
On the outside eggs were boring.but I konw what was happening on the inside!

Sometimes it pays to have a sensible mother.

Juli 的重大发现(一个简单的鸡下蛋的事,从Juli嘴中说出来,感觉好神奇的生物降临了):

I made the most amazing discovery-chickens lay eggs!Beautiful,shiny,creamy white eggs!


...I don't know what else to suggest.


Bryce's eyes seemed bluer than ever. The way he looked at me-the smile,the blush-it was a Bryce I didn't get to see at school.The Bryce at school was way more protected.


Mrs.Stueby was the one who got me back on the schedule.


Juli:What happened?Did you drop them?All of them.

Bryce:Yeah,and I'm really sorry about that.

Bryce:Why did you just give them to us?

Juli:I'm Trying to be neighborly...

Bryce:Mrs. Stueby's your neighbors,isn't she?So's Mrs.Helms,right?Why be neighborly to us and not them.

Juli:Was it still so obvious how I felt about him?And if he knew.how could he have been so heartless,just throwing my eggs like that.week after week.year after year.

get up the nerve 鼓起勇气

I was trying to get up the nerve to say something to her.But I never got the chance,She wouldn't let me get anywhere near her.

对Juli 的印象慢慢改关:为何爷爷可以给Juli讲这么多话,比同自己生活在一起一年半讲的话还多,还面带笑容,那种发自内心的笑……我从没有见面的笑容

My grandfather had already said more to her in this little slice of time than he'd said to me the whole year and a half he'd been living with us. What was his deal with Juli Baker?

The more I watched them,the madder I got.I was still a cluck-faced jerk,while Juli was laughing it up with my grandfather.Had I ever seen him smile?Really smile.

Bryce's grandfather said to him:

One's charater is set at an early age,Son.The choices you make now will affect you for the rest of your life.

Don't say yes-sir to me,Bryce,Just think about what I've said andthe next time you're faced with a choice,do the right thing.It hurts everyone less in the long run.

in the long run 很长一段时间里

Bryce 内心的变化

I swear I walked ten miles that day. And I don't know who I was madder at-My grandfather,Juli,or me.What was wrong with me?If I wanted to make it up to Juli,why didn't I just go over there and help? What was stopping me?


I’m in the good mood for a walk,want to join me?

When I realized that this wasn't just a walk-this was an invatation to do something together.


Bryce flipped.

I'd spent so many years avoiding Juli Baker that I'd never really looked at her,now all of a sudden I could't stop.


I knew we weren't rich.But I didn't feel like I was missing anything.Anything you could buy,anyway.


I promised myself that when I got home,I'd takle the yard,Rented or not,this was our home.and I was going to help making living here better.

当Juli看到Bryce's grandfather出现在自家栅栏外的描述,很生动

Having hime appear on my sidewalkwas like having some from TV step through the screen and talk to you.

Chet:I know we've seen each other from time to time. I'm sorry it's taken me over a year to come introduce myself.

Bryce's grandfather 看到 Bryce 总在自家窗户望着Juli家的院子,不能理解,为何他不能走出来然后Say hello呢。

Chet:I don't know why he doesn't just come out and say hello.


ChetThe: Curtain in Bryce's room.That's the third time I've seen him watching.

Juli:Really?My heart wasflutteringabout like a baby bird trying to fly.I was happy to finally be planting the yard.But I couldn't help being distracted by Bryce's window

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