

ByteDance, the parent company of short-video platform TikTok, confirmed on Sunday that it will file a lawsuit on Monday (US time) against the Trump administration over its executive order, in the first fight back by a Chinese corporation against US President Donald Trump's clampdown on Chinese social media amid an escalating tech war.



2.短视频平台: short-video platform 直播平台:live-streaming platforms

说到streaming,我突然想到网剧的表达也与streaming有关,叫【streaming drama】。


1).母公司(parent company)是子公司(subsidiary company)的投资人,不是自然人。母公司与子公司是财务关联关系,他们是独立的法人、会计主体。

2).总公司(head company)与分公司(branch office)是紧密的资金核算关系,总公司是法人公司,分公司不是法人公司。分公司是总公司的附属机构,在法律上,经济上都没有独立性。


to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with 【提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)】

这个file我上一篇也有提到,美国经济要崩溃了!首次申请失业救济人数重返110万|英语精读里面的申请失业救济金,用的是file for jobless benefits.


6.executive [ɪɡˈzekjətɪv] adj.行政的; 管理的; 高级的 n.(公司或机构的)经理,领导层; (政府的)行政部门

这个单词我一直要把它与exclusive弄混,exclusive adj.专用的; 高级的; 排外的; 单独的 n.独家新闻; 专有物; 独家经营的产品(或项目、设计等); 排外者

7.back 我查到了它作为动词有【支持】的意思,但是感觉在本段更倾向于"提出"这一含义。

Doctors have backed plans to raise the tax on cigarettes. 医生们对提高烟草税计划给予了支持。

8.clampdown n./ˈklæmpdaʊn/ 压制,取缔,严禁; 限制与控制的强行施加

A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag(n.障碍 v.被绊住) when villains(恶棍) stole one of their cars.



做介词,in the middle of or during sth, especially sth that causes excitement or fear 【在…过程中;在…中】


The firm collapsed amid allegations of fraud. 该公司在一片欺诈的指责声中倒闭了。

10. escalating /'eskəleɪtɪŋ/ adj. 逐步上涨的

它的原型的escalate . V.逐步增强;逐步升高;使……加剧

Syria is beefing up security on its home front in a sign of escalating tension with Israel.


Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.


Chinese analysts said ByteDance's move is likely to be followed by other Chinese companies, notably Tencent, which has seen its interests harmed by a separate executive order signed by Trump.


1.这个句型很好:sb. has seen its interests harmed by...

"To ensure that the rule of law is not discarded and that our company and users are treated fairly, we have no choice but to challenge the executive order through the judicial system," the Beijing-based company confirmed with the Global Times on Sunday.


1.have no choice but to 【只好;别无他法】

看到这个我就想起了这个:better late than never 【亡羊补牢;迟做比不做好】

As is better late than never the action, these measures have the necessity very much.

作为亡羊补牢之举, 这些措施很有必要.

2.总部位于北京的公司:Beijing-based company

3.confirm with 【与……确认】

Well, this kid said he wanted to confirm with me some impressions about love which he had gotten from my book.


注意:conform with 【符合;与…一致】

The building does not conform with safety regulations. 这座建筑物不符合安全条例。

TikTok said it had tried to engage with the US administration for nearly a year, but it had faced "a lack of due process" and that the government paid no attention to facts.

"The US government has even tried to insert itself into negotiations between private businesses," the company said in a statement.



1.engage with 【交战;与…接洽】

A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas. 未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。


1).engage in 参加,从事,忙于

They also engage in various kinds of sideline production. 他们也从事各种副业生产.

2). engage to 和……订婚;致力于

My daughter was engaged to a young teacher. 我女儿和一位年轻老师订婚了.


I will engage to be there on time. 我保证准时到那儿.

2.due adj.【应有的】

in due course 在适当的时间

pay one's dues 尽责任

give someone their due 公道地对待某人

3.pay attention to V.【注意】

pay no attention to 漠不关心 同义表达:indifferent to

pay attention to everything concerned 【面面俱到】

You should always pay attention to personal grooming (梳妆).


4.insert (in/into/between sth) to put sth into sth else or between two things 插入;嵌入

They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. 他们在他嘴里插了根导管帮助他呼吸。

Chinese lawyers and legal experts said the lawsuit by ByteDance, coming as the US presidential election is nearing, will be closely watched by global media given TikTok's huge user base in the US, which is estimated at 100 million.

This is the second litigation announced against the Trump administration in a week.



1.presidential election 【总统大选】

2.given 考虑到

3.litigation /ˌlɪtɪˈɡeɪʃn/ 【诉讼;打官司】

The company has been in litigation with its previous auditors for a full year. 那家公司与前任审计员已打了整整一年的官司。

A coalition of WeChat users in the US filed a law suit against the Trump administration on Friday, challenging its ban on the Chinese messaging app.

Separately, a TikTok employee lawsuit against the proposed ban, independent from the company's legal response, is being funded by a crowdfunding campaign.



1.coalition /ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃn/ 【联合体,联盟】

2.Separately [ˈseprətli] 【分别地,另行; 分开,单独; 分离地; 个别地】

As a result, the scientists urged fruit producers to store apples separately.

因此, 科学家敦促果农单独存放苹果.

3.crowdfunding 【众筹〔向大众募集资金的做法,常在因特网上进行〕】

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