L4-U1-P2 英语流利说 4-1-2 懂你英语 Level4 Unit1 Part2

L4-U1-P2-1 Listening : A Trip to Yosemite Park 1

A Trip to Yosemite Park 1

Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves.

This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco.

They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south.

Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.

Why was there much traffic? -It was so early.

How heavy was the traffic? - Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.

After driving for an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast.

They ordered pancakes and coffee.

They also had some fresh fruits.

When they finished eating, it was 7 o’clock.

Then they got back into the car and drove south.

Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio.

An hour later they stopped for gas.

They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars.

What time was it when they finished eating? -they finished eating at 7 o’clock.

They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars.

Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.

An hour later they stopped for gas.

They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south.

Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio.

What did they order for breakfast? -They ordered pancakes and coffee.

Christina wanted to listen to music,so they turned on the radio.

Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves.

When they finished eating, it was 7 o’clock.

This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco.

They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars.

It’s now 1:15 and they are in Yosemite Park.

They have been there for two hours, since 11:15.

They are looking at Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the park.

The water drops a total of 740 meters from the top of the upper fall to the base of the lower fall.

When did they arrive at the park? - They got there at 11:15

They have been there for two hours, since 11:15.

They are looking at Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the park.

The water drops a total of 740 meters from the top of the upper fall to the base of the lower fall.

How long have they been in the park? - They have been there for two hours, since 11:15.

They are looking at Yosemite falls,which is the highest waterfall in the park.

They have been there for two hours, since 11:15.

The water drops a total of 740 meters from the top of the upper fall to the base of the lower fall.

L4-U1-P2-2 Listening : A Trip to Yosemite Park 2

A Trip to Yosemite Park 2

In another 15 minutes they plan to eat lunch at a magnificent old hotel in the park.

It was built in 1927 and has a great view.

They wanted to stay there, but they couldn’t get reservations.

To get a room at that hotel, you usually need to make reservations several months in advance.

Why couldn't they get reservations? - They didn't reserve early enough.

They wanted to stay there, but they couldn’t get reservations.

When do you need to make reservations? - you  need to make reservations several months in advance.

It was built in 1927.

They plan to stay in the park until around 4 o’clock.

By then they will have been in the park for nearly 5 hours.

Then they’ll get back into the car and drive back to San Francisco.

They plan to eat dinner somewhere along the way.

If the traffic isn’t too bad, they should be back in San Francisco by 10 o’clock.

How long would would they have been in the park if they leave as schedduled? - For nearly 5 years.

When do they expect to be back in San Francisco? -They expect to be back by 10 o’clock.

Early tomorrow morning they are going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and go north along the coast.

From some places, you can look out on the ocean and see whales and other sea life.

Christina has never seen a whale before, so she’s looking forward to it.

And tomorrow night they have something special planned.

They are going to watch a baseball game.

Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US.

And the San Francisco baseball team is one of the best.

What does she hope to see from the coast? -She hopes to see whales.

What do they have plan for tomorrow night? - They are going to watch a baseball game.

Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US.

They wanted to stay there, but they couldn’t get reservations.

They plan to eat dinner somewhere along the way.

They are going to watch a baseball game.

Early tomorrow morning they are going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and go north along the coast.

From some places, you can look out on the ocean and see whales and other sea life.

What has she heard about baseball? -She has heard that it is very popular in the US.

What are they going to do tomorrow morning? - They are going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and go north along the coast.

Christina has never seen a whale before, so she’s looking forward to it.

They plan to stay in the park until around 4 o’clock.

Christina has never seen a whale before, so she’s looking forward to it.

To get a room at that hotel, you usually need to make reservations several months in advance.

Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US.

L4-U1-P2-3 Vocabulary : Science


A force is a push or a pull on an object.

A force changes the motion of a moving object.

A force can be strong or weak, and it always has a direction.

The Earth is a planet that goes around the sun in a circular orbit.

The speed of its motion doesn't change, but the direction of its motion does.

The Earth has a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.

Atoms are the building blocks of matter.

At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge.

Outside the nucleus are electrons, which have a negative charge.

Asteroids and comets are objects that orbit our sun but are smaller than planets.

Asteroids that pass close to the Earth are called near-earth objects.

The layer of gases just above Earth's surface is our atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made up of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen.

Without an atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth.

A force can increase or decrease the speed of an object, and it can change the direction of motion.

The electric force between the nucleus and the electrons holds the atom together.

