此前腾讯发布的第二季度财报显示,公司净利润为178.67亿人民币,同比下降2%。近13年来,腾讯单季净利润首次出现下滑。分析人士认为,尽管游戏业务的收入在腾讯营收中的占比近年来持续下降,但其贡献的利润仍占总利润的绝大多数。而游戏行业今年以来持续收紧的监管力度,无疑是导致腾讯业绩和股价下滑的最主要原因。9月30日,腾讯宣布了近六年来最大的内部组织架构调整。在新一轮的优化调整中,腾讯在原有七大事业群的基础上进行重组整合,成立六大事业群,包括新成立的云与智慧产业事业群(CSIG)、平台与内容事业群(PCG),而原有的微信事业群(WXG)、互动娱乐事业群(IEG)、技术工程事业群(TEG),企业发展事业群(CDG)将继续保留。在外界看来这一架构调整方案既保持了腾讯在深耕垂直领域的优势和特点,又突出了其对聚焦融合效应的高度重视。换言之,在移动互联网红利逐渐消失的当下,腾讯,率先打响了互联网下半场战役的第一枪。本篇课程首发于2018年11月22日,选自 The Economist Espresso APPNo fun: Tencent's earnings
① Last weekend the Chinese gaming and social-media titan turned 20.
② Its transition to adulthood has been painful.
③ From a record valuation in January of $573bn, the company's stock, listed in Hong Kong, has slumped by over 40%.
④ For the three months to June, it reported its first quarterly profit decline since 2005.
⑤ A blow for sure, but analysts expected approvals for computer games, mysteriously frozen by Chinese regulators in March, to resume around September.
⑥ They did not, and so the fresh set of quarterly earnings announced today will show the extent of the damage.
⑦ The results will also allow investors to gauge, for the first time, the health of two new business units created in a sweeping internal restructuring in September: Tencent's content platforms (including music, eSports, news and video-streaming) and its cloud services.
⑧ Both need to be big new sources of revenue.
⑨ The gaming-approval freeze is expected to outlast the winter.
earnings /ˈɜːnɪŋz, ˈɜːrnɪŋz/: n. (复数) 利润
titan /ˈtaɪtn/: n. 巨头;泰斗
transition /trænˈzɪʃən/: n. 转变;过渡
list /lɪst/: vt. 上市
slump /slʌmp/: vi. (价格、价值或销售额) 猛跌;突然下降
blow /bləʊ/: n. 打击;挫折
resume /rɪˈzjuːm/: vi. (中断后) 继续;重新开始
gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/: vt. 评估;判断
business unit: 业务部门
sweeping /ˈswiːpɪŋ/: adj. 影响广泛的;彻底的
content platform: 内容平台
cloud service: 云服务
revenue /ˈrevənuː/: n. (公司的) 收益;(政府的) 收入
outlast /ˌaʊtˈlɑːst, ˌaʊtˈlæst/: vt. 比……持续时间长;比……活得长
1. titan: n. 巨头;泰斗
· 表示“行业巨头”:giant/behemoth/goliath/juggernaut
· behemoth /bɪˈhiːmɒθ, bɪˈhiːmɑːθ/
· goliath /ɡəˈlaɪəθ/
· juggernaut /ˈdʒʌɡənɔːt, ˈdʒʌɡərnɒːt/
2. transition: n. 转变;过渡
China is now in the transition to modernity.
3. outlast: vt. 比……持续时间长;比……活得长
· outnumber: vt. 在数量上超过;比……多
Our boys outnumber girls in our class.