


image source: nnwmaccontent

1. Awwwards-寻找灵感和才能的地方;辩论的空间;一个分享知识和经验的地方。

2. UX Magazine-这个网站创建了一个社区,提供了会议、工作、工作坊、非正式聚会和课堂的位置列表。

3. UX Myths-收集最频繁的用户体验错误的概念,并解释为什么他们不成立。

4. Designer News-最佳UX/UI相关文章收集。

5. Usability Geek-更广泛的主题超出了可用性,如用户体验(UX)、转换、人机交互(HCI)和信息架构(IA)。

6. Lukew-谷歌的一位产品总监分享了他对Web和设备策略、交互设计、视觉设计、可用性等方面的观点。

7. Design Talks-来自世界各地68个UX/UI会议的设计师的演讲。

8. HelloErik Experience Design-Erik Flowers的设计与体验博客。

9. Weeklypixels-对设计书籍,用户体验书,用户体验过程,图形设计书籍,印刷书籍,刻字书籍的评论。

10. UX Booth-分析内容、内容策略、信息架构、交互设计、哲学、研究、通用设计和可访问性。

11. Mockplus Blog-最新的用户体验的UI设计资源推荐的UI和UX设计师。

12. Smashing Magazine’s UX Design Category-UX / UI专家与你分享他们的宝贵的思想,实用技巧,有用的指南,推荐的最佳实践和案例研究。

13. Design Shack-展示设计灵感的例子,以及资源和文章。

14. Creative Bloq-这是创意,内容特点,对网页设计、插图、平面设计、3D、数字艺术高流量的博客,和更多的。

15. Beautiful Pixels-展示了一些iOS和Android应用程序的最佳范例,以及各种媒体的UI设计。

16. UX Movement-发布文章说明界面设计实践的好坏如何影响用户行为。

17. DesignModo UX-对初学者和高级设计师寻求扩展和改进他们的知识的资源。

18. 1stwebdesigner-后的最新设计资源为UX / UI设计师。

19. Noupe-在响应式设计特征的内容,用户体验用户界面设计,网站开发,灵感和更多。

20. Six Revisions-在响应式设计特征的内容,用户体验用户界面设计,网站开发,灵感和更多。

21. Speckyboy-新鲜而有用的资源和鼓舞人心的艺术,包括网页设计和开发,平面设计,移动开发。

22. Designzzz-为设计师和开发者提供免费和有用的资源。

23. Vandelay Design-我们所有人都需要成功的创作灵感。

24. Boxes and Arrows-设计的实践、创新与探讨。

25. InspirationFeed-您可以在这里找到行业指南、案例研究、设计和开发资源、技巧和其他相关的Web文章。

26. Usabilla Blog-Useful UX articles or designers.

27. Dribbble-展示用户制作艺术品的在线社区。

28. Behance-展示和发现最新的工作,从顶级在线投资组合的创意专业人士跨行业。

29. NN/g -用户体验领域的领先声音。


1. Pidoco-在线框和原型设计工具。


3. Mockplus-易于使用的原型工具帮助您快速设计。

4. NinjaMock -一个基于web的简单原型工具。

5. Axure-创建高保真复杂原型的工具。

6. Justinmind-高保真原型工具。

7. Balsamiq Mockups-简单和低高保真线框图工具。

8. Proto.io-设计与原型工具。

9. Invision-基于Web的原型工具,使您的设计活得很快。

10. Marvel-将屏幕连接在一起的原型工具。

11. OmniGraffle-Mac用户的原型工具。

12. Flinto-将屏幕连接在一起的原型工具。苹果电脑只有。

13. Mockflow-另一个原型平台,有项目规划的可能性。


1. Pidoco -Online wireframe and prototyping tool.

2. Uxpin-Online tool let your team design, collaborate, and present prototypes.

2. Uxpin -Online tool let your team design, collaborate, and present prototypes.

3. Mockplus -Easy to use prototyping tool helps you design rapidly.

4. NinjaMock -An web-based and simple prototyping tool.

5. Axure -Tool for create high fidelity and complicated prototypes.

6. Justinmind -Tool for high fidelity prototypes.

7. Balsamiq Mockups -Tool for simple and low-fidelity wireframes.

8. Proto.io -Tool for design and prototype.

9. Invision -Web-based prototyping tool that make your design live quickly.

10. Marvel -Prototyping tool for linking the screens together.

11. OmniGraffle -Prototyping Tools for Mac Users.

12. Flinto -Prototyping tool for linking the screens together. Mac only.

13. Mockflow -Another platform for prototyping, with the possibility of project planning.

See Also: A Full List of UX Prototyping Tools


1. Mockplus-iOS,Android,桌面和网络的原型。在实际设备上预览设计。

2. POP-快速将你的钢笔+纸的想法转换成一个真正的工作原型。

3. AppCooker-iPad上的原型应用。

4. Framer-一种新的代码设计方法。

5. Pixate-在设备上体验你的想法,就好像它们是完全真实的一样。


image source: usertesting.com

1. Skecth

2. Adobe Photoshop CC

3. Pixelmator

4. Adobe Illustrator CC

5. Adobe Dreamweaver CC

6. Adobe Fireworks















1. MindMapple-

2. NovaMind-允许获得真实的人说他们的想法的视频。

3. MindManager-帮助你理解你的用户,并显示你什么工作,什么不是。

4. SmartDraw-远程用户测试,帮助您做出自信的设计决策。

5. Visio-最全面的用户体验包之一。

6. Mindsister-

7. Xmind-

8. Coggl-


1. Optimizely-着重于一种特定类型的测试,A/B测试。

2. UserTesting-允许获得真实的人说他们的想法的视频。

3. UsabilityTools -帮助你理解你的用户,并显示你什么工作,什么不是。

4. Usabilityhub-远程用户测试,帮助您做出自信的设计决策。

5. Usabilla-最全面的用户体验包之一。

6. UserFeel-提供广泛的可用性测试。

7. GTMetrix-一个评估网站放缓原因的免费工具。

8. UserEcho-允许您调查客户并提供支持。

9. iPerceptions-让你在访问开始时邀请他们来进行调查,到最后进行调查。

