- Infamous ViewHolder Pattern - ViewHolder pattern in ListView
- View Reduction - use Compound Drawables to increase performance
- Improving Comment Rendering on Android - Instgram's post on TextView Performance
- Custom ViewGroups - a Facebook Engineer's artcile on Custom ViewGroup to increase performance
- Android 3.0 Hardware Acceleration
- Debug Overdraw - debug overdraw
Android Performance Case Study - Debug Performance use
systrace andshow GPU Overdraw
OpenGL traces
Android Performance Case Study Follow-up - Use
OpenGL traces
and UUI problems caused by transparency - Hardware Acceleration
- Optimizing Hardware Layers
- Graphics Performance - Podcasts on Android Performance
- Analyzing UI Performance with Systrace
- Optimizing Your UI - HierarchyViewer Usage
- Introduction to Systrace
- Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently
- Bitmap quality, banding and dithering
- Android: bitmaps, textures and pre-multiplied pixels
- Testing Display Performance
- Investigating Your RAM Usage
- The truth about Preventative Optimizations - You can find some useful things from the links.
- A small leak will sink a great ship
- LeakCanary A memory leak detection library for Android and Java.
- Android内存泄露案例分析
- Tips for Optimizing Android Application Memory Usage - Tips
- Android memory and performance optimization - Tutorial
- Building Memory-efficient Java Applications
- How to Leak a Context: Handlers & Inner Classes
- Improving Facebook's performance on Android with FlatBuffers
Memory Tools
- YourKit - Performance and Memory Java Profile
- MAT - Memory Analysis tool for Java
- Allocation Tracker
- Optimizing Battery Life - Android's official tutorial for Battery Optimization
Article Videos Tools and others that cover multiple topics
Performance Test
- Performance Tuning On Android - Venmo's experience on UI performance optimization
- Best Practices for Performance - Android Official Training on Performance
- Developing for Android - Chet Haase's series,including Memory,Storage, UI Performance
- Detect and Resolve Performance Problems on Android - Use multiple ways to detect and fix Android Performance Problems
- Performance Tips - Android's Official Perf tips
- Facebook Engineering blogs tagged android - Including many articles on performance
- Developing for Android IXTools
- Performance Profiling Tools - Performance Tools
- StrictMode - Debug Util Class for etection for Storage, Memory and others.
- Android Performance Patterns - Google's official Video about Android Performance
- [Android Performance](https://www.udacity.com/course/viewer#!/c-ud825/l-
3753178711/m-3766928782) - Udacity's Video Series
- udacity render example
- leakcanary - leakcanary source codes
People you should follow(their work contribute to almost all of this list)
- Colt McAnlis - Instructor of the Video at Udacity and Youtube
- Chet Haase - Author of the Developing for Android series
- Romain Guy - former developer of android ui frameowk team