create database two20210610 default charset=utf8;
use two20210610;
CREATE TABLE `studentinfo` (
`StudentID` char(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`StudentName` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`Gender` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Birthday` date DEFAULT NULL,
`ClassID` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`BeginYear` year(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`Phone` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`Province` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`City` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`Email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL
create table teacher (
create table teacher (
id int,
teachername VARCHAR(10),
hiredate DATE,
gender char
create table classinfo (
id int, # 班级编号
classname varchar(10),
gradeid int, # 年级编号
beginyear varchar(10) # 开始年份
create table subject (
id int ,
subjectname varchar(10),
teacherid int
create table exam (
id int,
exam int,
subjectid int,
studentid int,
remark varchar(10) # 备注
create table grade(
id int ,
gradename varchar(10),
major varchar(20)
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`classinfo`(`id`, `classname`, `gradeid`, `beginyear`) VALUES (2001, '20级1班', 20, '2020');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`classinfo`(`id`, `classname`, `gradeid`, `beginyear`) VALUES (2002, '20级2班', 20, '2020');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (1, 98, 101, 1, '无');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (2, 89, 102, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (3, 79, 103, 1, '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (4, 96, 104, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (5, 85, 101, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (6, 89, 102, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (7, 79, 103, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`exam`(`id`, `exam`, `subjectid`, `studentid`, `remark`) VALUES (8, 83, 104, 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`grade`(`id`, `gradename`, `major`) VALUES (20, '20级', '软件技术');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`studentinfo`(`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `ClassID`, `BeginYear`, `Phone`, `Province`, `City`, `Email`) VALUES ('1', '张无忌', '男', '2021-06-10', 2001, 2020, '13012340001', '河南', '许昌', '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`studentinfo`(`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `ClassID`, `BeginYear`, `Phone`, `Province`, `City`, `Email`) VALUES ('2', '张铁牛', '男', '2021-06-16', 2001, 2020, '13012340002', '河南', '许昌', '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`studentinfo`(`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `ClassID`, `BeginYear`, `Phone`, `Province`, `City`, `Email`) VALUES ('3', '林平之', '男', '2021-06-15', 2001, 2020, '13012340003', '河南', '安阳', '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`studentinfo`(`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `ClassID`, `BeginYear`, `Phone`, `Province`, `City`, `Email`) VALUES ('4', '令狐冲', '男', '2021-06-08', 2002, 2019, '13012340004', '河南', '濮阳', '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`studentinfo`(`StudentID`, `StudentName`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `ClassID`, `BeginYear`, `Phone`, `Province`, `City`, `Email`) VALUES ('5', '岳灵珊', '女', '2021-06-02', 2002, 2019, '13012340005', '河南', '南阳', '');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`subject`(`id`, `subjectname`, `teacherid`) VALUES (101, 'mysql', 201);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`subject`(`id`, `subjectname`, `teacherid`) VALUES (102, 'java基础', 201);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`subject`(`id`, `subjectname`, `teacherid`) VALUES (103, '面向对象', 202);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`subject`(`id`, `subjectname`, `teacherid`) VALUES (104, '网页设计', 202);
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`teacher`(`id`, `teachername`, `hiredate`, `gender`) VALUES (201, 'hys', '2021-06-04', '男');
INSERT INTO `two20210610`.`teacher`(`id`, `teachername`, `hiredate`, `gender`) VALUES (202, 'dj', '2021-06-01', '女');
-- 子查询 用子查询实现,查询出学生“林平之”的同班同学
-- 1 找到林平之 的班级
select classid from studentinfo where studentname='林平之';
-- 2 查同班同学
select * from studentinfo where classid=(select classid from studentinfo where studentname='林平之');
-- 查询《MySQL》考试成绩刚好等于90分的同学名单
-- 1 需要查询学生名单 在 studentinfo
-- 2 科目是 MySQL 在subject 表中 ID
-- 3 成绩为85在exam表中subjectID studentID
SELECT studentname from studentinfo inner join exam on studentinfo.StudentID=exam.studentid inner join subject on where subject.subjectname='mysql'and exam.exam=85;
-- 查询《MySQL》考试考试成绩刚好等于85分的同学名单 子查询
-- 根据学生ID查询学生名单
SELECT studentname from studentinfo where studentid =?;
-- 在成绩表中找到成绩为85的学生ID
SELECT studentid from exam where exam=85;
-- 在课程表中找到MySQL的课程ID
SELECT ID from subject where subjectname= 'mysql';
-- 融合
SELECT studentname from studentinfo where studentid =(SELECT studentid from exam where exam=85 and (SELECT ID from subject where subjectname= 'mysql'));
-- 更新dj的“网页设计”成绩为+5分
-- 找到MySQL成绩为 +5 id exam subjectid stentid
UPDATE exam set exam = exam +5 WHERE subjectid =?
-- 找到mysql课程的ID subject id subjectname
SELECT id form subject where subjectname="网页设计"
-- 根据名字找ID studentinfo
SELECT id from teacher where teachername = 'dj'
update exam set exam = exam + 5 WHERE subjectid = (SELECT id form subject where subjectname = "网页设计" and subject.teacherid = (select id from teacher where teachername = 'dj'
-- 删除"张无忌"的所有成绩
-- 在studentinfo表中找到学生的ID
SELECT studentid from studentinfo where studentname="张无忌"
-- 2根据ID在exam表中删除成绩
DELETE from exam where studentid=?
-- 合并
DELETE from exam where studentid=(SELECT studentid from studentinfo where studentname="张无忌");
-- 插入的子查询 把查询的结果作为内容 插入到新的数据
insert into studentinfo (SELECT * from studentinfo where studentid=5)
-- 查询《MySQL》考试考试成绩刚好等于85分的同学名单 子查询
-- 根据学生ID查询学生名单
SELECT studentname from studentinfo where studentid =?;
-- 在成绩表中找到成绩为85的学生ID
SELECT studentid from exam where exam=85;
-- 在课程表中找到MySQL的课程ID
SELECT ID from subject where subjectname= 'mysql';
-- 融合
SELECT studentname from studentinfo where studentid =(SELECT studentid from exam where exam=85 and (SELECT ID from subject where subjectname= 'mysql'));
-- 把=改成in
SELECT studentname from studentinfo where studentid in(SELECT studentid from exam where exam=85 and studentid in (SELECT ID from subject where subjectname= 'mysql'));
-- 查询考试成绩表中科目编号为102的考试成绩中是否 存在不及格的学生,如果存在不及格的学生就将参加科目表编号102考试的学生和成绩全部显示出来
-- 是否存在不及格的学生
SELECT studentid from exam where exam<60
-- 参加科目2编号102考试的学生
where subjectid = 2
-- 学生编号和成绩全部显示出来
SELECT studentid,exam from exam
-- 融合
SELECT studentid,exam from exam where subjectid=102 and EXISTS(SELECT studentid from exam where exam>60);
-- 查询考试成绩比科目编号为1的这门课程都大的学生考试信息
-- 1查询...学生考试信息
SELECT * from exam where ?
-- 2成绩比科目编号为“101”这门课程的所有成绩都大
ALL(SELECT exam from exam where subjectid=1)
-- 合并
SELECT * from exam where exam <ALL(SELECT exam from exam where subjectid=101);
-- 查询考试成绩比科目编号为1的这门课程都大的学生考试信息
-- 1查询...学生考试信息
SELECT * from exam where ?
-- 2成绩比科目编号为“101”这门课程的所有成绩都大
any(SELECT exam from exam where subjectid=1)
-- 合并
SELECT * from exam where exam <any(SELECT exam from exam where subjectid=101);
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