2019-5-25 面谈English......


Hello, everyone. My English name is ×××. I am active and energetic.

I like English best, because it's interesting. I like talking with different people, and I want to know more about their culture. My favorite sport is football, because it makes me healthy and confident. I want to be a basketball player in the future, like Messi(梅西). I like him very much. He is my hero(英雄). In my spare time, I always watch football matches with my friends. We often play football on the weekend. I believe that I can be a football player someday, so I will practice harder. As a famous sentence says:'Practice makes perfect.' There may be people with more talent, but I will always be the hardest one.

话题:如何学英语。How do you learn?

    How can I become good learners in English?

I learn English from four parts: listening, speaking, reading, writing.

For listening, I watch English programs.

For speaking, I listen to the tapes and repeating out loud to improve my pronunciation. And I also have conversations with foreigners to improve my speaking.

For reading, I make word cards to remember new words. I also read some English stories.

For writing, I learn grammar to help me to write right sentences.

话题:你的变化。Your changes.

No pains, no gains.

I have changed a lot, especially in English learning.When I was a little boy,  I hated English. Because there were too many words to remember. I think it was so boring.

But now, I love English. I want to learn more about English. I want to understand the meaning of more English songs and TV shows. I have made some progress by working hard. English can bring me confidence now. I will try my best to be a better student. 'No pains, no gains.'

话题:房间介绍Why do you like your living room?

              Sweet Home

This is our living room. I like it very much. I eat dinner  with my parents here every day. My parents are very busy with their work, and I' m very busy with my study. So we just can have dinner together. We talk about ourselves in the living room.There are a lot of sweet memories here. This is my sweet living room, sweet home.

话题:好朋友 Who is your best friend?

                    My Best Friend

I have a good friend. She is my desk-mate, Anna. She is an outgoing and warmhearted person. We always have the same topics, because we both like reading books. She is good at math. I 'm good at Chinese. So we can help each other. She is my best friend. I hope that we can be good friends forever.

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