作者 简单的镜子
This book jacket is tiled with 28 bumper sticker sayings and cartoons:
- We become ourselves through others.通过别人变成自己
- Instinct is a dynamic pattern.知觉是一种动态模式
- A man with conviction is a hard man to change.有信念的人很难改变
- We can listen to only one voice at a time.只能同时听一种声音
- The more you see it, the more you like it.看的越多,喜欢越多
- The sight of tasty food makes a hungry man’s mouth water.看到美食会使饥饿的人咽口水
- Emotions are a runaway train.思想是失控的火车
Editor:DK Publishing
DK was founded in London in 1974 and is now the world's leading illustrated reference publisher and part of Penguin Random House, formed on July 1, 2013. DK publishes highly visual, photographic nonfiction for adults and children. DK produces content for consumers in over 87 countries and in 62 languages, with offices in Delhi, London, Melbourne, Munich, New York, and Toronto.
DK是1974年在伦敦成立的图书出版公司,现在是世界上领先的插图参考出版商,是2013年7月1日成立的enguin Random House的一部分。
DK's aim is to inform, enrich, and entertain readers of all ages, and everything DK publishes, whether print or digital, embodies the unique DK design approach. DK brings unrivalled clarity to a wide range of topics with a unique combination of words and pictures, put together to spectacular effect,having a reputation for innovation in design for both print and digital products.
DK的愿景是传递、丰富和娱乐所有年龄段的读者,DK出版的所有东西,无论电子版还是纸质版,都赋予了DK独特的设计。DK将广泛主题以文字和图片的独特方式组合,无与伦比的清晰得到惊人的效果, 在印刷和数码产品的设计上享有创新的声誉。
[Big Ideas Simply Explained]
这套丛书还有 《The Crime Book》,《The Religions Book》,《The Politics Book》,《The Star Trek Book》,《The Astronomy Book》 等17册。参考:https://book.douban.com/series/23548
This large, stylish book takes the reader on a quick tour through the history and discipline of psychology, with tiny bits of information and loads of design. The title gets it right: these are indeed big ideas and also plenty of small ones, and the explanations are simplified and presented in a number of ways.
The book is divided into seven broad sections: Philosophical Roots (14 articles), Behaviorism (10 articles), [Psychotherapy] (22 articles), Cognitive Psychology (20 articles), Social Psychology (13 articles), Developmental Philosophy– 14 articles, and Psychology of Difference—9 articles.
An innovative and accessible guide to the study of human nature "The Psychology Book" clearly explains more than 100 groundbreaking ideas in this fascinating field of science. How does the brain remember faces? What makes us choose one decision over another? Where does language come from?
一种创新和容易理解研究去介绍人类的本性的书“心理学”,在科学的迷人的领域,清晰的解释了超过100 种突破性的想法。大脑是如何记住脸的?是什么让我们选择这个而不选择那个?语言从哪里来?
With the use of powerful and easy-to-follow images, quotations from all the major thinkers, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book demystifies hard-to-grasp concepts and shows how these have shaped our knowledge of the human mind. All the schools of psychology are covered from cognitive to behavioral psychology making this ideal for students or for anyone with a general interest in this popular area. If you're fascinated by the human mind then "The Psychology Book" will get you thinking.
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