小屁孩日记11 Diary of a Wimpy Kid:Double Down笔记(一)




小屁孩日记真的有趣 晨读也有趣


1.the world doesn't revolve around me (=you are not the most important person in the world).世界不围着你转

2.creepy creeps 令人不安害怕的讨厌鬼/奇怪的人

3. If you tune in to a television or radio station, you watch or listen to it. 调到某一频道(电视 收音机)

  stay tuned请不要走开(别换台)

  what am I up to 你要干什么啊(偏向坏事)You are up to no good. 你肯定要做是呢嘛坏事

4.give sb a good chuckle 让...偷笑/低声轻笑   every now and then 时不时的 entertainment 娱乐圈

5.I'm in on the secret 我知道了一个秘密!介词的妙用

6.The game is rigged.被不正当手段操控

7.juicy steak/ story/ gossip 多汁的牛肉/ 绘声绘色的故事/八卦

8.see sb in a whole new light. 从一个全新的视角去看 很有启发

9.sth is a sham 是个假象

10.catchphrase=buzzword 热词金句

11.washed-up celebrities事业失败的名人  autograph convention 签售会 make a cheap buck 赚轻松钱

12.bump up & mushroom代替increse

13.sth is anyone's guess 谁也说不准 谁也不确定

Words and Phrases

1.revolve around

(1) to move around (sth) in a path that is similar to a circle [v] 以...为中心,绕某物转

The planets revolve around the sun. 行星绕太阳转

(2) to have (sb/sth) as a main subject or interest [v] 围绕...

My parents are always saying the world doesn't revolve around me (=you are not the most important person in the world),but some time I wonder if it actually DOES.

the world revolves around me


creepy [adj] 令人紧张不安的;令人毛骨悚然的 make you feel very nervous or frightened  creep [v] move quietly and slowly蹑手蹑脚地移动前进 

[n] a strange person who you strongly dislike讨厌鬼 

Leave me alone, you creep ! [=jerk,weirdo]



[v] If you tune in to a particular television or radio station or programme, you watch or listen to it.收听收看 tune in 调到这个频道(电视/广播)

But then I realized that if millions of people are tuning in every day to see what I'm up to (做什么,有不好的倾向) ,that's actually kind of cool.

More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day...每天有 600 多万年轻人收看“热门大片”这档节目。

Stay tuned请不要走开(别换台)

stay tuned 别换台

be up to

4.a good chuckle

chuckle: laugh quietly [v n]低声轻笑;偷笑

I try to do sth entertaining every now and then to give the people watching at home a good chuckle.

every now and then 时不时的

entertaining[ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ]  entertainment娱乐圈

5.be in on the secret

be in on the secret 我知道了一个秘密    let sb in on the secret 我告诉你一件事啊,别和别人说啊


You are so on today.你今天比较兴奋    You are not so on today 你今天不太对劲啊

let sb in on the secret 告诉你个秘密啊



But sometimes I wonder how much of my life is REAL and how much of it is RIGGED.

rigged 发音 [rɪgd]

7. juicy

(1) [adj] 多汁的;汁液丰富的;If food is juicy, it has a lot of juice in it and is very enjoyable to eat.

a thick, juicy steak.厚实而多汁的牛排

(2) [adj] 流言或故事生动的,绘声绘色的,尤指涉及隐私的;Juicy gossip or stories contain details about people's lives, especially details which are normally kept private

the juicy gossip 非常八卦的流言蜚语   juicy details 绘声绘色的细节

If it's all fake, the least the people in charge can do is give me some juicier story lines to work with.小屁孩要求给些更有料的台词(Story lines台词)

juicy gossip1

juicy gossip2


[n] 角度;事物呈现的状态;If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature.

If my brother Rodrick is actually just some guy getting PAID to act like a jerk,then that makes me see him in a whole new light. 从一个全新的视角去看 很有启发


[n] Something that is a sham is not real or is not really what it seems to be.假象;虚伪;虚假

If this is all a sham,then I deserve to get paid for my time and effort. 小屁孩想,如果他爸妈也只是演员的话,如果这一切都是一个假象....


(常指名人常说的) 时髦话,流行语,金句  (同义词 buzzword) 

On most TV shows, the main character has a catchphrase that they say at least once per episode.

Later on I'm gonna slap my catchphrase on every piece of merchandise I can think of  and wait for money to start rolling in.

slap:put sth on the surface quickly, roughly, or carelessly.(迅速或马虎地)涂,抹,贴

roll in [v] 纷至沓来;涌现;滚滚而来;If something such as money is rolling in, it is appearing or being received in large quantities.

money rolling in

造句:Duckweed(乘风破浪), a new film directed by Han Han,has fewer catchphrases when compered with The Continent(后会无期).



彻底失败的;事业到头的 If you say that someone is washed up, you mean that their career or success has ended.

I'll not gonna end up as one of those washed-up celebrities who sells pictures at autograph conventions just to make a cheap buck.

autograph convention 名人亲笔签名+会议→签售会

buck是money的口语表达  make a cheap buck 赚快钱、轻松钱

12.bump up

激增快速(mushroom 迅速成长 大量涌现)  可用来替代雅思小作文的increase

But in the last season they usually introduce a new pet or cute kid to bump up the ratings.

The VR industry has mushroomed over the past decade...在过去10年里,VR产业迅速成长。

bump up 暴增

13.sth is anyone's guess

谁也说不准 谁也不确定

it's anyone's guess how he'll cover living, 谁都不知道他要怎样才能负担起生活的各种花销。


Although his parents  always tell Greg that the world doesn't revolve around him,which means he is not the MVP in the world,Greg wonders if it actually does.

After seeing the movie calledThe Truman Show,he has kind of suspected that he is also secretly being filmed by a bunch of creeps.It is anyone's guess that whether we are Trumans. Sometimes he is afraid that all the things around him are shams and he has no idea whether his life is real or rigged. And he figured out it is cool that millions of people are tuning in every day to see what he is up to.

In order to give people a good chuckle,he comes up with some juicy story lines every now and then.For example,sometimes he will let us know he is in on the secret. Unlike those washed-up  celebrities who sell pictures on autograph convention to a make cheap buck,he is kind of thinking waiting for money to start rolling in, by selling different types of merchandise on which his catchphrase ( buzzword ) is slapped.

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