It was O'Brien who was directing everything.
He was the tormentor, he was the protector, he was the inquisitor, he was the friend. Obrien 到底扮演着怎样的一个角色,是敌是友? I have it in my power to inflict pain on you at any moment and to whatever degree I choose? If you tell me any lies, or attempt to prevaricate in any way, or even fall below your usual level of intelligence, you will cry out with pain, instantly. Do you understand that?
take trouble with sb 与某人费劲Obrien说要与温斯特较劲是因为他有价值。
在Obrien的百般盘问和刁难下,温斯特精神几近崩溃。不是confess不是punish,而是cure!!We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him.