Hi everybody, I'm Xiong Ke from Beijing, I'm thirteen years old. I'm studying in the eighth grade of Beijing Shang Di Shi Yan Secondary school.
I love sports, I started playing Ping Pang since seven. Ping Pang, is the national sport of China, are played by majority Chinese people. I have a lot of friends around me that are practicing Ping Pang just like me.
I take Ping Pang training five times a week. After basic and technicle trainings, coaches make us play rallies with others students. I never got overpround when I win, neither sad when losing.(Even though my friends get super happy when they succeed, and cry hard when they fail.)
I kept doing this sport for seven years. Trainings and competitions for long made my brain spin faster, my movement smoother, myself more flexible. I also got my confidence, braveness, determination, and will to move on from Ping Pang. I loved it, and I greatly welcome other friends from all around the world to come to Beijing and have a communication on Ping Pang with me.