【每日英语听力】20180809 TED 演讲 How fake handbags fund terrorism and organized crime # Alastair Gray

Two years ago, I set off from central London on the Tube and ended up somewhere in the east of the city

两年前,我乘坐地铁 从伦敦市中心出发, 最後到了市东的某处,

walking into a self-storage unit to meet a guy that had 2,000 luxury polo shirts for sale.

走进一个迷你的自存仓库, 与一个有两千件 高档休闲衫要卖的人会面。

And as I made my way down the corridor, a broken, blinking light made it just like the cliche scene


from a gangster movie. Our man was early, and he was waiting for me


in front of a unit secured with four padlocks down the side. On our opening exchange,


it was like a verbal sparring match where he threw the first punches.

就像是口头的练习赛, 他先出拳。

Who was I? Did I have a business card? And where was I going to sell?


And then, he just started opening up, and it was my turn.


Where were the polo shirts coming from? What paperwork did he have?


And when was his next shipment going to arrive? I was treading the fine line


between asking enough questions to get what I needed and not enough for him to become suspicious,

问够问题以得到我需要的资讯, 同时又不能问太多以免他起疑,

because what he didn't know is that I'm a counterfeit investigator, (Laughter)


and after 20 minutes or so of checking over the product for the telltale signs of counterfeit production --

检查产品大约二十分钟後, 看能不能抓到仿冒品的小辫子──

say, badly stitched labels or how the packaging had a huge brand logo stamped all over the front of it --

比如缝得很差的标签, 或是包装的正面 满满是大型品牌商标──

I was finally on my way out, but not before he insisted on walking down to the street with me


and back to the station. And the feeling after these meetings is always the same:

但他先坚持要 陪我走到车站的那段路。这类会面之後的感觉,总是相同的:

my heart is beating like a drum, because you never know if they've actually bought your story,

我的心跳像打鼓一样快,因为你永远不会知道 他们是否真的相信你的说法,

or they're going to start following you to see who you really are. Relief only comes when you turn the first corner

或是他们会开始跟踪你, 看看你到底是谁。要等你转过第一个转角, 向後瞄一眼,

and glance behind, and they're not standing there. But what our counterfeit polo shirt seller certainly didn't realize


is that everything I'd seen and heard would result in a dawn raid on his house, him being woken out of bed by eight men on his doorstep

我刚刚看见、听到的一切, 最後导致他的房子在凌晨被突袭,被站在他家门阶上的八个人惊醒,

and all his product seized. But this would reveal that he was just a pawn


at the end of a counterfeiting network spanning three continents, and he was just the first loose thread that I'd started to pull on

横跨三个大陆的仿冒网路 最末端的小爪牙,他只是我开始拉的第一个松脱线头,

in the hope that it would all unravel. Why go through all that trouble?


Well, maybe counterfeiting is a victimless crime? These big companies, they make enough money,


so if anything, counterfeiting is just a free form of advertising, right?


And consumers believe just that -- that the buying and selling of fakes is not that big a deal.

仿冒只是一种 自由形式的广告,对吧?消费者相信。

But I'm here to tell you that that is just not true. What the tourist on holiday doesn't see about those fake handbags

购买和贩售假货没什麽大不了的。但我来这里要告诉各位, 实情并非如此。

is they may well have been stitched together by a child who was trafficked away from her family,

渡假观光客不知道背後那些 负责缝制仿冒手提包的人,

and what the car repair shop owner doesn't realize about those fake brake pads

可能是被家庭非法卖掉的童工, 而修车店老板不知道,

is they may well be lining the pockets of an organized crime gang involved in drugs and prostitution.

那些仿冒刹车片的背後, 是在帮有组织的犯罪集团敛财,

And while those two things are horrible to think about, it gets much worse,


because counterfeiting is even funding terrorism. Let that sink in for a moment.


Terrorists are selling fakes to fund attacks, attacks in our cities that try to make victims of all of us.

稍微沉思一下这点。恐怖份子贩售仿冒品 来为攻击提供资金,

You wouldn't buy a live scorpion, because there's a chance that it would sting you on the way home,

攻击我们的城市, 让我们所有人都变成受害者。你不会去买一只活的蠍子,

but would you still buy a fake handbag if you knew the profits would enable someone to buy bullets

因为有可能在回家路上你会被牠螫, 但你仍然会买仿冒手提包吗?

that would kill you and other innocent people six months later? Maybe not.


OK, time to come clean. In my youth --


yeah, I might look like I'm still clinging on to it a bit -- I bought fake watches while on holiday in the Canary Islands.

在我年轻时──是的,我可能现在 看起来都还算年轻──

But why do I tell you this? Well, we've all done it,


or we know someone that's done it. And until this very moment, maybe you didn't think twice about it,


and nor did I, until I answered a 20-word cryptic advert

也许在这一刻之前, 你们买仿冒品都不会迟疑,我以前也不会迟疑,

to become an intellectual property investigator. It said "Full training given and some international travel."


