In the process of global industrial adjustment,the structure of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) has shifted towards services. The degree of openness of service industry has been greatly improved since China's opening up to the outside world. As a result,FDI in services has grown substantially. It can......
【作者名称】: 殷凤,陈宪
【作者单位】: 上海大学,国际工商与管理学院,上海,200444,上海交通大学,安泰经济与管理学院,上海,200444
【关 键 词】: 外商直接投资, 服务行业, 分布格局, 结构调整
【会议名称】: 2009年服务科学国际会议论文集
【会议地点】: 北京
【会议组织】: 中科院软件所;北京大学
【会议时间】: 2009