Without an atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth.

A force is a push or a pull on an object.

Atoms are the building blocks of matter.

The Earth has a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.

At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge.

What changes the motion of a moving object? A force changes the motion of a moving object.

What is the layer of gases just above Earth's surface? -The layer of gases just above Earth's surface is our atmosphere.

What has a nucleus and an electrons? -Matter has a positive charge nucleus and a negative charge electrons.

What objects orbit our sun but are smaller than planets? -Asteroids and comets are objects that orbit our sun but are smaller than planets.

What keeps the Earth in an orbit around the sun? -It moves in an orbit around the sun because of the gravitational force between them.

A force can increase or decrease the speed of an object, and it can change the direction of motion.

The electric force between the nucleus and electrons holds the atom together.

Asteroids that pass close to the Earth are called near-earth objects.

A force is a push or a pull on an object.

Without an atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth.

The Earth has a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.

At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge.

L4-U1-P2-3 Vocabulary : Geometry


The two lines on the left intersect each other at a right angle, which is 90 degrees.

The two lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.

The adjacent sides of a rectangle are perpendicular, which means they meet at a 90-degree angle.

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel, which means they never cross.

The area of a rectangle is the length times the width.

A circle is a two dimensional figure with a radius and circumference , which is the distance around the circle.

The area of a circle is pi r squared, where r is the radius and pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

A sphere is a three dimensional figure with a radius and a volume, which is 4/3 pi r cubed.

All points on the surface of a sphere are equidistant from its center.

A right triangle is a two dimensional figure with 3 sides, two of which are perpendicular.

To find its area, multiply the lengths of the two perpendicular sides, a and b, and divided by two. A = 1/2 ab.

The two lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.

All points on the surface of a sphere are equidistant from its center.

The area of a rectangle is the length times the width.

These lines are parallel, which means they never cross.

The two lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.

A right triangle is a two dimensional figure with 3 sides, two of which are perpendicular.

Which two lines intersect at a right angle? -These two lines intersect each other at a right angle, which is 90 degrees.

Which two dimensional figure has a radius and circumference? -A circle is a two dimensional figure with a radius and circumference, which is the distance around the circle.

Which two dimensional figure has four sides? - A rectangle is a two dimensional figure has four sides.

Which three dimensional figure has a volume which is 4/3 pi r cubed? - A sphere is a three dimensional figurewith a radius and a volume, which is 4/3 pi r cubed.

Which two dimensional figure has three sides? -A right triangle is a two dimensional figure with 3 sides, two of which are perpendicular.

The two lines on the left intersect each other at a right angle, which is 90 degrees.

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel, which means they never cross.

A rectangle is a two dimensional figure has four sides.

Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

All points on the surface of a sphere are equidistant from its center.

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel, which means they never cross.

L4-U1-P2-5 Dialogue : Dinner Conversation

Dinner Conversation

M: Have you finished eating yet?

W: No, I haven't. Why are you in such a hurry?

M: I'm sorry, but you're such a slow eater.

W: A slow eater? Well, I try to enjoy my food. You just eat and swallow. I don't see how you can even taste it!

I don't see how you can even taste it!

M: OK, I'm sorry. Do you mind if I get another glass of wine?

W: No, go ahead. I don't want you to sit there putting pressure on me. I thought we were going to have a relaxing evening.

What does she allow him to do? -She allows him to get another glass of wine.

A relaxing evening is the opposite of ...a high-pressure evening.

M: Yes, you're right. I'd like to relax, but I have a lot on my mind.

W: Work related?

M: Yes, it is. I've been getting some strange E-mails from my boss. He wants me to cut down on my expenses. Maybe he wants to fire me.

His boss wants him to spend less.

I'd like to relax,but I have a lot on my mind.

W: Is business bad?

M: Yes, it is. But I don't want to talk about it.

W: OK, but I'm a good listener. You can tell me if you'd like to.

What doesn't he want to talk about? - He doesn't want to talk about his business.

M: Thanks. Maybe some other time. I'll try to stop thinking about it and deal with it tomorrow.

W: Good idea. You need to take a break from work. Your health is important, and so am I.

M: Yes, you are. I don't know what I would do without you.

To deal with something means ...to do something about it.

Have you finished eating yet?

I'm sorry, but you're such a slow eater.

I don't see how you can even taste it!

I thought we were going to have a relaxing evening.

I don't know what I would do without you.

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