Nowadays if you go to the grocery stores or restaurants, you will notice "Gluten Free" labels and menus are poping up overall the place. Some people may think what fad diet do those hippies come up with this time? And it looks like it's getting popular. After all, there are all sorts of concepts of sugar-free, meat-free, dairy-free, fat-free, cholestrol free, so it's just another thing. For those of you who are not familiar with it, I offer today to take you for a quick look at the gluten free concept and how I believe it's different from some fad diet and is probably here to stay.
What food contains gluten?
Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in wheat and related grains, including barley, rye, oat, etc. It's what gives the dough the elastic texture. It's in many many common foods, such as breads, cakes, cereal, pastas, pizza, soy sauce, and even beer. A lot of prossessed food also contains gluten.
To maintain a gluten-free diet, one needs to be very disciplined. It's very easy to break it. It's really not for people who just think it's cool to be gluten-free. It's not cool. It's arguably more difficult than a vegetarian diet.
So you've got to have a really good reason to give up all that deliciousness, right? Which leads to the next point:
Who's on a gluten free diet? (why do people do it?)
I still remember that I was shocked when a friend of mine told me that she was allergic to noodles about eight years ago. Coming from the Chinese culture, it is unheard of and was beyond my comprehension. How can that be?! Everyone eats noodles. I love noodles and have been eating it all my life! It's delicious! I was in denial.
Then I found out about Celiac Disease. Apparently, there is a group of people who do not process gluten well. They get abdominal cramping, diarrhea, nutrition deficiencies and a host of other symptoms when they consume foods containing gluten.
And then, there are people who have non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These people might not have severe reactions to gluten like Celiac Disease people, but they could also experience a range of symptoms such like bloating, abdominal discomfort or pain, constipation, brain fog and chronic fatigue. Some estimates put 10% of the general population in this category.
Needless to say, if you are one of these people, you probably want to avoid gluten, if you are aware of it. I wasn't until I did researches that led to series of revelations, thinking back on the frequent than normal episodes of abdominal pain, bloating, diarrahea and constipation in my early life. Our next question is:
Why? (How does it work?)
You might think the same I did eight years ago. How is it that such a common popular food that's almost in everything can hurt someone's health?
Celiac disease is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system attacks your own body. In this case, it's the immune system attacks the small intestines after consuming gluten. There're theories that speculate gluten has toxic effect on the body which is why the body is trying to minimize the exposure to it by limiting absorption through attacking itself.
Other gluten sensitivities could be due to its actual toxic effect.
But, you may ask, we as human have been consuming it for thousands of years. Wouldn't we have known it better? All I can say is that it doesn't kill you, at least not immediately. It may or may not be killing you slowly, but it certainly can make some people's lives not as enjoyable.
If you are intruged, or thinking you might have some symptoms, you might ask:
How do you know if you are gluten intolerant?
There are tests that can diagnose gluten intolerant including blood test and intestinal biopsy. But there isn't a conclusive method to detect all different levels of gluten sensitivity.
The best way is probably to remove it from your diet for a period of time, say 60 days. Then add it back in and see if you feel any difference. If you feel better while gluten-free and feel worst when adding it back. You probably have some level of sensitivity.
If you suspect you do, I encourage you to try it or at least look into it. If you are indifferent or have no concern about your health related to gluten, I'm happy to have shared what I know and hope to have brought awareness to this issue that impacts many people I know.
(The End)