习惯一: 积极主动 选择习惯
be practive -- you are in charge
习惯二:事前有目标 愿景习惯
begin with the end in mind -- Have a plan
习惯三:事中有计划 执行习惯
Put first things first -- Work first, then plan
习惯四:共赢思想 多赢习惯
Think Win-win -- Everyone can win -- Start with you
习惯五:善于沟通 沟通习惯
Seek first to Understand, then to be understood -- Listen before you talk
习惯六:团队合作 合作习惯 -- Then play well with others
Synergize -- Together is better
习惯七:不断更新 进步习惯
Sharpen the Saw -- Balance feels best -- And remember to take care of yourself