

W:He certainly gets about.他肯定也看到了新闻。

S:Well, obviously I lost that round. Although technically, I did solve the case. He killed the old lady because she started to describe him. Just once, he put himself in the firing line.显然我输了这一轮,虽然其实我解决了这个案子。老妇人因为透露了他的信息被杀害,仅此一次他亲自上阵了。

W:What d'you mean?什么意思?

S:Well, usually, he...must stay above it all. He organises these things, but no-one ever has direct contact.通常,他只需遥控一切。他只在幕后策划,谁都无法见其真身。

W:What, like the Connie Prince murder he arranged that? So, people come to him wanting their crimes fixed up, like booking a holiday?那康妮·普林斯的谋杀是他策划的?策划犯罪,就像预定假期那样吗?


S:Taking his time this time.这次他减慢步伐了。

W:Anything on the Carl Powers case?卡尔·鲍尔斯案有进展么?

S:Nothing. All the living classmates check out spotless, no connection.一无所获。所有在世的同学都查了,没有线索。

W:Maybe the killer was older than Carl?也许凶手比卡尔年长?

S:The thought had occurred.我也想过。

W:So why is he doing this,then? Playing this game with you. Do you think he wants to be caught? 那他为何要这么做?跟你玩侦探游戏?难道他想被抓住?

S:I think he wants to be distracted.我认为他只是想找乐子。

W:I hope you'll be very happy together.祝你们俩终成眷属吧!

S:Sorry, what?你说什么?

W:There are lives at stake, Sherlock. Actual human lives! Just so I know, do you care about that at all?人命关天,夏洛克。那可是一条条鲜活的人命,告诉我你都毫不在意吗?

S:Will caring about them help save them?在意有用吗?能救他们吗?


S:Then I'll continue not to make that mistake.那我绝不会犯这个错误。

W:And you find that easy, do you?你倒是心安理得。

S:Yes, very.对,没错。

S:Is that news to you?你今天才看清我吗?

W:No, no.不

S:I've disappointed you.我让你失望了。

W:That's good, that's a good deduction, yeah.很好,推论的一点不错。

S:Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.约翰,别搞英雄崇拜。英雄并不存在,即使有,也不包括我。

S:Excellent. A view of the Thames. South Bank, somewhere between South wark Bridge and Waterloo. You check the papers, I'll look online. Oh, you're angry with me, so you won't help. Not much cop, this caring lark.太好了。泰晤士河景观,位处南岸,南华桥和滑铁卢桥间的某处。你查报纸,我上网看看。你生我气了,不愿意帮忙了,泛滥的同情心分文不值。

W:Archway suicide...拱门自杀


W:Two kids stabbed in Stoke Newington. Ah, man found on the train lineAndrew West.两儿童在斯托克纽因顿被刺伤。火车轨道上发现男尸,名为安德鲁·韦斯特。

S:Nothing! It's me. Have you found anything on the South Bank between Waterloo Bridge and South wark Bridge?一无所获。是我,有没有南岸滑铁卢桥和南华桥间的新案子?

L:Do you reckon this is connected, then, the bomber?你认为这跟炸弹客有关?

S:Must be. Odd, though, he hasn't been in touch.毫无疑问,虽然他这次尚未联系我。

L:Then we must assume that some poor bugger's primed to explode, yeah?看来我们得假定某个可怜人随时会引爆。


L:Any ideas?有何发现?

S:Seven, so far.暂时只有七处。


W:He's dead about 24 hours. Maybe a bit longer. Did he drown?距离他死亡已有二十四小时。可能再长一些。淹死的?

L:Apparently not. Not enough of the Thames in his lungs. Asphyxiated.明显不是,肺里没什么河水,窒息而死。

W:Yes, I'd agree. There's quite a bit of bruising around the nose and mouth. More bruises... here and here.我同意,口鼻周围有多处擦伤,还有些淤痕分别在这里和这里。


W:He's late 30s, I'd say, not in the best condition.他年近四十,处于亚健康状态。

S:He's been in the river a long while, the water's destroyed most of the data. But I'll tell you one thing, that lost Vermeer painting's a fake.尸体在河里很久了,水泡掉了大部分信息。但我敢肯定那副失落的维米尔油画是赝品。


S:We need to identifythe corpse, find out about his friends and...我们要查出尸体的身份,找到他的朋友和...

L:Wait, wait, wait,wait. What painting? What are you on about?等等,别一口气说完。什么油画,你在说什么?

