Marilyn leafed through photo albums for a picture of herself with her mother and couldn't find one.
leaf: to turn over pages, to look through a book or other written material
仿句:She leafed through the annotated manuscript without saying anything.
With the efficiency of movers they packed dolls and dishes and clothes into cartons. They swaddled furniture in quilted pads and trundled it to the truck.
swaddle: to wrap tightly with clothes.
仿句:She swaddled herself in warm linens, hoping to feel better.
trundle: to cause an object to roll along.
仿句:The mover trundled the washing machine into the back of his truck.
Through the open curtains she could see nothing, only panes of dusk and her face faintly reflected back to her in the glow of the ceiling light.
pane: a piece of glass that fits into a window frame.
仿句:A cat sits quietly behind the frosted panes of glass.
On her way out, she paused in the living room, where the carpet was pockmarked with the ghosts of chair feet, and studied the mantel, now a clean line under a stretch of bare wall.
pockmarked: used of paved surfaces having holes or pits.
仿句:She curled in a couch pockmarked with cigarette burns.
即使在上世纪70年代的美国,已婚女性最重要的任务依然是相夫教子,维系家庭。过度重视事业而忽视家庭和孩子的女性仍会遭受世人诟病。主人公Marilyn不甘于只做一名家庭主妇,母亲的突然离世更加让她意识到:绝不能终其一生像母亲一样只在油盐酱醋中寻找满足感。从母亲的所有遗物里只带走一本食谱,与其说是保留对母亲的一丝怀念,不如说是当作警钟时刻提醒自己:She will never become her mother.