Android 中 libnbaio 库的设计和实现

Android 中的 libnbaio (Non-Blocking Audio I/O 的缩写) 库主要是为非阻塞的音频 I/O 设计的,但现在它也包含了一些接口的阻塞实现,因而它的主要作用也变成了为各种音频 I/O 设施提供统一的读写接口。libnbaio 库主要用在 audioflinger 和一些音频 HAL 模块的实现中。libnbaio 库提供的主要组件是 PipeMonoPipe,其中 Pipe 支持单个写者,和 N 个读者,MonoPipe 支持单个写者和单个读者。

Pipe 支持的特性如下:

没有互斥量,在 SCHED_NORMAL 和 SCHED_FIFO 的线程之间使用是安全的。

  • 写入:

    • 非阻塞
    • 如果没有足够的数据则返回实际传输的帧数
    • 如果消费数据的速度不够块,则覆盖数据
  • 读取:

    • 非阻塞
    • 如果没有足够的数据则返回实际传输的帧数
    • 如果读取速度跟不上,将会丢失数据

MonoPipe 支持的特性如下:

没有互斥量,在 SCHED_NORMAL 和 SCHED_FIFO 的线程之间使用是安全的。

  • 写入:

    • 是否阻塞是可选的
    • 如果配置为阻塞,则在返回前将等待,直到空间可用
    • 如果配置为非阻塞,则将返回实际传输的帧数,并且不会覆盖数据
  • 读取:

    • 非阻塞
    • 如果没有足够的数据则返回实际传输的帧数
    • 从不丢失数据

这里看一下 libnbaio 库的设计和实现,代码分析基于 android-12.1.0_r27 版进行。

libnbaio 库提供的主要抽象是 NBAIO_SinkNBAIO_Source,它们分别用于写入音频数据和读取音频数据。libnbaio 库各个部分的继承层次结构如下图:

NBAIO Objects

LibsndfileSourceLibsndfileSink 分别封装了 libsndfileSFM_READSFM_WRITE 模式打开的文件来实现 NBAIO_SourceNBAIO_Sink。这两个组件,由于 libsndfile 许可证不兼容,默认不会被编进 Android 系统中。在整个 Android 系统中,找不到使用它们的地方,随着 Android 系统的发展,它们大概已处于年久失修不可用的状态。

AudioStreamInSourceAudioStreamOutSink 分别封装了 Audio HAL 的 StreamInHalInterfaceStreamOutHalInterface 接口实现 NBAIO_SourceNBAIO_Sink,它们不是多线程安全的。

PipePipeReader 配合使用,分别用于写入音频数据和读取音频数据。MonoPipeMonoPipeReader 配合使用,分别用于写入音频数据和读取音频数据。

SourceAudioBufferProvider 封装 NBAIO_Source 并最终继承自 AudioBufferProvider,它主要用于将 libnbaio 库的那些组件接进 Android 系统的其它音频模块里,如混音器等。

MonoPipeMonoPipeReaderPipePipeReader 实现相关组件的结构如下图:


在基本结构方面,MonoPipeMonoPipeReaderPipePipeReader 基本相同,但它们分别实现不同的读写策略。Pipe 分配一块内存来给 audio_utils_fifo 管理,用于交换数据;读写数据最终都通过 audio_utils_fifo 进行;Pipe 包含一个 audio_utils_fifo_writer 对象,audio_utils_fifo_writer 对象持有对 audio_utils_fifo 对象的引用,audio_utils_fifo_writer 用于向 audio_utils_fifo 写入音频数据;PipeReader 持有 Pipe 对象的引用,且包含一个 audio_utils_fifo_reader 对象;audio_utils_fifo_reader 对象持有对 Pipeaudio_utils_fifo 对象的引用,用于从 audio_utils_fifo 读取音频数据;PipePipeReader 通过共用的 audio_utils_fifo 对象交换数据,它们分别扮演音频数据的写者和读者角色。MonoPipeMonoPipeReaderPipePipeReader 有着相同的基本结构和数据交换方式。从数据流的角度来看,这些组件有如下这样的结构:

