

Name: sweet white glazed bowl

规格:口径15.5cm 、 高5.5cm、  底外径5.6cm

Specification: diameter 15.5 cm, 5.5 cm high, bottom diameter of 5.6 cm


Type: porcelain




White glazed porcelain is China's ancient porcelain is a long history in China, its germination in the northern and southern dynasties, to sui dynasty has grown up, in the tang dynasty, white glazed porcelain and new development, porcelain sintering temperature up to 1200 ° C, the whiteness of porcelain also reached more than 70%, close to the standards of modern advanced fine porcelain, this achievement is under the glaze color and glaze color porcelain has laid a solid foundation. In song dynasty, porcelain making craftsmen in TaiZhi, glaze and the manufacture technology, etc., and a new record high, porcelain technology has reached the degree of fully mature.

白釉烧制工艺比较复杂,出现的时间也较晚,一般瓷土和釉料,都或多或少含有一些氧化铁,器物烧出后必然呈现出深浅不同的青色来。瓷器釉料中的含铁量降低到0.75%以下,施于洁白的瓷胎上,入窑经高温烧制,就会出现白釉。严格地说,白釉是一种无色透明釉,而不是白色的釉 。白釉是瓷器传统釉色之一,我国古代仅有元代枢府釉是失透的,其他白釉并不是白色的釉,而是将不含金属氧化物呈色元素的釉料施于胎骨洁白的器物上,入窑高温烧制而成的透明釉, 釉色因白润瓷胎的映衬而显出白色,现在习惯上将这种透明釉也称为白釉。

White glaze firing technology is more complex, the time is late, general China clay and glaze, more or less contain some iron oxide, implements after burn out must present a different shades of blue. Porcelain glaze in the iron content reduced to below 0.75%, on the white porcelain body, into the kiln, via high temperature fire will appear white glaze. Strictly speaking, white glaze is a colorless transparent glaze, glaze instead of white. White glaze is one of the traditional porcelain glaze, glaze is the only pin yuan dynasty in ancient China office devitrification, other craft is not white glaze, but contains no metal oxide glaze color elements to the implements of the fetal bone white, the kiln of the high temperature burn becomes transparent glaze, glaze juicy because of the set off of porcelain body and show white, now this kind of transparent glaze is also called white glaze habits.

此碗口径15.5cm, 高5.5cm , 底外径5.6cm  , 造型精巧俊秀,胎质洁净,光泽度强,胎体轻薄,釉色洁白细腻,如霜似雪,肥厚莹润如玉,无棕眼(对光斜视,可看到釉面满布极细的小孔,俗称"棕眼",并呈现似乎难以觉察的橘皮纹,由于孔眼细小紧密,它们与釉内的微小气泡使光线散射,从而产生一种特别的柔和感),釉汁肥厚,釉质纯净,釉面平整光滑,玉质感较强,实乃上上之作。更为难得的是保存的很好,无任何明显磨损,使之更难能可贵了。

This bowl of diameter 15.5 cm, 15.5 cm high, 5.6 cm, bottom diameter exquisitely beautiful modelling, TaiZhi clean, strong luster, tire body thin, glaze color, white and smooth like frost like snow, the hypertrophy of jade-like stone embellish scaramouche, no brown eyes (light strabismus, can see the glaze with very fine pores, commonly known as "brown eyes", and orange peel and cannot seem to perceive the grain, due to the small hole, they and the tiny air bubbles make the light scattering inside the glaze, to produce a special kind of downy sense), glaze juice hypertrophy, enamel, pure glaze level off is smooth, the jade sense is stronger, good work. More rare is to save is very good, without any obvious wear and make it more valuable.


Ancient porcelain, except for people to enjoy another important feature, that is the value, according to the record during the period of the republic of China, people have to spend a piece of ocean buy chenghua choi cup, was later Lu Wu company with 4000 oceans sold to the United States, according to the idea now is 3, forty thousand yuan, but the bucket color cup of today's social status is already millions of yuan. Chinese ceramics market rising year by year from 1975 to 1990 straight back to $nine thousand and grew up around nine times. Into the ninety s, China ceramics collection at home and abroad, chasing the soaring, idea innovation, especially in the auction market overseas. Bibi examples prove that China market is more and more clear, the demand of people of ancient China also far exceeds the supply and demand quantity, after all, the ancient porcelain is not reengineering. So the white bowls even Tibetan friend preferred.

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