002 为什么学习大数据和 Hadoop-学习 Hadoop 的首要原因

002 Why Learn Big Data And Hadoop – Top Reasons To Learn Hadoop

1. Objective – Why Learn Big Data

1. 目标--为什么要学习大数据

Today, we will see why do we learn Big Data and Hadoop. Moreover, while looking at the reasons we will discuss how Big data and Hadoop helps us in our career. Also, we will discuss the salaries while looking at the advantages to learn Big Data and Hadoop.

今天我们来看看为什么我们要学习大数据,Hadoop.此外,我们将讨论大数据和 Hadoop 在我们的职业生涯中如何帮助我们.此外,我们将在研究学习大数据和 Hadoop 的优势的同时讨论薪酬问题.

So, let’s start the tutorial – why learn Big Data and Hadoop.

那么,让我们开始学习大数据和 Hadoop 的教程吧.


Why Learn Big Data And Hadoop – Top Reasons To Learn Hadoop

2. What is Big Data?

2. 什么大的数据?

Big data provides answers to queries that many organizations failed to even recognize they’d within the initial place. Big data helps organizations determine new opportunities and explore new avenues. Once big data is effectively gathered, and expeditiously analyzed, firms will gain an additional comprehensive understanding of their business, products, customers, and competitors.


Recommended Reading – Best Big Data Analytics Tools


Big data technologies like Hadoop and cloud-based analytics additionally facilitate important price reduction, improve business potency and drive client satisfaction through higher understanding. Every company utilizes data, in a way or the opposite. The additional expeditiously a company uses its data, the additional potential it’s to thrive.

此外,Hadoop 和基于云的分析等大数据技术还有助于降低重要的价格,提高业务效力,并通过更高的理解来提高客户满意度.每家公司都以某种方式或相反的方式利用数据.公司使用数据的速度越快,公司发展的潜力就越大.

What is Big Data and Hadoop

Big Data not only helps the user to enhance their skills but it also helps the large as well as small firms to grow.


3. Reasons to Learn Big Data and Hadoop

3. 原因学习 Hadoop 大数据

So, let’s take a look at the important reasons why learn Big Data and Hadoop –

那么,我们来看看学习大数据和 Hadoop 的重要原因 --

i. Exponential Growth of Big Data Market

I. 数据市场指数增长

As mentioned earlier, the Big Data market is predicted to grow exponentially across the world and it shows no signs of swiftness down within the long haul. In step with NASSCOM, the Indian Big Data analytics sector is expected to grow to achieve USD 16billion by 2025 from the present level of USD 2billion. With increasing penetration of sensible devices at intervals villages and remote areas, the Big Data data revolution can still surge.

如前所述,大数据市场预计将在全球呈指数级增长,从长远来看,没有任何快速下降的迹象.与 NASSCOM 合作,印度大数据分析部门预计到 2025年将从目前的 160亿美元增长到美元.随着智能设备在乡村和偏远地区的渗透率越来越高,大数据数据革命仍然可能激增.

Why learn Big Data – Growth of Big Data

What do you know about the Big Data Applications


ii. Numerous Organizations are Gaining Information about Big Data


As market competition stiffens, additional and additional organizations are progressively adopting big data and Hadoop technologies to spot new market opportunities. Most of the leading organizations think about big data analytics an essential part of business performance. Resultantly, big data and Hadoop professionals are about to have a major say on company policies and selling ways.

随着市场竞争的加剧,越来越多的企业正在逐步采用大数据和 Hadoop 技术来寻找新的市场机会.大多数领先的组织都认为大数据分析是业务绩效的重要组成部分.结果是,大数据和 Hadoop 专业人员将在公司政策和销售方式上拥有重大发言权.

iii. Better Career Opportunities


One of the foremost necessary and motivating reasons to be told big data and Hadoop is that the indisputable fact that it brings an array of opportunities to bolster your career to an unprecedented level. As additional and additional firms inter-communicate big data, they’re progressively searching for specialists who will interpret and use data. This creates nice career opportunities for big data professionals creating big data and Hadoop an apt talent to be told to require advantage of the time.

