大年初一带娃去公园感受年味儿,一路上见到的真的是people mountain people sea. 转了一圈,找了下海边的小老鼠, 吃了一个椰子,肥家!
M: coco, look. so big a tree. look its root. its amazing! vow!
路上跟娃叽里呱啦讲英语,除了I can see 增加了用I can hear…
M:listen, coco. who is singing. jiujiujiujiu…
S: 我才没听到什么叫呢!
M: listen carefully. now, a bird is singing. I can hear a bird singing.
S: yes, a bird is singing.
M: I can see trees/grass/flowers/a baby/children/balloons/toys.
我笑着回答“no, she is not a monkey"
我说“maybe she is just for fun”
娃来了一句“no fun”
早上起床玩了《the hug》的角色扮演,中午睡醒跟娃出去玩了《sly fox and red hen》的角色扮演,这逼着我把两本书要全背下来的节奏啊,还好重复的语句很多。
M: coco,let's play a game. here are the little letter cards where is little i? I will count from 1to 3, when I count 3, let's touch the card, ok?
S: okay.
M: let's touch little i, 1, 2, 3!
M: You got it! You win. Congtatulations! You choose which card we will touch.
S: m
M: OK, Let's touch the little m. 1, 2, 3!
M: Vow.You got it again! I will try my best next time
M: Let me count how many cards i've got.1,2,3…
M:OH,thank you so much.I love you.