week 2 初稿


I’m very glad to come to this beautiful place. Davos is only a small town on the Alps, but it serves as an importance window to the global economy. Everyone from all over the world gather here to let wisdom sparkle in the clash of ideas. In this way, we can get a lot with relatively a small amount of input. I think this phenomenon can be regarded as the Schwab Economics.


“It was the best of the times, it was the worst of times.” The English novelist Charles·Dichenks had made such comment on the world after the first industrial revolution. And today we also live in a contradictory world. On the one hand, human civilization has developed into its highest level as the continued accumulation of physical wealth and scientific and technologic advances that keep upgrading; on the other hand, it faces growing uncertainty caused by the frequent occurrence of regional conflicts, the rise of global challenges such as terrorism and the flow of refugees, poverty, unemployment and the widening gap of income distribution.


First, we have to find out its root causes before solving this problem. Some people have attributed these disharmonious phenomena to the economic globalization. Economic globalization had been deemed as the gate to wealth, and now the Pandora’s Box, the source of evil. And the international community has made extensive discussion on this issue.


Today, I want to share my views on the world economy from the perspective of economic globalization.


Third, we should advance with the times and establish a governance model that is fair and reasonable. Petty wisdom is reflected in the management of a particular issue, while great wisdom the management of the system. As the need to reform the mechanism of global economy becomes increasingly urgent, more and more countries in the international community are calling for the reform to be carried out. We should realize that only a mechanism of global governance conforming to the emerging needs of the world economic landscape can provide strong safeguard for the global economy.


All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community with equal access to participate in the decision-making process, equal rights and obligations. We should give emerging market countries and developing countries a bigger say. The plan to reform the share of IMF has taken into effect, and such trend should be maintained. We should uphold multilateralism, safeguard its authority and effectiveness and remain committed to our promises, follow relevant rules instead of making choices at our own will. The Paris Agreement is line with the orientation of the world development. Such achievement is gained with great efforts that it should be abided by all of us and should not be easily given up. This is our dual responsibility for our descendants.


Fourth, we should uphold fairness and inclusiveness and formulate a well-balanced universally beneficial development model. A great mission of us is to build a society for all. We develop our economy to benefit our people. We aim to pursue a more balanced development so that everyone has equal access to the opportunities brought by development and the fruits of the development. To do that, we must improve our concept and model of development to enhance its fairness, effectiveness and synergy.


We will cultivate a social climate that advocates diligence and thrift, and values everyone’s achievement. We will focus on dealing with problems such as poverty, unemployment and the widening income gap, etc, and take into full account of the concerns of vulnerable groups to promote social justice and fairness. In addition, we should also protect our ecological environment to achieve coordinated development of the economy, society and the environment as well as the harmony between man and nature and between man and the society. And we should implement instructions of UN 2030 Sustainable Development Meeting to achieve balanced development worldwide.


We can achieve everything with synergistic efforts and wisdom. As long as we cultivates a firm awareness of common destiny, help each other and face the difficulties together, we can create a better a world and bring about happier live for our people.

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