第5集 遷徙(Exodus)


第5集 遷徙(Exodus)






Episode 5:Exodus (The tsitsikamma coast, South africa)


Episode 5:Exodus (Caratsith a cave)


Episode 5:Exodus (Prdf Hilary Deacon, University of stellenbosch, south africa)
Episode 5:Exodus (The remains of the clasians)
Episode 5:Exodus (The remains of the clasians)



Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Chris Stringer, Natural History Museum)
Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Chris Stringer, Natural History Museum )
Episode 5:Exodus (European Neanderthal fossils)



Episode 5:Exodus (Musee de L'homme, Paris)
Episode 5:Exodus (The skull of a modern man from Morocco in Africa)


Episode 5:Exodus (The kerchief shells of the caratsith estuary in africa)



Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Sarah Tishkoff Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Episode 5:Exodus (Genetic variation studies around the world)



Episode 5:Exodus (American Museum of National History, New York)


Episode 5:Exodus (Blombos, South Africa)


Episode 5:Exodus (Dr. Christopher Henshilwood State University of New York, Stony Brook)
Episode 5:Exodus (The ancient artwork of the blombos cave)



Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Judith Sealy, University Of Cape Town)


Episode 5:Exodus (The red ochre of the blombos cave)
Episode 5:Exodus (Bloomberg cavern ocher decorated bone tools )


Episode 5:Exodus (Blombos cave The stone face of a diamond-shaped network)





Episode 5:Exodus (University of Cambridge,Britain)


Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Marta Lahr, University of Cambridge)



Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Chris Stringer,Natural History Museum)


Episode 5:Exodus (Prof Marta Lahr, University of Cambridge )



Episode 5:Exodus (Taramsa Hill, Egypt )
Episode 5:Exodus (Making stone tools)


Episode 5 / Exodus

Modern Homo sapiens have more in common with ancient skulls found in Africa than they do with the Neanderthals or other hominids found around the world - our immediate ancestors were all African. What we share in common is more important than what divides us as a species.Bones, tools, shells and red-coloured minerals from archaeological excavations in southern Africa reveal the daily lives of those remote ancestors, and that they headed for the beach. Human populations needed to migrate due to lack of resources and the coast was a route to conquer a continent, then move out of Africa to explore the world.(文字来源:BBC TWO Ape-Man)

The discovery of bones, tools and artefacts at two archaeological sites on Africa's southern coast have helped scientists to calculate that people indistinguishable from the modern human species (homo sapiens) first appeared in Africa about 150,000 years ago. This programme explains why these early African beach-dwellers left their homeland to colonize other continents.

The brains and bodies of human-like creatures have evolved nearly as much as we did 200, 000 years ago, but these creatures are not us, and our own species of homo sapiens has not yet appeared.

Study of human evolution is one of the most controversial areas of science, archaeologists to prove our own species in time, the newly discovered fossils collected together, scientists have an important meeting, discuss the one of the most important problem facing. Where and when did humans first walk on earth? How did our journey begin?

The tsitsikamma coast, South africa

Prdf Hilary Deacon, University of stellenbosch, south africa

At the southern tip of Africa is 200 miles from Cape Town carat sith mouth of a cave, professor Hillary deacon: "this is a similar one with us, is different

from before us all kinds of ancient people in Africa." They are obviously the remains of people like us, but they are also very old for at least 40,000 years. But modern people does not necessarily live in Africa 40000 years ago, scientists are confident that they are living in the period of the members of the human only has evolution where thousands of miles away called France today.

Prof Chris Stringer, Natural History Museum

Found in caves in France since 150 years ago the remains of homo sapiens, assume that humans have evolved in Europe, but the British anthropologist Chris doesn't think so, "The Neanderthal fossils I saw in Europe were much more different from early modern humans than they were. Of course, it's not as if neanderthals were the ancestors of early modern humans." Chris found no conclusive evidence of how humans evolved from neanderthals.

Musee de L'homme, Paris

Somewhere from Africa, Morocco's skull fossils, claims to be the fossils of neanderthals in Africa, but at least it seems to be the face than any of the neanderthals, is more likely to be the ancestor of modern humans. Although no one sees Africa as the place where people are now, fossils are beginning to suggest that Africa may indeed be home to modern humans.

Humans may view first appeared in Africa is difficult to prove, professor Hillary deacon: "we have some early information about identification of the caves began the exact s living people, the data from the lower shell." Tests on the shells of cleses were unexpected, with shells of shells 120,000 years old. Professor Hillary deacon: "we are now quite firmly confirmed that the deposits in the range between 1.2 million to 90000, we can take these very sure the time range of human remains." In 90, 000 years, the remains of the clasions are at least 50,000 years older than any other human remains in Europe or anywhere else.