10. Loop11-通过基于场景的测试提高网站的可用性。

11. Attensee-UX设计师的第一印象测试

12. WhatUsersDo-真实的人在使用你的网站或应用程序时说出他们的想法的视频。


1. Join.me-免费的屏幕共享从你的浏览器,视频会议和无限音频呼叫。

2. Trello-Trello的板,列表,和卡片让你安排你的项目在一个有趣的,灵活的和有益的方式。

3. Red Pen-不管你的同事在哪里,如果你使用视觉效果,它将帮助你毫不费力地与你的团队协作。

4. Murally-在线白板设计视觉组织的想法。

5. Slack-松弛的收集最常见的通讯工具如谷歌驱动器,在一个地方推特或Dropbox,所以整个团队保持最新。


1. Google forms-一个快速创建免费在线调查的好方法

2. Free Survey Creator-做免费调查了解你的用户。

3. SurveyMonkey-在几分钟内创建并发布在线调查,并实时、实时地查看结果。

4. SurveyGizmo-surveygizmo是一种先进的(但易于使用的在线调查软件工具)。

5. Typeform-建设美丽、迷人,和会话的在线表格,调查,测验,登陆页面,Typeform和更多。




The Best UX/UI Designer Tools, Resources, Blogs & Books Collection

It can be intimidating to get into user experience, but don’t fear: there’s plenty of help around. To help you navigate that sea of information, we make a cool list to share with you. This list covers UX/UI blogs, resources, books and tools (in no particular order). I hope it will help you guys to get better at what you’re doing!

UX Blogs and Resources

image source: nnwmaccontent

1. Awwwards -A place to find inspiration and talent; a space for debate; a place to share knowledge and experience.

2. UX Magazine -This site creates a community with location-based listings for conferences, jobs, workshops, informal meetups, and classes.

3. UX Myths -Collects the most frequent user experience misconceptions and explains why they don’t hold true.

4. Designer News -Best UX/UI related articles collection.

5. Usability Geek -A wider array of topics that extend beyond usability, such as User Experience (UX), conversion, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Architecture (IA).

6. Lukew -A Product Director at Google shares his views on Web and device strategy, interaction design, visual design, usability, and much more.

7. Design Talks -545 Talks for Designers from 68 UX/UI conferences all over the world.

8. HelloErik Experience Design -The design and experience blog of Erik Flowers.

9. Weeklypixels -Reviews on design Books, user experience books, UX processes, graphic design books, typography books, lettering books.

10. UX Booth -Feature content on analytics, content strategy, information architecture, interaction design, philosophy, research, universal design and accessibility.

11. Mockplus Blog -The newest UX/UI design resources recommended for UX and UI designers.

12. Smashing Magazine’s UX Design Category -UX/UI experts share with you their valuable ideas, practical tips, useful guidelines, recommended best practices and great case studies.

13. Design Shack -Showcases inspiring examples of design, alongside resources and articles.

14. Creative Bloq -It is a high volume blog for creatives that features content on web design, illustration, graphic design, 3d, digital art, and more.

15. Beautiful Pixels -Showcases some of the best examples iOS and Android apps as well as UI design across various types of media

16. UX Movement -Publish articles showing how good and bad interface design practices affect user behavior.

17. DesignModo UX -Resource for both beginners and advanced designers looking to expand and improve their knowledge.

18. 1stwebdesigner -Post the latest design resource for UX/UI designers.

19. Noupe -Feature content on responsive design, UX/UI, web development, inspiration and more.

20. Six Revisions -Publish articles, guides, tutorials, news and other forms of content for people who design and build sites and apps.

21. Speckyboy -Fresh and useful resources and inspirational art, covering web design and development, graphic design, mobile development.

