本来觉得期权就是简单的行权被行权,看准了方向然后买卖或者是做个对冲。这两天看了雪球上精大的文章,发现not even close. 还是要先把各个概念弄得清清楚楚来。今天先说一下波动率和delta吧。
波动率 X(又叫波幅)是说某个期权底下的标的资产在未来有68%的概率落在今天价格的正负X的范围内。(from 精大)
In simple terms, IV is determined by the current price of option contracts on a particular stock or future. It is represented as a percentage that indicates the annualized expected one standard deviation range for the stock based on the option prices. For example, an IV of 25% on a $200 stock would represent a one standard deviation range of $50 over the next year.
Before diving into how it applies to options trading, it’s important to understand the probabilities associated with certain multiples of standard deviations:
- 1 standard deviation encompasses approximately 68.2% of outcomes in a distribution of occurrences
- 2 standard deviations encompasses approximately 95.4% of outcomes in a distribution of occurrences
- 3 standard deviations encompasses approximately 99.7% of outcomes in a distribution of occurrences
Delta有两个含义,第一个含义是期权价格对于正股价格变化的敏感度,即正股每变化1块钱,期权价格的变化。比如说一个call的delta为0.3,就是说正股每升1块钱,期权会升0.3元。(from 精大)
Delta的第二个含义是,该期权到期时被行权的概率。打个比方,某个股票为X时,X+Y的call的delta为0.3,这意味着,市场认为,该期权有30%的概率会被行权。也就是说,该股有30%的机会达到X+Y或者超过X+Y。(from 精大)