早餐supposed to be avocado egg salads. Sadly the mashed avocado is not creamy, so I did not eat. I only ate some egg and drank a bottle milk on the way to the MRT station. 因为垃圾简书,我没办法发牛奶照片,去室吧!简书!
Morning assembly. As usual, the air is static and hot, the crowd is boisterous, I am browsing social media and my mugged classmates are reading notes.Students sing national anthem , recite national pledge while flags( school flag and national flag) being raised. The fun part today was our principal improvised a speech, he frankly admitted that he did not have a script and congratulated us that we had finished our common test. After these, we got to know that today is our last time seeing the senior batch of SCs holding morning assembly. New batch will take over soon.
This morning, I had exchanged a shocking news with my 学姐. I told her about one week before the holiday ended, a student from J2 committed suicide. She told me one of her Fmath classmates, a boy, passed away. That happened around three weeks ago, which coincidentally meets with the suicidal case. So I highly suspect that her classmate was the stressful person who terminated his young life. 这也许是名校的通病吧,今年年初华中也发生了一例
落寞的网球场。今天其实天气挺好,不晒也无雨,但地面还是热烘烘的,以convectional current的方式将long wave radiation送到我们身上。其实这个科学知识很简单,太阳加热地面,hot air near the ground rises due to expanded volume, lower density. Cold air at higher position sinks, creating a conventional current cycle.
最后没有足够的网球拍,我们有的玩飞盘(ultimate firsbee)有的玩captain‘s ball。我个人很喜欢captain’s ball呢,飞盘把我弄受伤了,呜呜呜
This Milo energy bar is a treat from my chemistry tutor, it is also meant to celebrate our end of common test. It tastes quite nice, it’s like chocolate cereal with some white chocolate.
I am the Geo rep, so I connect notes and distribute to my classmates. Last time, Zachery paid me 20 ringgit, but he still need to pay me now using SG dollars. Branden does not pay yet, so do Leqi and Kelly.
This is chemistry———chapter 6: reaction kinetics, the note is damn thick , I don’t know how am I going to complete it :(
I could not understand tutorial questions since I don’t watch the lecture video yet
My lunch is stewed potatoes, carrots and beef cubes, coupled with apple( be honest, the apple tastes like raw chicken or some smell related to poultry ) . I don’t enjoy the chicken smell even though chicken is my favorite meat.
到了义工场所,digital clinic,没有老人来,所以浅学一下吧,虽然我在写日志,没学习,但我是打算学的,冲啊小涵涵!
很美很美的大团白云,解释一下,当地上的air加热,会上升right,上升到一定高度(condensation level)就会form cloud。云是水蒸气依附在灰尘or一些颗粒上形成的有型的水汽如果云太重, 就会作为precipitation下雨啦。这块大白云感觉下雨会下很多的样子
今天大概就结束了,有个小乌龙。我们今天其实不用做义工,但是因为记错时间所以白去了,下周我又有scholarship 讲座,去不了,所以很烦,不知道怎么跟工作人员解释,那个姐姐可能是个铁T(很有可能)我认铁T很准