被告知大数据和 Hadoop 的一个最重要的必要和激励的原因是,它为你的职业生涯带来了一系列前所未有的机会,这是不争的事实.随着越来越多的公司相互交流大数据,他们正在逐步寻找解释和使用数据的专家.这为大数据专业人员创造了很好的职业机会,他们创建了大数据和 Hadoop,这是一名 apt 人才,需要利用时间.

Learn Big Data for Big Data Career Opportunities

iv. Higher Salaries


It is no secret that the Big data and Hadoop talent pool are shallow. With the growing demand, the provision of pros with these specific talent sets remains low. The gap between demand and therefore the adequate offer of accomplished professionals is increasing a day.

大数据和 Hadoop 人才库浅化已经不是什么秘密了.随着需求的增长,这些特定人才的专业人员数量仍然很低.需求之间的差距,因此,有成就的专业人员的充分提供日益增加.

Must Read – Careers and Job Roles in Big Data


Higher Salaries in Big Data

v. Big data is Omnipresent


From politics to sports, you can not deny the presence of big data. Healthcare organizations leverage big data to supply additional personalized identification and prescriptions, prognostic analysis of diseases and plenty of alternative services. Whereas sports team utilizes big data analytics to scout for players UN agency best suit their necessities. Therefore, if you learn Big Data and Hadoop, you’ll be able to match anyplace and everyplace.

从政治到体育,都不能否认大数据的存在.医疗保健组织利用大数据提供额外的个性化识别和处方、疾病的预后分析以及大量的替代服务.然而,体育团队利用大数据分析来寻找最适合他们需求的球员.因此,如果你学习了大数据和 Hadoop,你就可以匹配任何地方和任何地方.

vi. Freelancing Opportunities


As we have a tendency to advance in time, a big majority of the men prefers to not be tied to only one leader. Professionals are steady eyeing suggests that to diversify their sources of financial gain and ways in order that they will notice the right work-life balance. Given the expansion and therefore the nature of the work, Big Data and Hadoop create as potential domains to supply well-paying freelance opportunities for a few of the most important corporations within the world

由于我们有及时前进的趋势,大多数人不喜欢只和一个领导人联系在一起.专业人士正稳步关注这一问题,这表明,为了注意到正确的工作和生活平衡,他们应该将经济收益来源和方式多样化.鉴于这项工作的扩展和性质,大数据和 Hadoop 创造了潜在的领域,为世界上一些最重要的公司提供高薪的自由职业机会

So, this was all about why learn Big Data and Hadoop. Hope you like our explanation.

这就是为什么要学习大数据和 Hadoop.希望你喜欢我们的解释

4. Conclusion – Learn Big Data

结论 4. 学大数据

If one is searching for employment within the big data industry, or an existing worker who desires to upgrade their talent and negotiate for an improved position, or somebody eager to strengthen their talent set and improve their CVs, a web Hadoop certification will get your dreams nearer to you. It nourishes the abilities of a person in rich, interactive surroundings to develop the skills. You’ll be able to do way more than sit and hear a lecture.

如果一个人在大数据行业寻找工作,或者一个现有的工人希望升级他们的人才,并谈判改善职位, 或者有人渴望加强他们的天赋并改进他们的简历,web Hadoop 认证将让你的梦想离你更近.它滋养一个人在丰富、互动的环境中发展技能的能力.你能做的不仅仅是坐下来听讲座.

Hence, in this Big Data tutorial, we discussed the reasons to learn Big Data and Hadoop. Moreover, we looked at the salary and market growth of Big Data. Also, we discussed the point for Big data career opportunities. Still, if you have any query regarding why to learn Big Data and Hadoop, ask in the comment tab.

因此,在这个大数据教程中,我们讨论了学习大数据和 Hadoop 的原因.而且我们看了一下大数据的薪酬和市场增长情况.此外,我们还讨论了大数据职业机会的要点.尽管如此,如果你对为什么学习大数据和 Hadoop 有任何疑问,请在评论标签中提问.


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