**Warning**Boot000c is not UEFI Spec compliant(lowercase hex in name)。
在终端输入grub2-install /dev/sda或者sda2(efi分区),或者/boot/efi,都会提示以下错误:
Installing for x86_efi platform.
**Warning** : Boot000c is not UEFI Spec compliant(lowercase hex in name)
**Warning** : Boot000c is not UEFI Spec compliant(lowercase hex in name)
**Warning** : Please recreate these using efibootmgr to remove this warning.
Could not prepare Boot variable: No space left on device
Installation finished.No error reported.
“Another point about this is that the names of the boot options with lowercase hexadecimal numbers suggests that they were created by your firmware. Thus,even if you were to delete those boot options,they or other options with lowercase hexadecimal numbers might be(re-)created by the firmware in the future. The warning says that the values are not compliant with EFI 1.10,but most modern computers ship with EFI 2.x(aka UEFI). Thus,the warningshouldmatter only on these older EFIs.”
1、Locate Command Prompt in the Start menu,right-click it,and select Run as Administrator. This action opens a Command Prompt window with administrative privileges.
2、Typemountvol S: /Sin the Administrator Command Prompt window. This makes the ESP accessible as drive S: from that window.(You can use a drive identifier other than S: if you like.)
输入mountvol S: /S,将efi分区挂载到S盘
3、Change into the main rEFInd package directory,so that the refind subdirectory is visible when you typedir.
4、Typexcopy /E refind S:\EFI\refind\to copy the refind directory tree to the ESP's EFI directory. If you omit the trailing backslash from this command,xcopy will ask if you want to create the refind directory. Tell it to do so.
输入xcopy /E refind S:\EFI\refind\,复制必要的文件
5、TypeS:to change to the ESP.进入S盘
6、Typecd EFI\refindto change into the refind subdirectory
进入refind目录,cd EFI\refind
7、You may want to selectively delete some of the drivers in the drivers_x64,drivers_ia32,or drivers_aa64 directory,depending on your architecture and needs. Unnecessary drivers will slow the rEFInd start process,and can even cause the drivers you need to not work or cause a system crash. See thepage on driversfor more on this topic.
8、Typerename refind.conf-sample refind.confto rename rEFInd's configuration file.
9、Note:I've heard from a couple of Windows 10 users that the bcdedit commands described here don't work. I don't yet know if this is a coincidence or if Microsoft has changed bcdedit in such a way that these instructions no longer apply. If you run into this problem,either try using EasyUEFI or use another installation method,such as theLinux methodfrom a Linux emergency boot disc.
10、Typebcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efito set rEFInd as the default EFI boot program. Note that {bootmgr} is entered as such;that's not a notation for a variable. Also,change refind_x64.efi to refind_ia32.efi on systems with 32-bit EFIs. Such computers are rare,and most of them are tablets. Check your Windows bit depth to determine which binary you should use.
运行bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\refind\refind_x64.efi,将refind设置为默认的引导管理程序。
11、If you like,typebcdedit /set {bootmgr} description "rEFInd description"to set a description(changerEFInd descriptionas you see fit).
systemctl enable NetworkManager
systemctl start NetworkManager