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1 隐形物流市场三分天下:线下聚货聚运平台智慧转型
满帮集团总裁兼运满满CEO张晖表示,对于平台来说,1.0时代是收集数据,只做APP平台内的工作,车货匹配、精准营销、用户画像;2.0时代数据量变大,这些数据就变成了新型的生产资料,往无人驾驶发展,优化路由规划;3.0会是所有数据打通,形成一个超级数据平台,甚至改变公路货运领域保险行业、金融行业的 ...
2 顺丰无人机借华为“首飞” 顺丰京东阿里三大巨头将撑起无人机市场?
顺丰和京东两大巨头在物流无人机领域的激进布局似乎将这个行业重新推到了一个新的关口。 12月26日,顺丰在云南 .... 顺丰无人机团队中有不少是北京航空航天大学无人驾驶航空器系统工程专业的博士,目前开设相关专业的大学并不多,除了北航,还有南京航空航天大学、西北工业大学。而社会化的培训机构则 ...
3 吉利成沃尔沃集团最大股东
吉利汽车控股有限公司(Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd., GELYY, 简称:吉利汽车)已就从Cevian Capital手中收购瑞典卡车和巴士生产商沃尔沃集团(Volvo AB) 8.2%的股权达成协议。 中国民营汽车集团吉利汽车周三称,该交易将使其获得沃尔沃集团15.6%的投票权,使之成为这家商用汽车公司最大的股东。
4 With autonomous vehicles it's not about the journey, it's about the destination
Now, thanks to three parallel areas of development, we have the tools at our disposal which create potential for radical change in transportation — data about resources and demand, electric drivetrains, and Autonomous Vehicle (AV) systems– all of which can be used to dramatically transform the ...
5 A new Apple patent hints that its self-driving cars might minimize map usage
Business Insider
Apple has filed a patent for an autonomous navigation system for vehicles that could minimize the role that maps would play in a self-driving car, reports CNBC. The patent details how Apple's system would leverage its AI capabilities and vehicle sensors to let a car navigate a road without referring to any ...
6 LG Electronics and HERE Technologies partner on autonomous cars
GlobeNewswire (press release)
SEOUL, Dec. 27, 2017 - LG Electronics (LG) is partnering with HERE Technologies (HERE), a global provider of digital mapping and location services, to offer a next-generation telematics solution for autonomous vehicles. The solution combines LG's advanced telematics technology with high-precision ...
7 LG and Here Team Up on Self-Driving Car Telematics
The Drive
Electronics giant LG and digital mapping company Here are teaming up on technology for self-driving cars. Neither company wants to develop its own autonomous vehicles, but LG and Here plan to supply tech they believe is crucial to automakers. The two companies plan to focus on telematics, ...
8 Kia and Hyundai cars will include AI assistants starting in 2019
Vehicles made by Korean carmakers Hyundai and Kia will include built-in virtual assistants with AI-powered smarts beginning in 2019 (via Engadget). The plan to build smart assistants into vehicles will make use of tech created by SoundHound, the music identification company that has recently been ...
9 As sea levels rise, researchers use AI to monitor urban flooding
Digital Trends
As climate change accelerates, coastal communities around the world face an intimidating foe in rising sea levels. By combining tools like artificial intelligence, social media, and crowdsourcing apps, researchers think they can help these communities prepare for devastating natural disasters. A team of ...
10 Go player to take on Chinese AI in match
BBC News
The world's top Go player will take on an artificial intelligence opponent again this spring, but this time it will not be Google's DeepMind that provides the machine rival. Ke Jie had previously vowed never to play against AI again after repeatedly losing to DeepMind's AlphaGo. But according to Chinese ...
【M实事摘要】是立足中国放眼全球的人工智能和无人驾驶汽车(SDC: Self-Driving Car)的最新内容