Day 8, Page 82-93


1. ...I wasn't going to wrestle kids like Benny Wells, who can bench-press 250 pounds.


造句:Though he is younger than me, he can bench-press 100 pounds. 

2. ...because he pinned me every which way you could imagine.


in wrestling, it means to hold an opponent's shoulder to the mat

造句:The dog was pinned firmly to the ground by the naughty kid.

3. Now kids are wrestling in the hallways. in the classrooms, you name it. 

you name it: everything you can think of

造句:I like tennis, basketball, baseball, you name it.

4. So today, I stuffed my clothes with a bunch of socks and shirts to get myself into the next weight class.

stuff: to fill something by pushing things into it

a bunch of  熟词重现

造句:My brother broke my doll so I had to stuffed it again.

5. At first I thought I should just start loading up on junk food.

load up on something: to gather a large amount of something

造句:The tourists started loading up on perfume and cosmetics.

6. I figure if I bulk up now, it could actually come in handy down the road.

bulk up: to make your body bigger and heavier, especially by gaining more muscle

come in handy: to be useful

down the road: in the future

造句:With his help, My broken cellphone will come into handy down the road.

He has bulked up to 200 pounds after summer vacation.

7. I showed them some muscle magazines I got at the store so they could see how ripped I was going to be.

ripped: having strong, well-developed muscles that can be seen through the skin

这里a ripped guy就是我们经常说的“肌肉男”,然而我实在欣赏不来……

另外,ripped还有一个词义就是very drunk or under the influence pf drugs

造句:I really don't adorn ripped guys.

8. I was going to have to prove that I could stick with en exercise regimen. She said I could do that by doing sit-ups and jumping jacks for two weeks.

stick with: to persist with something in spite of difficulties or opposition

regimen: a program of medical treatment, exercise, or special food improving your health or appearance生活规则,养生之道

sit-up: 仰卧起坐

jumping jack: 开合跳

造句:As for the secrets of keeping fit, I think you should stick with a healthy regimen, and do some exercises such as sit-ups as well as jumping jacks. 

9. Then I taped them to a broomstick, and I had myself a pretty decent barbell. 把……粘到……上

broomstick: 长柄扫帚


造句:My younger brother taped my clothes to the door. I chased him with a broomstick but he threw a barbell toward me, so I surrendered. 


1. But Christmas is a month and a half away. And if I get pinned by Fregley one more time, I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown.

But Christmas is a month and a half away: 这句话说的是“但是圣诞节还得在一个半月之后呢!”


造句:I love the spring festival, but it just turns out to be six months away.

2. I couldn't wait to start my weight-training program today. Even though Mom was wouldn't let me get the equipment I needed I wasn't going to let that hold me back.

can't wait to do something: 迫不及待做某事

can't wait doing something: 情不自禁做某事

even though=even if 即使,尽管,有时候我们甚至可以用if来代替even if 

hold someone back:  to stop someone or something developing or doing as well as they should 

造句:My brother can't help eating candies even though he knows he will suffer toothache. It seems that nothing can hold him back on the way to sweet tooth. 


    Today I had a fight with my younger brother. He was real mean to me by saying that I should lose weight. You know, usually I adore exercise very much such as bench-press, sit-ups, jumping jacks, you name it. But my brother, which is opposite to me, always loads up on junk food every time he goes to the supermarket. So when I bulk up he just gains fat! He used to tape two bottles to a broomstick and made them barbells, but they turned out to be empty bottles! To make it clear who is the real ripped one, I pinned him to the grass for five minutes. So the story ended up with his surrender, and sure enough, all his snacks handed in. 

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