
✸✸Tencent’s hugely popular online game "King of

Glory" receivedheavy-handedcriticism from Chinese media on Tuesday as being poison

to young people.​


The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy-handed way



✸✸The result was quite hurtful to Tencent, as its Hong Kong

stock dropped 4.1%, losing 14 billion U.S. dollors’ worth of market value.


✸✸The loss fueled a 1.5% drop in the Hang Seng Indexas a whole.

1)as a whole[æz ə həul][æz e hol]整体来看;普遍说来,一般地说

​All Party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour.



​ ​✸✸King of Glory is a multi-player online battle game.


✸✸With more than 200 million users worldwide, the gaming

app was the most downloaded app in the world on the iOS App Store duringthe first quarterof this year.

1)the first quarter[ðə fə:st ˈkwɔ:tə][ði fɚst ˈkwɔrtɚ]一季度

The first quarter dividend has been increased by nearly 4 per cent.



✸✸It is thought to have about 50 million active users every

day, with 20% of them born after the 2000.


✸✸Some have criticized the game as being addictive for the

younger gamers, and this scorn has spread across major social media platforms

in China.


✸✸The people’s daily wrote on its website that "the

game’s content is a twist of values and historical views" claiming that

young people’s minds and bodies are being ruined by the game.


​ ​✸✸Back in April, a 17-year-old gamer in Guangzhouwas diagnosed witha cerebral infarction, after playing the game for

40 hours nonstop.​

​1) be diagnosed with被诊断为;被诊断出

I'd like to be diagnosed with cancer, actually.



​ ​✸✸This is just one

of the many cases related to mobile games that have been buzzing on the

Internet in China over the past few months.


✸✸On Monday, Tencentrolled outmeasures to limit the hours that children can play on

several of its most popular games, including the controversial King of Glory.​

1) rolled out推出;铺开;转出

The steel rolled out in plates.



​ ​✸✸Players aged under 12 will be allowed to log in for only

one hour a day, and not after 9 in the evening.


✸✸Older children will be allowed to play for two hours.


✸✸Tencent claims the measures are the most-strict ones in

the country’s booming online gaming industry.


​ ​✸✸Tencent's mobile game King of Glory is enjoying

phenomenal popularity with over 200 million registered players, 36 million of

whom are middle and primary school students.


​ ​✸✸With an estimated quarterly revenue of over 12 billion

yuan ($1.8 billion), it became the world's most lucrative mobile game in the

first quarter of this year, according to reports.​

​1) lucrative[ˈlu:krətɪv][ˈlukrətɪv]  adj.获利多的,赚钱的;合算的

Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.



​ ​✸✸King of Glory, a

multiplayer role-playing battle game, is the most popular mobile game in China

with around 55 million daily active users - more than Pokemon Go at its peak.


✸✸China does not yet have any guidelines to prevent

mobile-gaming addiction, but we decided totake the initiative...and dispel parents’ concerns.​

​1take the initiative[teik ðə iˈniʃiətiv][tek ði ɪˈnɪʃətɪv]带头,倡导,发起

She knew she had to take the initiative and maintain an aggressive gamethroughout.


​ ​翻译:虽然目前国内还没有移动游戏防沉迷的明确规定,但我们决定率先做出一些努力和尝试……来打消父母的忧虑。​

✸✸Those who play beyond the allotted time period will be

forced to go offline.


✸✸Tencent will also place caps on the amount of money that

underage users can spend on the platform, so as to rein in minors’ irrational



✸✸Tencent also said it would upgrade a parental control

platform to make it easier for parents to monitor their children’s gaming

account activities.


✸✸Step up the requirement of

real-name registration for all users.


✸✸We also call on parents to spend more time with their

children, to allow them to feel more warmth of growing up


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