
"目录号: HY-13898


GDC-0032 是一种有效的PI3K抑制剂,能够抑制 PI3Kα,PI3Kβ 和 PI3Kγ 的活性,IC50值分别为 0.29 nM,0.91 nM,0.97 nM。



LY294002-3-Methyladenine-Wortmannin-BYL-719-BEZ235-NVP-BKM120-CAL-101-IPI549-SAR405-GDC-0941-TGR-1202-LY3023414-Quercetin-Vps34-IN-1-BAY 80-6946-



GDC-0032 is a potent β-sparing small molecule inhibitor ofPI3K, withIC50values of 0.29 nM, 0.91 nM, 0.97 nM for PI3Kα, PI3Kβ and PI3Kγ, respectively.

IC50& Target

IC50: 0.29 nM (PI3Kα), 0.91 nM (PI3Kβ), 0.97 nM (PI3Kγ), 0.12 nM (PI3Kδ)

In Vitro

GDC-0032 (100 nM) inhibits AKT/mTOR signaling in PIK3CA mutant cell lines but not in cells with loss or mutation of PTEN; GDC-0032 enhances radiation-induced apoptosis and inhibits growth in head and neck cancer cell lines that are sensitive to its single-agent activiy[1]. GDC-0032 enhances the effects of MEK1/2 inhibition on both BRAFV600E/PTENNullhuman melanoma cells autochthonous mouse melanomas[2].

In Vivo

GDC-0032 (5 mg/kg, p.o.) potently impairs PI3K signaling and enhances the efficacy of fractionated radiotherapy; GDC-0032 and radiation is more effective than either treatment alone in nude mice implanted with subcutaneous Cal-33 xenografts[1]. The vehicle-treated BRAFV600E/PTENNull melanoma-bearing mice experiencs initial tumor regression after treatment with GDC-0032 (22.5 mg/kg, p.o.)[2].

Clinical Trial


The Netherlands Cancer Institute-Genentech, Inc.-EurocanPlatform-Rather

Breast Cancer-Ovarian Cancer-Cancer of the Uterus

November 2014

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.

Healthy Volunteer

April 2013

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.

Healthy Volunteer

November 2013

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.

Healthy Volunteer

November 2013

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.

Solid Cancers-Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

March 16, 2011

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.

Breast Cancer, Non-small Lung Cancer

July 16, 2013

Phase 1


Hoffmann-La Roche

Breast Cancer

April 9, 2015

Phase 3


Southwest Oncology Group-National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Recurrent Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma-Stage IV Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma

June 2014

Phase 2


Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center-National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium-Conquer Cancer Foundation-Genentech, Inc.

Estrogen Receptor Negative-Estrogen Receptor Positive-HER2/Neu Negative-Progesterone Receptor Negative-Progesterone Receptor Positive-Stage IV Breast Cancer-Triple-Negative Breast Carcinoma

June 2015

Phase 1-Phase 2


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute-Genentech, Inc.

Metastatic Breast Cancer-Recurrent Breast Cancer

April 2015

Phase 1


Genentech, Inc.-SOLTI Breast Cancer Research Group-Breast International Group-Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Group

Breast Cancer

November 12, 2014

Phase 2


Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust-Institute of Cancer Research, United Kingdom-Roche Pharma AG-Pfizer

Advanced Solid Tumours-Breast Cancer

February 2015

Phase 1


Southwest Oncology Group-National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Recurrent Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma-Stage IV Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma

June 2014

Phase 2-Phase 3


National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Advanced Malignant Solid Neoplasm-Bladder Carcinoma-Breast Carcinoma-Cervical Carcinoma-Colon Carcinoma-Colorectal Carcinoma-Endometrial Carcinoma-Esophageal Carcinoma-Gastric Carcinoma-Glioma-Head and Neck Carcinoma-Kidney Carcinoma-Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Carcinoma-Lung Carcinoma-Lymphoma-Malignant Uterine Neoplasm-Melanoma-Ovarian Carcinoma-Pancreatic Carcinoma-Plasma Cell Myeloma-Prostate Carcinoma-Rectal Carcinoma-Recurrent Bladder Carcinoma-Recurrent Breast Carcinoma-Recurrent Cer

August 12, 2015

Phase 2

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[1].Zachary S. Zumsteg, et al. Taselisib (GDC-0032), a Potent β-Sparing Small Molecule Inhibitor of PI3K, Radiosensitizes Head and Neck Squamous Carcinomas Containing Activating PIK3CA Alterations. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Apr 15; 22(8): 2009–2019.

[2].Marian M. Deuker, et al. PI3′-Kinase Inhibition Forestalls the Onset of MEK1/2 Inhibitor Resistance in BRAF-Mutated Melanoma. Cancer Discov. 2015 Feb; 5(2): 143–153.

[3].Cocco E, et al. Dual CCNE1/PIK3CA targeting is synergistic in CCNE1-amplified/PIK3CA-mutated uterine serous carcinomas in vitro and in vivo. Br J Cancer. 2016 Jul 26;115(3):303-11.

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