S:It's all over the place, haven't you seen the posters? Dutch old master, supposed to have been destroyed centuries ago. Now it's turned up, worth 30 million.宣传铺天盖地,你没看到海报?荷兰大师遗作,本以为几世纪前被毁的,最近被发现了,价值三千万英镑。

L:OK, so what has that got to do with the stiff?好吧,那跟案子有何关系?

S:Everything. 千丝万缕。

S:Have you ever heard of the Golem?你听说过格木吗?


W:It's a horror story, isn't it? What are you saying?那是则恐怖故事吧,你解释一下好吧?

S:Jewish folk story, a gigantic man made of clay it's also the name of an assassin. Real name - Oskar Dzundza. One of the deadliest assassins in the world. That is his trademark style.犹太民间故事,泥土制成的巨人,也是个杀手的代号,真名奥斯卡·真达。世界顶级杀手之一,这是他的标志性手段。

L:So this is a hit?所以这是谋杀吗?

S:Definitely. The Golem squeezesthe life out of his victims with his bare hands.完全正确。格木总是赤手空拳把目标掐死。

L:But what has this got to do with that painting? I don't see...我没看出这又跟油画有什么关系...

S:You do see, you just don't observe!你看到了只是不会观察。

W:Yes, all right, all right, girls! Calm down.好了好了,女士们,都冷静点。

girls!girls!girls! 也许应该翻译成小姐们~~~~~

W:Sherlock, do you want to take us through it?夏洛克,能否劳驾解释一下?

S:What do we know about this corpse? The killer's not left us with much, just the shirt and the trousers. They're pretty formal, maybe he was going out for the night. The trousers are heavy duty. Polyester, nasty, same as the shirt, cheap. They're both too big for him. So some kind of standard-issue uniform. Dressed for work, then. What kind of work? There's a hook on his belt...for awalkie-talkie.关于这具尸体我们都知道了什么?凶手没留下多少线索,除了裤子和衬衫。穿着很正式,他可能晚上要出门。裤子材料是涤纶,很耐穿,和衬衫也一样都是便宜的低档货。但对他都太大了,应该是统一制服。是工作制服,什么样的工作呢?皮带上有个装对讲机的搭扣。

L:Tube driver?地铁司机?

W:Security guard?保安?

S:More likely.更有可能。

S:That'll be borne out by his backside.从他后背就看得出来。


S:Flabby, you'd think he'd led a sedentary life. Yet the soles of his feet and the nascent varicose veins in his legs show otherwise. So, a lot of walking and a lot of sitting around. Security guard's looking good. The watch helps too. The alarm shows he did regular night shifts.后背松弛无力,让人联想到他经常坐着,但他脚掌和腿上的静脉曲张又表明了不同情况。所以一天到晚不是坐着就是在走路。更可能是保安,还有她的手表,闹钟显示他常值夜班。

L:Why regular?Maybe he just set his alarm like that the night before he died.怎么知道是经常?也许他只是碰巧在死前一晚设置了闹钟。

S:No, no, no. The buttons are stiff, hardly touched. He set his alarm like that a long time ago, his routine never varied. But there's something else. The killer must have been interrupted, otherwise he would have stripped the corpse completely. There was some kind of badge or insignia on the shirt front that he tore off, suggesting the dead man some kind of institution. I found this inside his trouser pockets.  Sodden by the river, but still recognisably...不不,按钮很硬,说明不常碰。工作时间一直没变过。还有别的,杀手肯定是被打断了,要不他会把整个尸体都扒光。他衬衫前胸本来有徽章或标志,被凶手撕了,说明他是在某个容易辨认的地方工作,应该是某种公共机构。我在他裤子口袋里发现了这个,被河水泡了,但还是能依稀辨认出是…


S:Ticket stubs. He worked in a museum or gallery. Did a quick check. The Hickman Gallery has reported one of its attendants as missing -Alex Woodbridge. Tonight, they unveil the rediscovered masterpiece. Now, why would anyone want to pay the Golem to suffocate a perfectly ordinary gallery attendant? Inference, the dead man knew some- thing about it, something that would stop the owner getting paid 30 million.检票存根。他在博物馆或画廊工作,经我搜索,希曼美术馆有一名员工失踪亚历·伍布里奇。今晚,他们要展出新发现的油画。现在的问题是为什么有人要雇佣格木去掐死一个画廊的小小员工呢?说明死者知道了内幕,会让物主的三千万英镑打水漂。


S:The pictures are fake.那幅画是赝品。



L:And a Happy New Year.难得你还懂得谦虚。

W:Poor sod. I'd better get my feelers out for this Golem character.可怜的家伙。我让手下去找找这位格木先生吧。

S:Pointless, you'll never find him, but I know a man who can.没用,你找不到他,但我知道谁能。



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