Leon and Amy:
如果你喜欢英语,它是很容易学的。If you like English, it is easy to learn.
你的学习方法对了吗? Did you study the right way? 学习,study. 对,right.
首先,你要记住26个英文字母。First of all, you must remember 26 English letters. 首先,first of all. 记住,remember. 字母, letter.
然后,你要学会音标。Then, you need to learn the phonetic. 音标,phonetic.
句子是由一个个单词组成的。Sentences are made up of words. 句子,sentence. 组成,be made up of. 单词,word.
你可以经常听英文歌。You can often listen to English songs.
你可以经常看英语电影。You can often watch English movies.
你可以读书和背诵英语课文。You can read and recite English texts. 读,read. 背诵,recite. 课文,text.
语法并不是必须学的,它有可能降低你学习英语的兴趣。Grammar does not have to be learned, it may reduce your interest in learning English. 语法,grammar. 降低,reduce. 兴趣,interest.
英语是一个工具,你用得越多就能用得越好。English is a tool, the more you use it, the better you can use it. 工具,tool. 用,use. 更好,better.
如果你不跳进水里,你永远学不会游泳。If you don't jump into the water, you'll never learn to swim. 跳,jump. 游泳,swim.
熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect. 练习,practice. 完美,perfect.