Civil rights - Jim Crow Laws 公民权利吉姆克劳法律

The term ‘seperate but equal” justified the Jim Crow Laws because it gave black people equal rights and facilities as white people.

Evidence to support this is shown, when the laws were first introduced into the southern states which stated that black people were promised to be given equal facilities as long as they were separate from the white peoples facilities. Facilities defined as educational complexes, public facilities like toilets and public transport.

The explanation to this would be that the term ‘separate but equal’ was clearly defined in the laws, that black people would be separate from the white people, but have equal facilities and service. The northern states gave back the authority to white people to govern the southern states.

Although the term ‘separate but equal’ was the defining statement of the Jim Crow laws, it was also falsely performed and wasn’t lived up to. The term ‘seperate but equal” didn’t justify the Jim Crow Laws because massive aspects of claims made by the laws were not true and was a way to discriminate against blacks in a fight to reclaim white supremacy in the south.

This is evident where, the laws claimed to have given black people equal facilities. In reality the blacks didn’t receive the same facilities the white people had. Facilities the blacks had were much less modern and functional. Craftsmanship of these facilities would also be of much lower standard. For example, water fountains. The water fountains made for white people were full length and had filters. Ones made for ‘colored’ people were unfiltered and was essentially a bathroom sink mounted to the wall. Schools would be built especially of low standard and hold much more primitive playgrounds and classrooms for black children. An example would be that school for black children would be built out of wood and small. Schools for white kids would be built out of bricks and glass. Teachers at the school were also black, meaning that they weren’t properly trained and didn’t have valid qualifications.

The explanation for this was probably to remind the black people that they’re the inferior race and only deserve to stay in the lower classes, therefore having low quality facilities. Furthermore, the effect of this law would also add to the fact that even after the blacks were abolished, they were still going to be inferior to the white race.

Anylysing the arguements, I believe that the Jim Crow laws disadvantaged black people as it; provided them with poor facilities and education, which allowed white people to take back control of the south, therefore allowing them to extend the discrimination in the future and maintain the Jim Crow laws for over twenty years. All these factors would ultimately be to remind blacks that whites were superior and that blacks would always be inferior to them and as a race.


当法律首次被引入南部各州时,证明支持这一点的证据表明,只要黑人与白人设施分开,他们就被赋予同等的设施。 设施被定义为教育设施,公共设施,如厕所和公共交通工具。

对此的解释是,法律中明确规定了“独立但平等”一词,即黑人与白人分开,但拥有相同的设施和服务。 北方各州赋予白人治理南部各州的权力。

虽然“单独但相等”一词是吉姆克劳法律的定义陈述,但它也被错误地执行并且没有达到目标。  “单独但平等”这一术语并不能证明吉姆克劳法律的合理性,因为法律提出的索赔的大部分内容并不属实,并且是在南方争夺白人至上主义的斗争中歧视黑人的一种方式。

这一点很明显,法律声称给予黑人平等的设施。 实际上,黑人没有得到白人所拥有的相同设施。 黑人拥有的设施不那么现代和功能。 这些设施的工艺也将低得多。 例如,喷泉。 为白人制作的喷泉是全长的并且有过滤器。 为“有色人种”制作的人们未经过滤,基本上是一个安装在墙上的浴室水槽。 学校将特别建造低标准,并为黑人儿童举办更原始的游乐场和教室。 一个例子是黑人儿童学校将用木头和小孩建造。 白人孩子的学校将用砖和玻璃建造。 学校的教师也是黑人,这意味着他们没有经过适当的培训,也没有有效的资格。

对此的解释可能是提醒黑人他们是劣等种族,只能留在下层阶级,因此设施质量低。 此外,这项法律的效果还会增加这样一个事实,即即使在黑人被废除之后,他们仍然不如白种人。

在任何争论中,我认为吉姆克劳法律使黑人处于不利地位; 为他们提供了糟糕的设施和教育,使白人能够收回对南方的控制权,因此允许他们在未来延长歧视,并维持吉姆克劳法律二十多年。 所有这些因素最终都会提醒黑人白人是优越的,黑人总是不如他们和种族。

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