Prof Sarah Tishkoff, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Scientists have begun to shift genetic research to the origins of humans, taking blood samples from different parts of the world and looking for genetic variations in people in Africa, Europe and Asia. These subtle variations in our genetic makeup, which have evolved over thousands of generations, Professor Sarah tishkoff: "We found 199 in Africa, in Europe discovered 98 kinds, discovered 73 kinds of variants in Asia, so, we see more change in Africa, that asians and europeans don't have enough time to accumulate these changes, the African people have more time, this kind of circumstance suggests that they are human ancestors. The work to the conclusion that people around the world, no matter they are africans, the offspring of other places or people, comes from a common human ancestors, they live in Africa about 150000 years ago."

American Museum of National History, New York

Blombos, South Africa

Dr. Christopher Henshilwood, State University of New York, Stony Brook

In Africa with a beachfront in carat 100 miles west of sith, scientists have found another cave, Chris heng and wood is responsible for the bloomberg Bosch cave project team found evidence of tens of millions of years ago, humans lived, recording the from today to 100000 years ago human has just appeared in this cave. They found a great deal of ancient art. Dr. Christopher Henshilwood, "he told me that there must be a clear idea that they know what they want to make, that is cognitive thinking, advanced thinking." Collecting shellfish marks a significant change in behavior, and for archaeologists it shows that these people are beginning to think differently about their world.

Prof Judith Sealy,  University Of Cape Town

"Seashells are interesting not only because they are the main food for coastal communities, but also because we think they are used as bait to capture other Marine life. When people were able to fish 100,000 years ago, they were able to use fish as a possible source of food. Like this all not only illustrates the viability of fishing, heng and Dr. Henshilwood: "it tells us that these people can think ahead and plan ahead, together to need a lot of people in the group cooperation activity, then finish the job."

Dr. Henshilwood: "people see red ochre is important, so their self-study to collect it, I was able to remove the collection before there are 100000 pieces of ocher, I think the ochre how important it is for these people." The blombos clearly value ochre and use it to decorate bone tools and stone art, as well as to decorate their bodies. But do they really think like us?

Dr Henshilwood: "it is important that they are interested in forming a diamond-like pattern on this rock. I think they're trying to create something symbolic. This is the earliest evidence that there may be an attempt to create something called art. Frontier in the coast of Africa in 100000, is far more complicated than the early members of the human family thinking, their fishing, cooking on the stove and themselves and their works of art, they in a symbolic way of thinking, they are completely of modern people, is us.

The researchers then analyzed the genetic variation among modern humans and made further discoveries about our distant origins. Professor Judith Sealy: "by comparing the outside Africa and africans we are observing the genetic difference, we can estimate that in early modern history, has a branch in the population of Africa, sometime after that about 100000 years ago, there was a belonging to a small portion of Africa's population migration, spread to other parts of the earth out of Africa."

After humans first evolved, some of our ancestors soon began to migrate out from Africa to other parts of the world, the modern people came to Australia in  the 60000 years ago the continent is the sea all around, much earlier than previously thought. Scientists are beginning to look for motivation. Why did our ancestors migrate so quickly? So far from where they evolved? What drives them to do this?

University of Cambridge, Britain

Prof Marta Lahr, University of Cambridge

"In prehistory, we know that the vast majority of people are hunters and gatherers, robber, hunting and gathering way of life is quite a good way of life, but it is not a way you can depend upon with absolute certainty, but in similar carat sith estuaries and bloom of the cave, we use of coastal resources and migrated to coastal, because of the potential source of food there." The world was a long shore for our ancestors who lived on the coast, and they moved from generation to generation. The migration of the coastal areas allowed our ancestors to move along a world they did not understand.

Prof Chris Stringer, Natural History Museum

"Coastal line of interesting in a narrow coastal areas, if people adapt to the region, so before they will adapt to go all the way, from southern Africa across Asia are in Australia, more or less will stay in a region already familiar with. But we have to remember that they didn't go on expeditions for knowledge, or gold, or honor. They did it just to survive."

On this great journey, scientists believe that mankind is beginning to acquire important new skills. Marta, professor: "the first in modern times, they all have what we have with the invention of the potential, I think, in fact, is to make them become modern invention, they will be able to invent new solution of the problem. So once in coastal areas, once they try to control these resources, from there to the boat, and from there to larger ships, and from there to the net, from there to the harpoon, only one step away."

Taramsa Hill, Egypt

Not all modern humans have taken the coastal route out of Africa, and in the north of the continent they have been found farther inland. Modern people find make stone tools of raw materials, a stone stringer taught: "this place is a quarry, people came to make stone tools, Belgian archaeologists found a human skeleton in this place." The skeleton found in the middle of these rocks was 60, 000 years ago, and the significance of this quarry is that it is close to another natural pathway out of Africa, the Nile. Stringer taught: "humans lived on both sides of the river in the Stone Age and followed the rivers in all directions into northeast Africa and the Middle East." The settlers also moved on, moving further north into Europe around the Mediterranean, gradually scattering around the world.


文字:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 制作

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