Startup Playbook创业剧本(六):收入与融资

Bible for startups

本文原作者:Sam Altman


Oh yes, making money. You need to figure out how to do that.

The short version of this is that you have to get people to pay you more money than it costs you to deliver your good/service. For some reason, people always forget to take into account the part about how much it costs to deliver it.If you have a free product, don’t plan to grow by buying users. That’s really hard for ad-supported businesses. You need to make something people share with their friends.

If you have a paid product with less than a $1,000 customer lifetime value (LTV), you generally cannot afford sales. Experiment with different user acquisition methods like SEO/SEM, ads, mailings, etc., but try to repay your customer acquisition cost (CAC) in 3 months. If you have a paid product with more than a $1,000 LTV (net to you) you maybe can afford direct sales if your product is easy to sell. But unless your LTV is more like $5,000 or higher, it may not work. Try selling the product yourself first to learn what works. Hacking Sales is a useful book to read.
如果你有个非免费的产品,而它的“顾客终生价值”(每位购买者在未来可能为企业带来的收益总和)小于1000美金的话,你基本上是请不起销售队伍的。把各种获取用户的方法都试过来吧——搜索引擎优化、搜索引擎营销、打广告、发邮件等等,尽力把获取用户的开销在三个月内赚回来。如果你产品的顾客终生价值超过1000美金,那你说不定可以雇一批人帮你做销售(如果你的产品容易卖的话)。但除非顾客终生价值超过5000美金,不然你还是很有可能会入不敷出。你最好先自己做几次销售体验一下。《Hacking Sales》这本书很值得一读。

In any case, try to get to “ramen profitability”—i.e., make enough money so that the founders can live on ramen—as quickly as you can. When you get here, you control your own destiny and are no longer at the whims of investors and financial markets.

Watch your cash flow obsessively. Although it sounds unbelievable, we’ve seen founders run out of money without being aware it was happening a number of times (and read Paul Graham’s essay).


Most startups raise money at some point.

You should raise money when you need it or when it’s available on good terms. Be careful not to lose your sense of frugality or to start solving problems by throwing money at them. Not having enough money can be bad, but having too much money is almost always bad.

The secret to successfully raising money is to have a good company. All of the other stuff founders do to try to over-optimize the process probably only matters about 5% of the time. Investors are looking for companies that are going to be really successful whether or not they invest, but that can grow faster with outside capital. The “really successful” part is important—because investors’ returns are dominated by the big successes, if an investor believes you have a 100% chance of creating a $10 million company but almost no chance of building a larger company, he/she will still probably not invest even at a very low valuation. Always explain why you could be a huge success.

Investors are driven by the dual fears of missing the next Google, and fear of losing money on something that in retrospect looks obviously stupid. (For the best companies, they fear both at the same time.)**

It is a bad idea to try to raise money when your company isn’t in good enough shape to attract capital. You will burn reputation and waste time.

Don’t get demoralized if you struggle to raise money. Many of the best companies have struggled with this, because the best companies so often look bad at the beginning (and they nearly always look unfashionable.) When investors tell you no, believe the no but not the reason. And remember that anything but “yes” is a “no”—investors have a wonderful ability to say “no” in a way that sounds like “maybe yes”.

It’s really important to have fundraising conversations in parallel—don’t go down a list of your favorite investors sequentially. The way to get investors to act is fear of other investors taking away their opportunity.

View fundraising as a necessary evil and something to get done as quickly as possible. Some founders fall in love with fundraising; this is always bad. It’s best to have just one founder do it so the company doesn’t grind to a halt.

Remember that most VCs don’t know much about most industries. Metrics are always the most convincing.

It’s beginning to change, but most investors (Y Combinator being a notable exception) unfortunately still require introductions from people you both know to take you seriously.

Insist on clean terms (complicated terms compound and get worse each round) but don’t over-optimize, especially on valuation. Valuation is something quantitative to compete on, and so founders love to compete for the highest valuation. But intermediate valuations don’t matter much.

The first check is the hardest to get, so focus your energies on getting that, which usually means focusing your attention on whoever loves you the most. Always have multiple plans, one of which is not raising anything, and be flexible depending on interest—if you can put more money to good use, and it’s available on reasonable terms, be open to taking it.

An important key to being good at pitching is to make your story as clear and easy to understand as possible. Of course, the most important key is to actually have a good company. There are lots of thoughts about what to include in a pitch, but at a minimum you need to have: mission, problem, product/service, business model, team, market and market growth rate, and financials.

Remember that the bar for each round of funding is much higher. If you got away with just being a compelling presenter for your seed round, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t work for your Series A.

Good investors really do add a lot of value. Bad investors detract a lot. Most investors fall in the middle and neither add nor detract. Investors that only invest a small amount usually don’t do anything for you (i.e., beware party rounds).

Great board members are one of the best outside forcing functions for a company other than users, and outside forcing functions are worth more than most founders think. Be willing to accept a lower valuation to get a great board member who is willing to be very involved.

I think this essay by Paul Graham is the best thing out there on fundraising. As a tactical point, you will usually need to be a Delaware C Corporation to raise institutional capital, so it’s best to just incorporate that way.

YC创始人Paul Graham写过一篇我觉得讲融资讲得最好的文章。最后说一个小贴士吧:方便融资起见,你最好在特拉华州注册一个C类公司。


Remember that at least a thousand people have every great idea. One of them actually becomes successful. The difference comes down to execution. It’s a grind, and everyone wishes there were some other way to transform “idea” into “success”, but no one has figured it out yet.

So all you need is a great idea, a great team, a great product, and great execution. So easy! ;)
所以你需要的是一个伟大的创意,一个伟大的团队,一款伟大的产品,以及强有力的执行。就是这么简单!: )

Thanks to Paul Buchheit, Erica Carpenter, Brian Chesky, Adam D’Angelo, Paul Graham, Drew Houston, Justin Kan, Matt Krisiloff, Aaron Levie, Gabriel Leydon, Jessica Livingston, Dustin Moskovitz, David Rusenko and Colleen Taylor for contributing thoughts to this.
感谢Paul Buchheit、Erica Carpenter、Brian Chesky、Adam D’Angelo、Paul Graham、Drew Houston、Justin Kan、Matt Krisiloff、Aaron Levie、Gabriel Leydon、Jessica Livingston、Dustin Moskovitz、David Rusenko以及Colleen Taylor对本文做出的贡献。

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