader understanding in the industry that design can influence the experience a user has with all of a company’s touchpoint .Ultimately, all these touchpoint and product experience culminate  in the overarching perception of a company’s brand—and design impacts all of this.


The focus has shifted. We’ve gone from the idea that designers simply create usable components and product designs, to the understanding that their work impact the perception of entire brand and customer experience.


Let’s Talk About Feelings 让我们谈谈感受

As  we consider this broader impact of design on a company’s brand, it becomes important to see design as not just about usability, but also  about feelings. People don’t just want products that work — they want to feel happy while using them.


Delivering delight and pleasure to our customers is critical for user engagement. However, what we are seeing increasing is that customer want more. We are learning that delight alone isn’t enough.


 Increasingly, people are finding gratification and a sense of purpose through creating connections, memories, and experiences. People are looking deeper for a sense of identity that can’t be derived 获得 得到only from material product purchases.

人们越来越多的通过创建联系、记忆和体验来找到满足感和目标感。 人们正在寻找不能仅从购买物质产品来获得的更深层次的认同感。

What is meaning? Meaning is what gives us a sense of importance or worth. It’s very specific to each of us and it helps us interpret  the world and decide how to act. Meaning is what helps us assess and determine what we value, believe, and desire.

意义是什么?意义是一种给予我们重要性和价值感的东西。它对我们每个人都是特独特的  它帮助我们理解世界并决定如何行动。意义帮助我们评估和确定和我们的价值、信念和愿望。

Designing for Meaning 为意义而设计

Design is a way for us to deliver deep meaning to our customers through the experience we craft. Design needs to not only deliver pleasure and delight, but must deliver the deep meaning that we know people are seeking.


The bookMaking Meaning is a great reference that contains powerful insights on driving brand and product innovation. It aims to get to the core of how to deliver meaningful experiences. It captures the 15 types of meaningful  experiences that people most value and is based on extensive research around human needs.

《建构意义》 是一本很好的参考书,它在品牌驱动力和产品创新方面包含强大的洞见。它目的是了解 如何传递体验的意义的核心。 它体现了15种人们最认为最有价值的有意义的体验,并基于人们的需要进行广泛的研究。

Here are few examples of how the work my teams have delivered in the past has translated to the concept of designing for meaning.


Example1: Remote Collaboration 远程协作

While working on a past remote collaboration design initiative, our team’s focus was to deeply understand how people work, and how  they communicate and collaborate with each other remotely. Through our ethnographic research, we found what was really driving people was the desire to do well at work.

 当从事过去的远程协作设计计划的时候  我们团队的重点是深入了解人们是如何工作和如何进行远程的协作和沟通 的。通过我们人种学研究发现真正驱动人们的是在工作中表现出色的愿望。

People wanted to appear valuable, they had a deep need to build strong relationships and rapport with others, and they were seeking to create things together . The deeper meaning that our customers were seeking was that ofAccomplishment, Creation, and Community.

人们希望显得有价值,他们非常需要和其他人建立牢固和融洽的关系,并且他们正在寻找一起创造事物。 我们的客户寻找的更深层次的意义是成就、创造和共享

Example2: Gaming & Entertainment 游戏和娱乐

On another past project, our team was seeking to understand the deep meaning that people seek when they immerse themselves in gaming and entertainment contexts.


People lean on this type of entertainment to escape from reality and it was our job as gaming and entertainment designers to deliver fun, joy, and enjoyment to our users. The deeper meaning our customers were seeking was a sense of Freedom and Wonder—and a community through which they could experience this with others.

人们依赖这种类型的娱乐来逃离现实生活并且我们游戏和娱乐设计师的工作就是向用户传递的乐趣、欢乐和享受。我们的客户正在寻找的深层次的含义是一种自由和惊奇的感觉—— 以及一个他们能和其他人一起体验这些的社区

Meaning is important to Business  意义对商业是很重要的

Everything that we design needs to embody the core meaning that users are seeking. Delivering meaning cannot be an afterthought事后考虑. The desire to do so needs to be deeply embedded使嵌入in a company’s culture, its mission使命,  its strategy战略, and the core values of its employees.员工的核心价值观

我们设计的一切都需要体现用户所寻求的核心意义。传递意义不能是事后的想法。 这样做的愿望要深深嵌入到公司的文化、使命、战略和员工的核心价值观

Meaning needs to be part of the core intent of an organization.


Designing  for meaning is not only beneficial for the user, but is also key for business success.Delivering experiences that get to the core of what customers really value means that they will identify more deeply with the brand and form a stronger bond with the company.Brand loyalty  and advocacy will be higher and customers will have deeper engagement with products. This will in turn lead to higher use and retention. Rather than brief, transactional interactions  with a product or brand, the interactions will be deeper and longer lasting.


Meaning is the guiding and driving force within each of us. It’s what helps us value ourselves, and the products and companies we interact with. Delivering meaning through experiences creates a deep bond with users. It elevates design to a higher  level of maturity and strategic  presence . And it helps deliver positive business outcomes.


Without  meaning, we are missing the heart of what user are looking for.

没有意义 我们会错过用户寻求的核心

No matter what industry we are in —whether we create products or services, whether we have an enterprise or consumer focus, and no matter what our role is —we have an opportunity to drive successful business results in a way that also impacts people’s lives.


Every touchpoint with the customer becomes an opportunity to bring more meaning to the lives of users. Regardless of whether you are a designer, product manager, marketer, or developer —I  hope that you will allow your craft and your decisions to be guided by the goal of delivering meaning to others.

与客户的每一次接触都会成为为用户的生活带来更多意义的机会。不管你是一名设计师、产品经理、营销人员还是开发人员—— 希望你的技能和决策以向他人传递意义为目标导向。

转载自  Author’s  Reena Merchant  -  Medium APP  原文有部分删减


interaction designer, visual designer, information architect,信息架构师 motion designer, prototype    交互设计师、视觉设计师、信息架构师、动效设计师、原型师

maturity 成熟度    usability可用性     Delivering传递 提供      engagement用户参与度

Accomplishment成就      Creation创造    Community社区 共享.

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