22. Designzzz -Offers free and useful resources for designers and developers.

23. Vandelay Design -Post creative bouts of inspiration that we all need for success.

24. Boxes and Arrows -The practice, innovation, and discussion of design.

25. InspirationFeed -You’ll find industry guidelines, case studies, design & development resources, tips & tricks, and other related web articles here.

26. Usabilla Blog -Useful UX articles or designers.

27. Dribbble -An online community for showcasing user-made artwork.

28. Behance -Showcase and discover the latest work from top online portfolios by creative professionals across industries.

29. NN/g -A leading voice in the user experience field.

Prototyping Tools

1. Pidoco -Online wireframe and prototyping tool.

2. Uxpin -Online tool let your team design, collaborate, and present prototypes.

3. Mockplus -Easy to use prototyping tool helps you design rapidly.

4. NinjaMock -An web-based and simple prototyping tool.

5. Axure -Tool for create high fidelity and complicated prototypes.

6. Justinmind -Tool for high fidelity prototypes.

7. Balsamiq Mockups -Tool for simple and low-fidelity wireframes.

8. Proto.io -Tool for design and prototype.

9. Invision -Web-based prototyping tool that make your design live quickly.

10. Marvel -Prototyping tool for linking the screens together.

11. OmniGraffle -Prototyping Tools for Mac Users.

12. Flinto -Prototyping tool for linking the screens together. Mac only.

13. Mockflow -Another platform for prototyping, with the possibility of project planning.

See Also: A Full List of UX Prototyping Tools

Moblie App Prototypers

1. Mockplus -Prototype for iOS, Android, desktop and web. Preview design on actual device easily.

2. POP -Transform your pen+paper ideas into a real working prototype quickly.

3. AppCooker -Prototype App on iPad.

4. Framer -A new way to design with code.

5. Pixate -Experience your ideas on device as if they’re completely real.

Design Tools

image source: usertesting.com

1. Skecth

2. Adobe Photoshop CC

3. Pixelmator

4. Adobe Illustrator CC

5. Adobe Dreamweaver CC

6. Adobe Fireworks

Free UX & UI Books

1. 50 User Experience Best Practices

2. UX Design Trends 2015 & 2016

3. Web UI Design Best Practices

4. Magic of CSS

5. Bright Ideas for User Experience Designers

6. The UX Reader

7. Don’t Make Me Think

8. UX Storytellers: Connecting the Dots

9. UX Design for Startups

10. Web Design Book of Trends

11. The Guide to Wireframing

Click here for more details about these UX books.

UX Tools for Mind Mapping and Flowcharts

1. MindMapple -Pre-loaded with themes and templates.

2. NovaMind -A cross-platform brainstorming software.

3. MindManager -One of the best mind mapping software application developed by Mindjet.

4. SmartDraw -lets you create and edit flowcharts and diagrams using any modern web browser.

5. Visio -You are able to communicate complex information with data-linked diagrams in just a few clicks.

6. Mindsister -An online mind mapping tool that lets you capture, develop and share ideas visually.

7. Xmind -Flexible, works great on any desktop OS.

8. Coggle -An online tool for creating and sharing mindmaps.

Usability Testing Tools

image source: generalassemb.ly

1. Optimizely -Focuses on one specific type of test, A/B testing.

2. UserTesting -Allows to get videos of real people speaking their thoughts.

3. UsabilityTools -Helps you empathize with your users and shows you what’s working and what’s not.

4. Usabilityhub -Remote user testing to help you make confident design decisions.

5. Usabilla -One of the most comprehensive user experience packages.

6. UserFeel -Offers thorough usability testing in a wide range of languages.

7. GTMetrix -A free tool that assesses the causes of site slowdown.

8. UserEcho -Allows you to survey customers and provide support.

9. iPerceptions -Lets you survey web visitors by inviting them at the start of their visit to take a survey at the end.

10. Loop11-Improve usability of your website through scenario based tests.

11. Attensee -First impression testing for UX designers.

12. WhatUsersDo -Videos of real people speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app.

Collaboration Tools

image source: execunet.com

1. Join.me -Free screen sharing from your browser, with video conferencing and unlimited audio calling.

2. Trello -Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way.

3. Red Pen -No matter where your colleagues are in the world, if you work with visuals it will help you collaborate with your team effortlessly.

4. Murally -Online whiteboard designed to visually organize ideas.

5. Slack -Slack gathers the most common communication tools like Google Drive, Twitter or Dropbox in one place, so the entire team is kept up-to-date.

Survey Tools

image source: themefuse.com

1. Google forms -A great way to quickly create online surveys for free.

2. Free Survey Creator -Make a free survey to know your users.

3. SurveyMonkey -Create and publish online surveys in minutes, and view results graphically and in real time.

4. SurveyGizmo -SurveyGizmo is an advanced (but easy to use) online survey software tool.

5. Typeform -Build beautiful, engaging, and conversational online forms, surveys, quizzes, landing pages, and much more with Typeform.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know about these design resource and tools. Hopefully, through them, your journey of being a UX or UI becomes easier!

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