Data stream in pipe and pipe reader

来看一下 MonoPipeMonoPipeReaderPipePipeReader 等的具体实现。Pipe 类的定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/include/media/nbaio/Pipe.h) 如下:

class Pipe : public NBAIO_Sink {

    friend class PipeReader;

    // maxFrames will be rounded up to a power of 2, and all slots are available. Must be >= 2.
    // buffer is an optional parameter specifying the virtual address of the pipe buffer,
    // which must be of size roundup(maxFrames) * Format_frameSize(format) bytes.
    Pipe(size_t maxFrames, const NBAIO_Format& format, void *buffer = NULL);

    // If a buffer was specified in the constructor, it is not automatically freed by destructor.
    virtual ~Pipe();

    // NBAIO_Port interface

    //virtual ssize_t negotiate(const NBAIO_Format offers[], size_t numOffers,
    //                          NBAIO_Format counterOffers[], size_t& numCounterOffers);
    //virtual NBAIO_Format format() const;

    // NBAIO_Sink interface

    //virtual int64_t framesWritten() const;
    //virtual int64_t framesUnderrun() const;
    //virtual int64_t underruns() const;

    // The write side of a pipe permits overruns; flow control is the caller's responsibility.
    // It doesn't return +infinity because that would guarantee an overrun.
    virtual ssize_t availableToWrite() { return mMaxFrames; }

    virtual ssize_t write(const void *buffer, size_t count);
    //virtual ssize_t writeVia(writeVia_t via, size_t total, void *user, size_t block);

    const size_t    mMaxFrames;     // always a power of 2
    void * const    mBuffer;
    audio_utils_fifo        mFifo;
    audio_utils_fifo_writer mFifoWriter;
    volatile int32_t mReaders;      // number of PipeReader clients currently attached to this Pipe
    const bool      mFreeBufferInDestructor;

Pipe 对象在构造时,需要传入最大帧数,音频数据格式,和可选的一块用于交换数据的缓冲区。最大帧数将被向上对齐到 2 的次幂。数据缓冲区的大小必须是 向上对齐之后的最大帧数 roundup(maxFrames) * 帧大小 Format_frameSize(format) 个字节。Pipe 对象构造时,如果没有传分配好的内存块进来,则会分配一块内存,在 Pipe 对象析构时,释放分配的内存。Pipe 的构造和析构函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/Pipe.cpp) 如下:

Pipe::Pipe(size_t maxFrames, const NBAIO_Format& format, void *buffer) :
        // TODO fifo now supports non-power-of-2 buffer sizes, so could remove the roundup
        mBuffer(buffer == NULL ? malloc(mMaxFrames * Format_frameSize(format)) : buffer),
        mFifo(mMaxFrames, Format_frameSize(format), mBuffer, false /*throttlesWriter*/),
        mFreeBufferInDestructor(buffer == NULL)

    ALOG_ASSERT(android_atomic_acquire_load(&mReaders) == 0);
    if (mFreeBufferInDestructor) {

PipePipeReader 的读写操作的线程安全语义,主要由底层的 audio_utils_fifo_readeraudio_utils_fifo_writeraudio_utils_fifo 实现。Pipewrite() 函数实现 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/Pipe.cpp) 如下:

ssize_t Pipe::write(const void *buffer, size_t count)
    // count == 0 is unlikely and not worth checking for
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    ssize_t actual = mFifoWriter.write(buffer, count);
    ALOG_ASSERT(actual <= count);
    if (actual <= 0) {
        return actual;
    mFramesWritten += (size_t) actual;
    return actual;

用于从 Pipe 写入数据的缓冲区中读取数据的 PipeReader 类的定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/include/media/nbaio/PipeReader.h) 如下:

class PipeReader : public NBAIO_Source {


    // Construct a PipeReader and associate it with a Pipe
    // FIXME make this constructor a factory method of Pipe.
    PipeReader(Pipe& pipe);
    virtual ~PipeReader();