Within a week, I was creating my first of many aliases, and in the 10 years since, I've investigated fake car parts,

广告写着「提供完整的训练 及一些国际旅程。」不到一周,我就在创造 我许多化名中的第一个了,

alloy wheels, fake tech grooming tools, fake bicycle parts,


and, of course, the counterfeiter's favorite, fake luxury leather goods, clothing and shoes.


And what I've learned in the 10 years of investigating fakes is that once you start to scratch the surface,

仿冒的皮件奢侈品、衣服和鞋子。 在调查仿冒品的十年间,

you find that they are rotten to the core, as are the people and organizations that are making money from them,


because they are profiting on a massive, massive scale. You can only make around a hundred to 200 percent


selling drugs on the street. You can make 2,000 percent selling fakes online


with little of the same risks or penalties. And this quick, easy money


then goes on to fund the more serious types of crime, and it pays the way to making these organizations,


these criminal organizations, look more legitimate. So let me bring you in on a live case.


Earlier this year, a series of raids took place in one of my longest-running investigations.

让我举一个活生生的例子。 今年稍早,发生了一系列的突袭,

Five warehouses were raided in Turkey, and over two million finished counterfeit clothing products were seized,


and it took 16 trucks to take that all away. But this gang had been clever.


They had gone to the lengths of creating their own fashion brands, complete with registered trademarks,


and even having photo shoots on yachts in Italy. And they would use these completely unheard-of and unsuspicious brand names


as a way of shipping container loads of fakes to shell companies that they'd set up across Europe.

他们会用这些完全没听过、 不可疑的品牌名称, 来当作运送大量仿冒品的方式,

And documents found during those raids found that they'd been falsifying shipping documents

来掩护他们设在全欧洲的空壳公司。 从那些突袭行动找到的文件,

so the customs officials would literally have no idea who had sent the products in the first place.

发现他们一直在伪造运送的文件, 所以海关关员完全不会知道。

When police got access to just one bank account, they found nearly three million euros


had been laundered out of Spain in less than two years, and just two days after those raids,


that gang were trying to bribe a law firm to get their stock back. Even now, we have no idea where all that money went,

在那些突袭的两天後,那帮歹徒尝试贿赂一间 法律事务所来取回存货。

to who it went to, but you can bet it's never going to benefit the likes of you or me.

即使到现在,我们都还 不知道那些钱到哪里去了,到谁手上了,

But these aren't just low-level street thugs. They're business professionals, and they fly first class.

但可以打赌, 你我绝对不会是受益人。但这些人并不只是 低层级的街头混混。

They trick legitimate businesses with convincing fake invoices and paperwork,

他们是专职的企业家, 乘坐飞机的头等舱。 他们欺骗合法的公司,

so everything just seems real, and then they set up eBay and Amazon accounts


just to compete with the people they've already sold fakes to. But this isn't just happening online.

接著,他們在 eBay 和亞馬遜上設立帳號,和那些已购买他们仿冒品的人竞争。

For a few years, I also used to attend automotive trade shows taking place in huge exhibition spaces,

但这不只在网路上发生。 有几年的时间,我也会 去参加汽车零配件展,

but away from the Ferraris and the Bentleys and the flashing lights, there'd be companies selling fakes:

都是在大型展览空间举办,但在远离法拉利、 宾利汽车、及闪光灯的地方,

companies with a brochure on the counter and another one underneath, if you ask them the right questions.

会有些公司在贩售仿冒品: 这些公司的柜台上摆着型录,

And they would sell me fake car parts, faulty fake car parts that have been estimated to cause over 36,000 fatalities,

柜台下还有另一种型录, 问对问题就可以拿到。 他们会卖我有瑕疵的仿冒汽车零件,

deaths on our roads each year. Counterfeiting is set to become a 2.3-trillion-dollar underground economy,

估计这些零件已造成 超过 36,000 起死亡事故,那是每年在道路上的死亡数。

and the damage that can be done with that kind of money, it's really frightening . . .

仿冒业开始变成了 2.3 兆美元的地下经济,那麽巨额的金钱能造成的伤害。

because fakes fund terror. Fake trainers on the streets of Paris,


fake cigarettes in West Africa, and pirate music CDs in the USA


have all gone on to fund trips to training camps, bought weapons and ammunition, or the ingredients for explosives.

在美國的盜版音樂 CD,全都被用来资助去训练营的旅程、

In June 2014, the French security services stopped monitoring the communications of Said and Cherif Kouachi,

买武器和弹药,或爆裂物的原料。 2014 年 6 月, 法国的保安部门停止监控,

the two brothers who had been on a terror watch list for three years. But that summer, they were only picking up that Cherif was buying

赛义德和谢里夫寇瓦奇之间的通讯,这对兄弟已在恐怖份子 监视名单上有三年了。

fake trainers from China, so it signaled a shift away from extremism


into what was considered a low-level petty crime. The threat had gone away.


Seven months later, the two brothers walked into the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine


and killed 12 people, wounded 11 more, with guns from the proceeds of those fakes.

这对兄弟走进了 查理周刊总部办公室,杀死了 12 个人,还射伤 11 人,

So whatever you think, this isn't a faraway problem happening in China. It's happening right here.

