我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持2个月了. 把你听懂的句子写在评论里, 和我一起坚持听写, 早日甩掉字幕吧~
Katniss Everdeen, What are you doing here?
I came to see you.
What about the baby?
I lost it.
Are you fine(fighting), Katniss.
Are you(You) here to fight with us?
I am.
I will.
1 句子开头的be动词被省略的这种情况, 总是会虐到我, 而且导致我注意都集中在这个上边, 反倒把后边的fighting vs fine给搞错了.
2 Are you fine的说法其实我从没见过, 我们说Are you alright. 或者You're ok?
3 什么叫Are you fighting? 要我说的话会说Are you still fighting? 唉, 这么短还错了2个.