游戏1:Big box
Mommy prepare a big box, and put some different kinds of food inside it.Mommy squat down in the box. Replace the candy with the food. When you chant, throw the right food at the right time, And then, switch your roles.
Johnny, Johnny. yes, papa
Eating a banana? No, papa
Telling lies? No, papa
Open your mouth. Oh, ha-ha-ha
游戏2: Role play
Mommy dress up like daddy (Shirt, tie, fake beard and hold a candy jar)
Mommy: Johnny, Johnny
Baby: yes, Papa. (Baby should cover his/her mouth)
Mommy: Eating a candy?(Point at the candy jar)
Baby: No Papa(Baby should shake their head)
Mommy: Telling lies?(Mommy should touch the fake beard or cross her arms)
Baby: No, Papa
Mommy: Open your mouth.
Baby: Oh, ha-ha-ha.
My mom and my dad are my parents.
They are my brothers parents too.
My dads parents are my grandparents.
My moms parents are my grandparents too
My dads brother is my uncle.
My uncles wife is my aunt.
My cousin is my aunt and uncles son.
游戏4:Hand crafts
Let us make a tie
You will need:
silk ribbon
colored paper
1. Cut out a tie shape from the paper.
2. Draw some dots or other decorative patterns on it.
3. Stick the silk ribbon on the tie.
数学时间: 31天胜