他们用的枪来自那些仿冒品的收益。不论你怎麽想,这并不是 在中国发生的遥远问题。

And Paris is not unique. Ten years earlier, in 2004, 191 people lost their lives


when a Madrid commuter train was bombed. The attack had been partly funded by the sale of pirate music CDs in the US.

十年前,2004 年,191 人丧命,死於马德里的火车炸弹事件。

Two years prior to that, an Al Qaeda training manual recommended explicitly selling fakes

那次攻擊,有部份資金來自 美國所販售的盜版音樂 CD。 那件事的两年前,

as a good way of supporting terror cells. But despite this, despite the evidence connecting terrorism and counterfeiting,

一本基地组织的训练手册 明确建议贩售仿冒品,说这是资助基层恐怖组织的好方法。

we do go on buying them, increasing the demand to the point where there's even a store in Turkey

尽管如此,尽管有证据说明 恐怖主义与仿冒业间有关联存在, 我们还是会去买,增加了需求,

called "I Love Genuine Fakes." And you have tourists posing with photographs on TripAdvisor,


giving it five-star reviews. But would those same tourists have gone into a store

還有觀光客在旅遊評論網站 TripAdvisor 上張貼照片,给这间店五星的好评。

called "I Love Genuine Fake Viagra Pills" or "I Genuinely Love Funding Terrorism"?


I doubt it. Many of us think that we're completely helpless


against organized crime and terrorism, that we can do nothing about the next attack,


but I believe you can. You can by becoming investigators, too.


The way we cripple these networks is to cut their funding, and that means cutting the demand

你们也可以成为调查员。要破坏这些网路, 就要切断它们的资金,

and changing this idea that it's a victimless crime. Let's all identify counterfeiters,

那就意味着切断需求,改变想法,了解仿冒并非 无受害者的犯罪。

and don't give them our money. So here's a few tips from one investigator to another


to get you started. Number one:

以下是一个调查员之间 传授的一些小密诀,让你们有个开端。

here's a typical online counterfeiter's website. Note the URL.


If you're shopping for sunglasses or camera lenses, say, and you come across a website like medical-insurance-bankruptcy. com,

注意它的網址。 (註:醫療-保險-破產.com)如果你要买比如 太阳眼镜或相机镜头,

start to get very suspicious. (Laughter)

而你找到了一個像 medical- insurance-bankruptcy.com 的網站。你要非常怀疑它。

Counterfeiters register expired domain names as a way of keeping up the old website's Google page ranking.

(笑声) 仿冒商会去注册过期的域名,

Number two: is the website screaming at you that everything is 100 percent genuine,

這樣可以延用舊網站在 Google 搜尋結果的排名。第二:

but still giving you 75 percent off the latest collection? Look for words like "master copy,"

这个网站在大声疾呼说 所有东西都是 100% 真品,但最新的系列产品还能打到 25 折?

"overruns," "straight from the factory." They could write this all in Comic Sans, it's that much of a joke.


(Laughter) Number three:

他们用类似手写的字体来写, 算得上是个玩笑。(笑声)

if you get as far as the checkout page, and you don't see "https" or a padlock symbol next to the URL,


you should really start thinking about closing the tab, because these indicate active security measures

而沒看到「https」或 在網址旁邊的掛鎖符號,你真应该考虑直接关掉这网页,

that will keep your personal and credit card information safe. OK, last one:

因为这些都是现行的安全措施,能确保你的个人资料 和信用卡资料安全。

go hunting for the "Contact Us" page. If you can only find a generic webform,


no company name, telephone number, email address, postal address -- that's it, case closed.

如果你只能找到一般性的网路表单,没有公司名、电话号码、 电子邮件地址、实体地址──

You found a counterfeiter. Sadly, you're going to have to go back to Google


and start your shopping search all over again, but you didn't get ripped off, so that's only a good thing.

不幸的是,你得回到 Google,重新开始你的购物搜寻,

As the world's most famous fictional detective would say, "Watson, the game is afoot."

但你没被欺诈,这是唯一的好事。正如世界最知名的 小说侦探角色会说的:

Only this time, my investigator friends, the game is painfully real.

「华生,游戏开始了。」 (注:福尔摩斯的口头禅)我的调查员朋友们,

So the next time you're shopping online, or perhaps wherever it is,


look closer, question a little bit deeper, and ask yourself -- before you hand over the cash or click "Buy,"

或不论在哪里购物时,看清楚一点,问深入一点, 然後问问自己──

"Am I sure this is real?" Tell your friend that used to buy counterfeit watches


that he may just have brought the next attack one day closer. And, if you see an Instagram advert for fakes,

告诉你身边曾买仿冒表的朋友,他的购买可能会让 下次的恐怖攻击提前一天发生。

don't keep scrolling past, report it to the platform as a scam.

如果你在 Instagram 上 看到仿冒品的廣告,不要只把画面拉过去,

Let's shine a light on the dark forces of counterfeiting that are hiding in plain sight.

向平台检举诈欺。 仿冒的黑暗力量隐藏在众目睽睽下,

So please, spread the word and don't stop investigating.

让我们用光去照射它们。 拜托各位,把话传出去,

Thank you. (Applause)


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