Wicked Problems in Design Thinking 翻译1

Wicked Problems in Design Thinking 是一篇非常有名的介绍 Design Thinking 的文章,1992年发表,影响很大。

“Design Thinking” 一词在商业领域的关注源于上个世纪八、九十年代的美国,哈佛大学和史坦福大学的设计学教授首先定义和提出了这一概念。1992年,著名设计家、卡内基梅隆大学的布坎南教授(Richard G. Buchanan)发表了他著名的文章《设计思维中的疑难问题》(Wicked Problems in Design Thinking),文章论述了人们在生产和生活实践中会遇到诸多在根本上就难以界定的困难,这就是所谓的“Wicked problem”,设计思维在这类问题上能起到特殊的作用。当今产业界已经意识到问题而难以发现和界定问题,这正是全球商业领域所面临的痛苦所在。布坎南教授的这篇文章触动了产业界的痛处,使得Design Thinking在全球得到了真正广泛的认同。2000年以来,Design Thinking 成了商业领域的热门词汇,同时,设计的方向也开始从产品转向公共服务和商业服务,设计思维方法开始释放出巨大的能量。2000年底,受IDEO联合创始人Bill Moggridge 的建议,Lavrans Lovlie、Ben Reason和Chris Downs 在伦敦成立了一家新的服务设计咨询公司Live/Work,开创了服务设计Service Design和商业设计Business Design的先河。


第一部分: 探讨背景

Despite efforts to discover the foundations of design thinking in the fine arts, the natural sciences, or most recently, the social sciences, design eludes reduction and remains a surprisingly flexible activity.


No single definition of design, or branches of professionalized practice such as industrial or graphic design, adequately covers the diversity of ideas and methods gathered together under the label.


Indeed, the variety of research reported in conference papers, journal articles, and books suggests that design continues to expand in its meanings and connections, revealing unexpected dimensions in practice as well as understanding.


This follows the trend of design thinking in the twentieth century, for we have seen design grow from a trade activity to a segmented profession to a field for technical research and to what now should be recognized as a new liberal art of technological culture.


It may seem unusual to talk about design as a liberal art, particularly when many people are accustomed to identifying the liberal arts with the traditional “arts and sciences" that are institutionalized in colleges and universities.


But the liberal arts are undergoing a revolutionary transformation in twentieth-century culture, and design is one of the areas in which this transformati onIs strikingly evident.


To understand the change that is now underway, it is important to recognize that what are commonly regarded as the liberal arts today are not outside of history.


They originated in the Renaissance and underwent prolonged development that culminated in the nineteenth century as a vision of an encyclopedic education of beaux arts, belles lettres, history, various natural sciences and mathematics, philosophy, and the fledgling social sciences.


This circle of learning was divided into particular subject matters, each with a proper method or set of methods suitable to its exploration.


At their peak as liberal arts, these subject matters provided an integrated understanding of human experience and the array of available knowledge.


By the end of the nineteenth century, however, existing subjectsWere explored with progressively more refined methods, and new subjects were added to accord with advances in knowledge.


As a result, the circle of learning was further divided and subdivided,Until all that remained was a patchwork quilt of specializations.


Today, these subject matters retain an echo of their old status as liberal arts, but they flourish as specialized studies, leading to the perception of an ever more rich and detailed array of facts and values.


Although these subjects contribute to the advance of knowledge, they also contribute to its fragmentation, as they have become progressively narrow in scope, more numerous, and have lost "connection with each other and with the common problems and matters of daily life from which they select aspects for precise methodological analysis".



The search for new integrative disciplines to complement the arts and sciences has become one of the central themes of intellectual and practical life in the twentieth century.


Without integrative disciplines of understanding, communication, and action, there is little hope of sensibly extending knowledge beyond the library or laboratory in order to serve the purpose of enriching human life.


The emergence of design thinking in the twentieth century is important in this context.


The significance of seeking a scientific basis for design does not lie in the likelihood of reducing design to one or another of the sciences-an extension of the neo-positivist project and still presented in these terms by some design theorists.


Rather, it lies in a concern to connect and integrate useful knowledge from the arts and sciences alike, but in ways that are suited to the problems and purposes of the present.


Designers, are exploring concrete integrations of knowledge that will combine theory with practice for new productive purposes, and this is the reason why we turn to design thinking for insight into the new liberal arts of technological culture.


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