    // NBAIO_Port interface

    //virtual ssize_t negotiate(const NBAIO_Format offers[], size_t numOffers,
    //                          NBAIO_Format counterOffers[], size_t& numCounterOffers);
    //virtual NBAIO_Format format() const;

    // NBAIO_Source interface

    //virtual size_t framesRead() const;
    virtual int64_t framesOverrun() { return mFramesOverrun; }
    virtual int64_t overruns()  { return mOverruns; }

    virtual ssize_t availableToRead();

    virtual ssize_t read(void *buffer, size_t count);

    virtual ssize_t flush();

    // NBAIO_Source end

#if 0   // until necessary
    Pipe& pipe() const { return mPipe; }

    Pipe&       mPipe;
    audio_utils_fifo_reader mFifoReader;
    int64_t     mFramesOverrun;
    int64_t     mOverruns;

PipeReader 只对单个线程是安全的。不同的线程可以通过不同的 PipeReader 对象读取相同 Pipe 的数据,但不同线程不能通过相同的 PipeReader 对象读取数据。PipeReader 的各个成员函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/PipeReader.cpp) 如下:

PipeReader::PipeReader(Pipe& pipe) :
        mPipe(pipe), mFifoReader(mPipe.mFifo, false /*throttlesWriter*/, false /*flush*/),

    int32_t readers =
    ALOG_ASSERT(readers > 0);

ssize_t PipeReader::availableToRead()
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    size_t lost;
    ssize_t avail = mFifoReader.available(&lost);
    if (avail == -EOVERFLOW || lost > 0) {
        mFramesOverrun += lost;
        avail = OVERRUN;
    return avail;

ssize_t PipeReader::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
    size_t lost;
    ssize_t actual =, count, NULL /*timeout*/, &lost);
    ALOG_ASSERT(actual <= count);
    if (actual == -EOVERFLOW || lost > 0) {
        mFramesOverrun += lost;
        actual = OVERRUN;
    if (actual <= 0) {
        return actual;
    mFramesRead += (size_t) actual;
    return actual;

ssize_t PipeReader::flush()
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    size_t lost;
    ssize_t flushed = mFifoReader.flush(&lost);
    if (flushed == -EOVERFLOW || lost > 0) {
        mFramesOverrun += lost;
        flushed = OVERRUN;
    if (flushed <= 0) {
        return flushed;
    mFramesRead += (size_t) flushed;  // we consider flushed frames as read, but not lost frames
    return flushed;

PipeReader 的读取操作发现写入数据有溢出时,即使读取到了一部分数据,也会返回错误,它获得可读取数据量和 flush() 操作也有类似语义。

MonoPipe 的音频数据写入语义在其 write() 操作中实现,该函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/MonoPipe.cpp) 如下:

ssize_t MonoPipe::write(const void *buffer, size_t count)
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    size_t totalFramesWritten = 0;
    while (count > 0) {
        ssize_t actual = mFifoWriter.write(buffer, count);
        ALOG_ASSERT(actual <= count);
        if (actual < 0) {
            if (totalFramesWritten == 0) {
                return actual;
        size_t written = (size_t) actual;
        totalFramesWritten += written;
        if (!mWriteCanBlock || mIsShutdown) {
        count -= written;
        buffer = (char *) buffer + (written * mFrameSize);
        // TODO Replace this whole section by audio_util_fifo's setpoint feature.
        // Simulate blocking I/O by sleeping at different rates, depending on a throttle.
        // The throttle tries to keep the mean pipe depth near the setpoint, with a slight jitter.
        uint32_t ns;
        if (written > 0) {
            ssize_t avail = mFifoWriter.available();
            ALOG_ASSERT(avail <= mMaxFrames);
            if (avail < 0) {
                // don't return avail as status, because totalFramesWritten > 0
            size_t filled = mMaxFrames - (size_t) avail;
            // FIXME cache these values to avoid re-computation
            if (filled <= mSetpoint / 2) {
                // pipe is (nearly) empty, fill quickly
                ns = written * ( 500000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
            } else if (filled <= (mSetpoint * 3) / 4) {
                // pipe is below setpoint, fill at slightly faster rate
                ns = written * ( 750000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
            } else if (filled <= (mSetpoint * 5) / 4) {
                // pipe is at setpoint, fill at nominal rate
                ns = written * (1000000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
            } else if (filled <= (mSetpoint * 3) / 2) {
                // pipe is above setpoint, fill at slightly slower rate
                ns = written * (1150000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
            } else if (filled <= (mSetpoint * 7) / 4) {
                // pipe is overflowing, fill slowly
                ns = written * (1350000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
            } else {
                // pipe is severely overflowing
                ns = written * (1750000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
        } else {
            ns = count * (1350000000 / Format_sampleRate(mFormat));
        if (ns > 999999999) {
            ns = 999999999;
        struct timespec nowTs;
        bool nowTsValid = !clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &nowTs);
        // deduct the elapsed time since previous write() completed
        if (nowTsValid && mWriteTsValid) {
            time_t sec = nowTs.tv_sec - mWriteTs.tv_sec;
            long nsec = nowTs.tv_nsec - mWriteTs.tv_nsec;
            ALOGE_IF(sec < 0 || (sec == 0 && nsec < 0),
                    "clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) failed: was %ld.%09ld but now %ld.%09ld",
                    mWriteTs.tv_sec, mWriteTs.tv_nsec, nowTs.tv_sec, nowTs.tv_nsec);
            if (nsec < 0) {
                nsec += 1000000000;
            if (sec == 0) {
                if ((long) ns > nsec) {
                    ns -= nsec;
                } else {
                    ns = 0;
        if (ns > 0) {
            const struct timespec req = {0, static_cast<long>(ns)};
            nanosleep(&req, NULL);
        // record the time that this write() completed
        if (nowTsValid) {
            mWriteTs = nowTs;
            if ((mWriteTs.tv_nsec += ns) >= 1000000000) {
                mWriteTs.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
        mWriteTsValid = nowTsValid;
    mFramesWritten += totalFramesWritten;
    return totalFramesWritten;

如果是同步写入,没有足够的空间写入全部数据时,会根据当前缓冲区中已经写入的数据的水位计算休眠时间,并休眠等待,否则返回实际写入的音频帧个数。MonoPipeReader 的读取操作不关心写入数据的溢出,相关操作实现 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/MonoPipeReader.cpp) 如下:

ssize_t MonoPipeReader::availableToRead()
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mNegotiated)) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    ssize_t ret = mFifoReader.available();
    ALOG_ASSERT(ret <= mPipe->mMaxFrames);
    return ret;

ssize_t MonoPipeReader::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
    // count == 0 is unlikely and not worth checking for explicitly; will be handled automatically
    ssize_t actual =, count);
    ALOG_ASSERT(actual <= count);
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(actual <= 0)) {
        return actual;
    mFramesRead += (size_t) actual;
    return actual;

AudioStreamInSource 是对 StreamInHalInterface 的封装,它通过后者读取数据,读取的数据格式会按照从 StreamInHalInterface 获得的数据格式进行。AudioStreamInSource 各个成员函数的定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/AudioStreamInSource.cpp) 如下:

