



















Someone set off fireworks late at night 2 (short story)

In the early morning, the light footsteps woke Lu Lianzhi as usual. The sound stopped at the head of her bed, and a warm breath with shower gel and mint fragrance hit her slightly. She closed her eyes, stretched out her arm from the quilt, and accurately took over the small body standing at the head of the bed. She moved her head and buried her head in the small body, which instantly gave her a sense of down-to-earth satisfaction.

"Baby, we don't go to school today!" After a while, she whispered, touching a warm and tender little face in the hazy morning light. The little body stood quietly for a while, and left without saying a word, stepping on the slight sound of footsteps as when he came.

It was 6:30 in the morning. It was already bright in summer. As soon as she opened her eyes, she would see her healthy and ruddy face after a full night's sleep. They have no alarm clock, never. They will stand at the head of her bed at 6:30 silently, like an alarm clock in her body. The child will stand at the head of the bed, staring at her and not calling her until she opens her eyes, gets up, washes and takes her to kindergarten. Of course, this was four years ago. Silently, she began to go to kindergarten at the age of two and a half, but she only went to kindergarten for one year. The time of going to kindergarten seems to be engraved in her mind. She never needs others to worry about her getting up, which is better than most children. Lu Lianzhi never admits that her children have any problems different from ordinary people, especially in intelligence.

In the hazy morning light, she saw a small fuzzy figure walking out, and her heart hurt. She knew the child wanted to go to school, but no school would accept her. Congenital autism. Lu Lianzhi had never heard of this word before. This inexplicable disease fell into her life out of guard. Silent from birth has been very quiet, rarely cry, and love to ignore the teasing of adults. Any toy can play until tired and sleep alone. Lu Lianzhi thinks it's just the child's temperament. It's a quiet and introverted child. How can it be related to disease. Until after a year of kindergarten, the mental health teacher in the kindergarten advised them (Lin zhe had not left them at that time) to take the children to the hospital for a good examination. They took the child out of the kindergarten, but they couldn't send it in again. Two years later, Lin zhe chose to leave. He said he couldn't stand it

Lu Lianzhi has the habit of drinking morning tea. It's not particular, it's just a habit. For example, someone likes to wake up with a cup of coffee. She changed many kinds of tea and finally chose frozen top oolong. There was a smell of hay after being sunburned by the sun. This smell made her extremely infatuated. The sweet fragrance was also one of the few pleasures in her life. This is not to say that Lu Lianzhi is a pessimist, but optimism is not equal to happiness.

As usual, go to the silent room first, a small room with pink and blue wallpaper. Children generally like blue, the walls are light blue, the bedding on the small bed is dark blue, the small wardrobe is bright blue, and the small desk is covered with a dark blue tablecloth. Sitting quietly and neatly on the bed, looking through the recently bought fairy tale illustrator. She sat down by the bed and her eyes fell on the child's round head: her hair was smooth and soft, emitting a black luster under the incandescent lamp, indicating that the child's nutrition and health were good. Lu Lianzhi has a kind of satisfaction. Yes, at least she raised her children well on her own. She couldn't help reaching out and touching the child's head. The child was indifferent to her caress and immersed in her little-known world.

The silent world is a mystery to her. Silence comes from her. She created this life, but most of the time she doesn't know what the children are thinking. They have almost no tacit understanding. Silence is always alone and hardly open their mouth to express her thoughts. When you take her beloved toy from her hand, she will only look at you quietly. The calm eyes and expressions make it impossible for you to judge her happiness and anger. She seldom cries. After picking her up from the kindergarten for examination, for two years, she and Lin ran around silently for medical treatment. The doctor finally suggested sending the child to a mental health care institution for psychological treatment, but there was no mental health institution in this small city. Later, under the introduction of others, she will silently take her to a retired mental health consultant in the city. That is an old lady with silver hair. She is a widow. Her children are in other places. She has excellent cultivation. She promised to try. For nearly a year, she took the silence to the old lady at nine o'clock every morning and picked it up at six o'clock in the afternoon. The old lady knew her living conditions without charging any fees, and had the right to be accompanied by another granddaughter to spend her lonely days. There are changes. Every time a guest comes to the house and enters the door, she silently raises her head from what she is immersed in, and looks at the guest with a little doubt and surprise in her eyes. Lu Lianzhi led her along the street. When she came across something she was interested in, her eyes would follow it. According to her expression, Lu Lianzhi gradually learned that children like to eat cabbage, agaric, spinach and sweet corn, and their favorite fruits are papaya, crisp pear and persimmon. Hate pork and duck eggs, she is not afraid of spicy, but she hates acetic acid. Once, Lu Lianzhi went to pick her up and met a lame stray cat in front of the flower bed in the community. The cat's left front leg curled up and walked on three legs, which made it top heavy and light, as if it could fall down at any time. The three legged cat bounced in front of them. When they crossed the cat, they silently broke free of her hand, stood by the cat and stared at a pair of surprised eyes. The cat was alert and gave a warning whine in its throat.

"Hurt!" She whispered.

