“I hate China!”(我恨中国!)走在我旁边的伊拉克同学Younis(尤尼斯)突然冒出了一句。
“You see. My hat, my clothes, my pants, and my shoes all are Made in China!” (你瞧!我的帽子,衣服,裤子,还有鞋子都是中国制造!)Younis 从头到脚地为我展示着。
“Ha ha ha ha, That’s my proud! Made in China all over the world, it’s proving that China manufacturing industry is very developed.”(哈哈哈哈,那是我的自豪!中国制造遍布世界各地,这证明中国的制造业很发达。)我很自豪地拍拍他的肩膀。
“Yes. But I really can’t stand Made in China is everywhere! Everything is Made in China! Everything! You know?”(是的。可是我真的无法忍受到处都是中国制造!什么都是中国制造!什么都是!你知道吗?)这家伙发狂的表情,让我忍俊不禁。
我抚摸着下巴,作出一副思考者的模样,“You should think why other countries can't do that, only China can do it?”(你应该思考为什么其他国家做不到,只有中国做到了?)
“Cheap? Many Countries hope produce the cheaper products, but they can not, you know why? Because China has a higher productivity and advanced science and technology!”(便宜?很多国家想生产比较便宜的产品都做不到,你知道为什么吗?因为中国的生产力较高,科技先进!)我差点喷这个鱿鱼丝一脸,直接对他翻了一个白眼!
“Hmmmm ...”(嗯?)Younis单手捏着下巴,陷入了一片沉思中,脸色也不再那么愤青......
“Hey, Boss! Where are you from?”(嘿,老板!你来自哪里呀?)我结账时,顺便对着公寓我那第一次去吃午饭的餐厅老板问道。
“Pakistan! I’m from China. China and Pakistan is very well, we are brothers!”(巴基斯坦!我从中国来。中国和巴基斯坦非常友好,我们是兄弟!)我一听到巴基斯坦,脑海里就浮现出高中地理老师讲的中巴友好关系,一时激动,就直接脱口而出了!
“Yes, we are brothers!”(是的,我们是兄弟!)餐厅老板比我还激动,一下子给了我个热情的拥抱,搭着我的肩膀,挥手招呼他那些店员伙伴到我这来,“He is our friend, he is Chinese!”(他是我们的朋友,他是中国人!)
“You are from China?”(你是中国的?)一位年轻一点的小伙子很兴奋地握着我的手。
“Yes, I come from China, I am Chinese!”(对,我来自中国,我是中国人!)我也热情地握着他的手。
一个印度尼西亚朋友问到餐厅伙计,“Why our price is different? Our food is same!” (为什么我们的价格不一样?我们的食物都是一样的!)
“Because he is my brother!” (因为他是我兄弟!)餐厅伙计说完,扭头就跑!