崇山峻岭 山峦起伏 水平如镜 波光粼粼 泛起微波 碧波荡漾 波涛汹涌 波浪滔天 狂涛怒吼 惊涛骇浪含苞欲放 百花盛开 争奇斗艳 群芳吐艳 姹紫嫣红 婀娜多姿 五彩缤纷 万紫千红 繁花似锦 芳香扑鼻 沁人心脾 纤尘不染 高雅素洁 一缕幽香 草木茂盛 奇花异草 绿草如茵春光明媚 鸟语花香 花红柳绿 大雨倾盆、狂风暴雨、风和日丽、风雨交加、晴空万里、春暖花开、春雨如油、滴水成冰、雷电交加、数九寒天、大雨滂沱、春雨绵绵、春光明媚、天寒地冻、秋高气爽、暴风骤雨 天寒地冻,十冬腊月,天寒地冻,雪窖冰天,虹销雨霁 风雨交加,山崩地裂,山穷水尽,天昏地暗,穷山恶水,昏天黑地 凄风苦雨 风雨如晦 暴风骤雨 冰天雪地 滴水成冰 天寒地冻 不毛之地 寸草不生 荒芜人烟 四面楚歌 饥寒交迫 穷乡僻壤,荒芜凋敝描写室外环境的词语 春光明媚 鸟语花香 花红柳绿 描写室内环境的词语 清新、温馨、典雅、华丽、庄重、富丽堂皇 描写环境优美的词语 山明水秀 鸟语花香 春光明媚 山光水色 柳暗花名 绿树成阴 湖光山色 江山如画 明月清风 万紫千红 天昏地暗 五彩缤纷 五颜六色 风平浪静 风吹雨打 风雨交加 风和日丽 气象万千 鸟语花香 花团锦簇 花红柳绿 花枝招展 苍翠欲滴 汪洋大海 含苑欲放 沃野千里 汹涌澎湃 彤云密布 穷乡僻壤。
万物复苏 百花争艳 清风徐徐 姹紫嫣红 白雪纷飞 绿意盎然 山清水秀 霞蔚云蒸 春暖花开 春露秋霜 春晖寸草 春光明媚 桃红柳绿 蜂飞蝶舞 含苞欲放 春雨绵绵 冰天雪地 白雪皑皑 银装素裹 玉树琼枝 冰封雪盖 傲雪凌霜 电闪雷鸣 骄阳似火 烈日炎炎 万木葱茏 鸟语蝉鸣 鸟语花香 莲叶满池 叠翠流金 层林尽染 景色宜人 秋高气爽 春华秋实 林寒涧肃 分外妖娆 傍花随柳 桃红李白 湖光山色 江山如画 郁郁葱葱 烟波钓徒 千岩竞秀 虚无漂缈 银河倒泻 斑驳陆离 琪花玉树 水流花谢 山明水秀 鸟语花香 春光明媚 山光水色 柳暗花名 绿树成阴 湖光山色 江山如画 明月清风。
Words to describe the natural environment
1. Four seasons
Spring: spring is full of colour, spring flowers, spring is bright, the earth returns to spring, the grass grows and the birds fly, spring is in full bloom
Summer: scorching sun, blazing sun, stormy rain, pouring rain, scorching sun, stormy wind and rain
Autumn: fruitful, golden laurel, high autumn air, autumn breeze, golden October, high clouds
Winter: snow and ice, powder, snow, silver, snowy, freezing
2、Mountain and water
Beautiful mountains, thousands of hills, green hills and water, mountains and water, high mountains and forests, rolling hills and
cliffs, mountains and hills, lakes and mountains, blue water, blue sky, mirrors, sea and sky
Raging, turbulent, vast, waves, waves of terror, water and sky
3、Sun, Moon and Stars
The moon is full of stars, the hare rises in the east, the moon is white and the wind is clear, the moon is high, the moon is like water, the moon is clear and the stars are sparse,
The sky is full of stars, the stars are shining, the stars are shining brightly, the sun and the moon are shining together, the moon is in the sky, the stars are shifting, the stars are shifting,
4、Wind, rain and snow
A gentle breeze, a storm, a long drought, a rainstorm, a storm, a thunderstorm, a downpour, a drizzle
Snowy, snowy, windy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy, snowy
fine rain, drizzle, heavy rain, wind and rain, wind and snow
5. Flowers and trees
A hundred flowers are blooming, the grass is mournful, the trees are green, the branches are luxuriant, the flowers are dying, the flowers are red, the birds are singing, the beautiful flowers are beautiful,
birdsong, beautiful flowers, red flowers and green willows, a hundred flowers, flourishing flowers, green grass,
lush greenery, ancient trees, trees in full bloom, flowers
The mountains and hills are as flat as a mirror, the waves are sparkling, the waves are rippling, the waves are rough, the waves are roaring, the waves are frightening, wind and sun, rain and wind, clear sky, spring flowers, spring rain like oil, dripping water into ice, thunder and lightning, nine cold days, pouring rain, spring rain, bright spring, cold weather, high autumn, stormy wind and rain cold weather, ten winters, cold weather, snow cellar, rain rainbow, wind and rain, landslide, mountains and water, sky and darkness, poor mountains and water, darkness, miserable wind and rain, wind and rain like darkness stormy wind and rain ice and snow dripping water into ice heavenly cold and frozen barren land not an inch of grass barren and humane four sides of the earth famine and cold poor countryside, barren and withered words describing the outdoor environment spring is bright and beautiful birdsong and flowers red and green words describing the indoor environment fresh, warm, elegant, gorgeous, stately, opulent words describing the beautiful environment mountains and water birdsong and flowers spring is bright mountains and water willow and flowers green trees The lake and the mountains are picturesque.
The autumn is high, the spring is bright, the forest is cold, the stream is clean, and the spring is enchanting, the flowers are red and the willows are white, the lake and the mountains are picturesque, the lush and green, the smoke and the waves are fishing, the rocks are beautiful, the sky is empty, the silver river is pouring down, the dappled land is empty, the flowers are beautiful, the water is beautiful, the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, the spring is bright, the mountains are beautiful, the water is beautiful, the trees are green, the lake is beautiful, the mountains are picturesque, the moon is clear, the wind is clear.