Lu Lianzhi was stunned. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't heard the child speak. Later, she told the old lady about it. The old lady said that she should take the injured cat home. Maybe it was a good start.

Unfortunately, the epidemic is coming, and people all over the country are grounded at home. The old lady may hold her feet for too long during the long period of grounded, get sick, be picked up by her son from other places, and her silent treatment will be cut off. Before leaving, the old lady told her to find out what the children are interested in and find common emotional resonance points as much as possible, which may be a good breakthrough. More importantly, she should be accompanied more. Autistic children are usually very lonely. Silence is good. Some patients will also have behaviors that endanger others and their own safety, such as being interested in fire and always wanting to set fire to things, including lighting their clothes, and so on. Silent independence is also very strong, which is also her advantage. Remember to accompany more.

She remembered. Explain the situation to her boss and her colleagues after the ninth five year plan. They all agree that she works in the afternoon. After 3 p.m. every day, she can only be at home alone. She was a little worried, but she quickly got used to it silently. Lu Lianzhi accompanied her to have breakfast and lunch. Dinner was prepared in advance and put in a double-layer insulated lunch box. She taught her how to open the insulated lunch box and take out the food again and again. When it was time for dinner, she would call her watch. In silence, she would only press the answer button without making a sound. But as long as she can press to answer, Lu Lianzhi is relieved. Her ears are close to the mobile phone and carefully capture the sound at the other end. She heard the child's subtle breathing and the sound of looking through the album from her mobile phone. Lu Lianzhi told the child that it was time to eat. When he was thirsty, he ate the washed crisp pear. She told her to open the insulated lunch box now. Then she heard the footsteps walking silently and the sound of opening the insulated lunch box. Sometimes she heard a slight sigh from the other end, and she knew that the lid of the insulated lunch box had been tightened a little today, and the child was exerting his strength. The sigh was like a hammer. Leng Buding gave her heart so hard. Her eyes warmed up instantly, and all kinds of debts to the child filled her heart. Life is not hard, or maybe she has a big heart. She really doesn't feel how hard. Of course, she will worry about money. She doesn't have much savings, but she always believes in some reassuring qualities in herself. As long as she is still healthy and alive, these qualities can ensure silence and her. In any case, she has a warm breakfast every morning and a warm bath every night, which she promises! Except for the warm breakfast and bath water, as a mother, she has too many responsibilities to do. All she can't do is owe, which makes her unbearable. She often whispered to me on the phone, "mom loves you, baby, you're great!"

Silent breakfast is usually two pumpkin steamed buns, a cup of soybean milk and an egg. She didn't like to drink milk, which the old lady told her. Before, she had milk for breakfast. She wants to change this morning. Lu Lianzhi thought about what to eat while boiling water and tea. She checked the refrigerator, spinach and a little, two tomatoes and a bag of miscellaneous bacteria. That's enough. These are excellent side dishes that can cook two bowls of nutritious pasta. After a cup of fragrant hot tea, the body wakes up completely. At this time, the bright sun just slanted in from the kitchen window. A fine winter day. The thin sunshine immediately made Lu Lianzhi have an inexplicable good impression, and he had a soft good impression on everything around him. This 80 square meter two bedroom house is a second-hand house, which has been a real estate for many years. At that time, she and Lin zhe didn't have so much money to buy a new house for their marriage, so they had to retreat to the second place. When she came in to see the house with the owner, she made up her mind as soon as she saw the window in the kitchen that looked out into the field. Sure enough, every time I cook, I will be relieved of the entanglement from trivial life because of the spring sowing and autumn harvest outside the window. Lin zhe left the house to her, and he assumed part of the loan owed by the house purchase.

The mother and daughter eat breakfast quietly. Lu Lianzhi seldom uses chopsticks, and the smoke from the tea at hand curls. She kept staring silently. The child eats elegantly, chews and swallows slowly with two small red lips closed, and eats every bite very seriously. Her lips are like Lin Zhe, which is also the part that attracts her most. The corners of her mouth are naturally upturned, as if there is a smile on her lips all the time, and her eyebrows are like him, thick and black. Her forehead followed her, and her hairline was neat, but slightly lower. It doesn't look outstanding, but it looks good. She's almost seven, she thought. All primary schools refused to accept it. She accepted this reality. The old lady was grateful for teaching her children many words. What's next? The problem was like a pendulum, which was always swinging in her heart. Now it added new worries and lost her job.

She reached out and touched the child's head. She was a little shorter than her peers.

"Silently, my mother lost her job and no class." She whispered to her. She never concealed anything, including her association with Li Shang. She believes that the child can understand, and she never doubts the child's IQ.

Silently drooping his eyelids, seriously eat a piece of tomato with skin.



放烟花Fireworks; mass production mix; Fireworks Extravaganza

短篇小说short story

脚步声footsteps; footfall; pitapat

照例as a rule; as usual; usually

沐浴露shower jell; bath lotion

准确无误accurate and precise; be exact in every particular


满足感satisfaction; gratification

一声不吭mute as a fish; keep one's mouth shut; Not a word passed one's lips; not say a word


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