The article seems interesting because we always thought AI do physical things better than abstract ones , but the point of this artical is on the opposite.
In my mind ,AI has been proved more intelegent than human being in the game of go,that does't mean AI do better in all aspect about thought .The truth is they have the ability to analyse all the data in one mint ,so snalysis is the key point. Once it takes Emotion/ feeling into the"thought", AI won't do such good job like the previous .
I watched a new American drama this weekend named "Westworld", which tells a story about AI robots wake up their human consciousness after long run torture.The way AI come to life and the way people fight with people impress me a lot .
AI 前段时间大火是因为在围棋领域战胜了李世石,还有在医学案例检索中快速准确的定位方案。