set key value
get key
set cnt 100
incr cnt
incrby cnt 50
mset a 1 b 2 c 3
mget a b c
type key
randomkey // random get a key
clear // clear the screen
rename old new
renamex old new // if new exists, this will fail
dbsize // total amount of keys
push pop
rpush list A C F G // left push return the list length
lpush list B
lrange list 0 -1 // output list[0,-1]
exists list
del list
rpush list A B C
rpop list
hset myhash field1 "Hello" field2 "world"
hget myhash field2
set (s) and ordered set (z)(ordered by the score)
sadd set 1 2 3 4
smembers set
sismember set 5
zadd zset 1 "value1" 2 "value2"
zrange zset 0 -1 withscores
expire key 100 // key will be removed after 10 seconds
set key 100 ex 30 // 30 seconds
ttl key // find how many time left