
电视剧行业在不断发展进步中经历了三个黄金时代,今天文中的“the golden age of TV”指的是从20世纪90年代后期或21世纪初开始的,被广泛认为是高质量电视剧层出不穷的时代。究其原因,媒体、互联网技术的应用,以及电视可用时数的大幅增加,引发了大量内容创作,也提升了电视剧行业从业者的创造力。


但与这一趋势相违背的是 Netflix Bloat  现象。在如今电视节目内容异常丰富的今天,作为观众的我们对于  Netflix Bloat 风格的电视剧无法忍受,与其观看这些剧情模糊而又拖拉的节目,倒不如跟随潮流选择那些可以任意“出入”,不需花费大量力气即可轻松理解的节目。




Television has abandoned the novel to become a short story collection

① One of the most common observations on the golden age of TV was that it marked the point where TV became novelistic.

② After years and years of sitcom-style episodic resets - where detective characters never once questioned why such an unthinkable number of people were murdered around them, TV series began to show great delight in telling a single detail-heavy story very slowly. 

③ But that was then. Now, television has abandoned the novel to become a short story collection.

④ Every episode self-contained – often with different writers, directors and actors – linked only by a nebulous theme.

⑤ One of the biggest criticisms of the 'Peak TV Era' is the phenomenon of Netflix Bloat.

⑥ We've all constantly got so much good television to watch that we've become much less tolerant when the novelistic story inevitably starts to meander halfway through a series.

⑦ It makes us feel like our time is being wasted. But with an anthology series, you can just dip in and out. It requires much less dedication. 

⑧ But by their very nature, anthologies are notoriously patchy affairs.

⑨ Every episode requires a brand new idea, and good ideas are hard to come by. 

⑩ They rocket between amazing highs and terrible, terrible lows. Often the good episodes are so good that nobody dwells on the clunkers.

⑪ This sort of show makes perfect sense for 2018.


observation /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən/: n. 观察;监视

detective /dɪˈtektɪv/: adj. 侦探的 n. 侦探

self-contained /ˌself.kənˈteɪnd/: adj. 独立的

dwell /dwel/: vi. 居住;细想某事


1. The golden age of TV: a period started in the late 1990s or the early 2000s with

better TV distribution

2. mark the point: if an event "marks a point in history", it shows the time when something important happened (usually an important change)

3. novelistic /'nɑvə'lɪstɪk/: adj. be related to novels / having the characteristics of the novel

novelistic (novel + -istic): realistic/ futuristic/artistic

His diary describes his life in novelistic detail.


The film uses a very novelistic style to tell the story.


4. after years and years: something happened for a long time and then changed

After years and years of eating meat, he suddenly became a vegetarian.


After years and years of writing poetry, he decided to write a novel.


After years and years of living in England, he decided to travel the world.


5. sitcom /ˈsɪtkɒm, ˈsɪtkɑːm/: n. television series with the same characters involved in funny situations in every show, like The Big Bang Theory and Friends.

episodic: having lots of episodes

6. reset /ˌri:ˈset/: vt. if you reset something, you change the details of something

I need to reset my password.


reset /ˈriːset/: n. something which has been reset / a thing that is the same but has had the details changed

an episodic reset: the same kind of TV episode week after week when some of the details changed 

Every episode is reset. The character's memory is reset in every episode.


7. unthinkable /ʌnˈθɪŋkəbəl/: adj. very unlikely, unbelievable / We cannot believe that it is possible. / It's very difficult or impossible to imagine.

The idea of taking photos with mobile phones seemed unthinkable just 30 years ago.


There are an unthinkable number of stars in the universe.


an unthinkable number amount = a number that is so high that we cannot  believe it or imagine it

8. detail-heavy: adj. too many details

noun + heavy = a lot of something (too much of something)

Fast food can be quite oil-heavy.


The music is a bit too guitar-heavy.


The film is a bit too romance-heavy.


9. abandon /əˈbændən/: vt. to leave that thing and choose another thing instead 

She abandoned law for painting.


He abandoned the army to go into the politics.


Early in his musical career he abandoned rock for jazz.


Television has abandoned its novelistic style for a short story style.


10. self-contained /ˌselfkənˈteɪnd/: adj. independent / not connected to other parts

Each chapter of the book is self-contained so you can read the chapters in any order. 


He is a self-contained person.


11. nebulous /ˈnebjələs/: adj. vague / unclear / cloudy

I think the plan is quite nebulous.


She has a nebulous idea about her career, but nothing certain or definite.


There is a nebulous connection between Spider-man I and  Spider-man II.  《蜘蛛侠I》和 《蜘蛛侠II》之间的联系很微弱。

12. Peak TV: a time in TV history where the choice of TV programmes is overwhelming for the viewer (there are too many TV programmes) 

13. bloat /bləʊt, bloʊt/: vt. something is bloated = too much of something

Netflix Bloat means when TV series have too many episodes and not enough interesting stories to fill each episode, resulting in episodes that seem slow or kind of pointless. They may use 4 or 5 episodes to tell us something that we didn’t really need to know for that TV series.

14. tolerant: willing to accept something

less-tolerant: not to accept something easily / not like it

15. meander /miˈændə, miˈændər/: vi. If something (or someone) "meanders", there is no clear purpose or direction.

The film meanders; it has no clear story.


The film is meandering. 


The book is a romance-heavy meandering story with an unthinkable number of boring chapters.


16. inevitably /ɪˈnevɪtəbli,ˌɪnˈevətəbli/: adv. something is certain to happen / we know it will happen

17. to dip in and out of sth.: to do something in a very casual way

anthology series: a collection of stories, poems, etc., by different writers

an anthology of children's poetry 《儿童诗歌集》

an anthology of modern quotations  《现代语录选集》

18. dedication /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃən, ˌdedəˈkeɪʃən/: n. if something requires dedication, you need to give it a lot of your energy and time

She worked with great dedication to find a cure for the disease.


You will need dedication and determination to complete the course.


19. by one's very nature: things like this always share the same characteristic

Romantic films are, by their very nature, more popular with teenage girls than with boys. 


Larger financial investments are, by their very nature, very risky.


20. patchy affairs /ˈpætʃi/: If something is a patchy affair, sometimes it’s good and sometimes bad. / Parts of it are good but other parts are bad.

21. hard to come by: difficult to find or get

Part-time jobs are hard to come by in summer because many students are on holiday.


Some fruits are hard to come by in winter.


22. highs and lows: high points and low points

The film tells the story of the highs and lows of his musical career.


23. dwell on sth.: to keep on talking about and thinking about something, especially something bad

Learn from your mistake but don't dwell on them.


He was fired from his job but he did not dwell on this. He went out and found a new job immediately.


24. clunker /'klʌŋkə, 'klʌŋkər/: n. something very bad in quality or completely unsuccessful

The film is a real clunker, a totally patchy affair with a meandering plot but some good acting here and there.


Her album is a patchy affair; it rockets between amazing highs and terrible, terrible lows. Some of the songs are amazing and others are total clunkers.




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