AudioStreamInSource::AudioStreamInSource(sp<StreamInHalInterface> stream) :
    ALOG_ASSERT(stream != 0);


ssize_t AudioStreamInSource::negotiate(const NBAIO_Format offers[], size_t numOffers,
                                      NBAIO_Format counterOffers[], size_t& numCounterOffers)
    if (!Format_isValid(mFormat)) {
        status_t result;
        result = mStream->getBufferSize(&mStreamBufferSizeBytes);
        if (result != OK) return result;
        audio_config_base_t config = AUDIO_CONFIG_BASE_INITIALIZER;
        result = mStream->getAudioProperties(&config);
        if (result != OK) return result;
        mFormat = Format_from_SR_C(config.sample_rate,
                audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(config.channel_mask), config.format);
        mFrameSize = Format_frameSize(mFormat);
    return NBAIO_Source::negotiate(offers, numOffers, counterOffers, numCounterOffers);

int64_t AudioStreamInSource::framesOverrun()
    uint32_t framesOverrun;
    status_t result = mStream->getInputFramesLost(&framesOverrun);
    if (result == OK && framesOverrun > 0) {
        mFramesOverrun += framesOverrun;
        // FIXME only increment for contiguous ranges
    } else if (result != OK) {
        ALOGE("Error when retrieving lost frames count from HAL: %d", result);
    return mFramesOverrun;

ssize_t AudioStreamInSource::read(void *buffer, size_t count)
    if (CC_UNLIKELY(!Format_isValid(mFormat))) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    size_t bytesRead;
    status_t result = mStream->read(buffer, count * mFrameSize, &bytesRead);
    if (result == OK && bytesRead > 0) {
        size_t framesRead = bytesRead / mFrameSize;
        mFramesRead += framesRead;
        return framesRead;
    } else {
        ALOGE_IF(result != OK, "Error while reading data from HAL: %d", result);
        return bytesRead;

AudioStreamInSource 提供接口从 Audio HAL 获得溢出数据的数量。AudioStreamInSource 的可写入数据量总是 Audio HAL 流整个缓冲区的大小。

AudioStreamOutSink 是对 StreamOutHalInterface 的封装,它通过后者写入数据,写入的数据格式会按照从 StreamOutHalInterface 获得的数据格式进行。AudioStreamOutSink 各个成员函数的定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libnbaio/AudioStreamOutSink.cpp) 如下:

AudioStreamOutSink::AudioStreamOutSink(sp<StreamOutHalInterface> stream) :
    ALOG_ASSERT(stream != 0);


ssize_t AudioStreamOutSink::negotiate(const NBAIO_Format offers[], size_t numOffers,
                                      NBAIO_Format counterOffers[], size_t& numCounterOffers)
    if (!Format_isValid(mFormat)) {
        status_t result;
        result = mStream->getBufferSize(&mStreamBufferSizeBytes);
        if (result != OK) return result;
        audio_config_base_t config = AUDIO_CONFIG_BASE_INITIALIZER;
        result = mStream->getAudioProperties(&config);
        if (result != OK) return result;
        mFormat = Format_from_SR_C(config.sample_rate,
                audio_channel_count_from_out_mask(config.channel_mask), config.format);
        mFrameSize = Format_frameSize(mFormat);
    return NBAIO_Sink::negotiate(offers, numOffers, counterOffers, numCounterOffers);

ssize_t AudioStreamOutSink::write(const void *buffer, size_t count)
    if (!mNegotiated) {
        return NEGOTIATE;
    size_t written;
    status_t ret = mStream->write(buffer, count * mFrameSize, &written);
    if (ret == OK && written > 0) {
        written /= mFrameSize;
        mFramesWritten += written;
        return written;
    } else {
        // FIXME verify HAL implementations are returning the correct error codes e.g. WOULD_BLOCK
        ALOGE_IF(ret != OK, "Error while writing data to HAL: %d", ret);
        return ret;

status_t AudioStreamOutSink::getTimestamp(ExtendedTimestamp &timestamp)
    uint64_t position64;
    struct timespec time;
    if (mStream->getPresentationPosition(&position64, &time) != OK) {
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    timestamp.mPosition[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] = position64;
    timestamp.mTimeNs[ExtendedTimestamp::LOCATION_KERNEL] = audio_utils_ns_from_timespec(&time);
    return OK;

AudioStreamInSourceAudioStreamOutSink 提供了 negotiate() 操作,它主要用来完成一些初始化动作,并与使用者协商具体使用的音频数据的格式。


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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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